
Saturday, March 18, 2023

Playing it again (sam)


Did I ever tell you about subtextual messages?
This will get edited as soon as I find Woody allen flirting with a really mean guy's wife.

What was the context?? Eighteenth or nineteenth century, flirty wife subtly flirting, Woody overdoes the subtext to get a laugh.


'k, I don't know wtf this is (it's not like you can buy a CD or anything,) but it seems related.

OK that was one, do I remember the other?

One train per train-track, it seems. (shit)


The title.
Well, suppose you were playing a word game with AI and a million monkeys on typewriters,

And it's permitted to use words from different languages.  (one of the hottest type-writers does it so it's legal, stfu)
The other self-proclaimed hot person can cheat by adding explanatory words inside parentheses.

If I wanted to be reeeelly clever, I'd come up with the latin one-worded phrase for

"Play it again"

Toca otra vez, Pachuco

Fucket. Whaddami, a clown for your amusement? 

You remember the kids growing up, all "cool" and " 'sup " and it's that way in forums, jokes aren't funny and subtext runs rampant. 
Plus everyone who matters has a political gun up their butt and another one in their hands.

Wait, did I just say that? I meant something different...Subtext-wise.
How to put someone down in cryptic phrases, should they dare to diss your NRA logo or freedom-fries flag.


"Sonrieme Otra Vez" is three words, not two. Some languages can stick words together, which is what I was looking for (at 3am)

politically-correct subtext (and I'm worse at subtext than I am at math, and I'm very bad at math.)

"Dick Whittington and his cat"

"Hey, Dick, want my puss?"
No,no, until I know the official subtext, I'd better lay off Mr. Whittington


Before I fall dead-asleep and forget my current train, I'm typing hurriedly about how purposefully *tedious* certain parts of mass-effect-andromeda are.

After taking the subway to see her boss, she takes the subway to see her girlfriend's apartment, then her supervisor Captain dunne (after taking the subway,) takes the subway to see the doctor, and back to the subway to find an old lady.

Finding the old lady involves taking 20 pictures, then scanning three or four planets, then trudging through mountainous desert, following footprints.

And if all that wasn't tedious, nevermind. What was the subtext??

A staff game-writer gets paid tons to think up a very involved way of killing time??

Instead of reading my email, talking to a crewmember, quelling a riot.....
I'm missing something, is this fun?
Or were they trying to impress a higher-up. "We're not only neanderthal killers. we can travel and play detective too"

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