
Saturday, March 11, 2023

QEC (fictional yada whatever)

 Quantum-entangled particles are cute but useless so far, and in a distant future, quantum entangled communications might be possible.

I'm not gonna school you, because you either know or do not care...

But what if you could chuck bluetooth and wifi for QEC, to listen to your music collection at work or in your car?
One of the least sophisticated uses of quantum-yada-blah so I'm not holding my breath.

Also quantum-entangled zombies (like drones but more scary)

16,000 32,000 whatever's tuned to a particular frequency (so, 16k frequencies), very expensive, hmm or, a single quantum-entangled driver-magnet in a disembodied speaker.

(AM radio) (LoL)

I don't really know how serial-digital data is transmitted to a digital-to-analog converter, is it really one single bit at any instant of time?

so (if that's true) could a song (with 7.1 "dolby", of course) be transmitted via a quantum-entangled thingy?

Or would they be messing with the nature of things so much that thingies (atoms?) would eventually rebel (or just get tired and die?)

If brain-implants are inevitable in our pre-apocalyptic future, will we be forced to listen to indoctrination and commercials before the song comes on?

Background noise drowning all hope of any meaningful conversation...
I've depressed myself, nvm

specific example of a general rant:

But first, rambling:
Remember "darren stevens," the rather nervous "Bewitched" husband with a real asshole boss and a very nosy neighbor? (nosy!
Well anyway, he had a job in advertising, agonizing over what to put on TV.

OK *These* days, advertisers prolly ask bots or smoke something...

I toned down the colors of this miniscule (I enlarged it) click-bait picture from a cell-phone company.
WHY is a neighborhood by the beach an advertisement for phones?
Answer: it isn't, it's an abstract with pretty colors you'll click on to get a better view, like maybe those teeny tiny pictures of women reading or cooking something.
The quantum entanglement thing could be used for advertising, prolly Will be used for advertising... But actually I'm only grumpy that teeny-tiny thumbnails from companies never show up bigger when clicked on, they completely disappear and are replaced with a boring thing.
We don't know why these women are ecstatic over products they're holding, 
or how it represents "Women's Day", but it's big, and beautiful.

Yay! Women's day! Now go buy stuff

This next picture is a note to myself, a blogless orphan, unfortunately.

You can't (I can't)...shouldn't...rant on about bankable movie stars... People do, I wanted to, but I shouldn't.
Plus I almost died recently, a message from the beyond to slow down, stfu, something.

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