
Thursday, March 9, 2023


 -able vs -ible

cally vs cly

and don't get me started on superfluous "D" (knowledge vs privilege)

blowhard know-it-alls invented this stuff and we're all paying for it.

Names of countries invented by their conquerors, or the UK, whatever.

(Insert example here about "China" which is really ___(?)

Chaungua was too frickin hard to pronounce?

No one spoke to the white long-nosed guy so he made stuff up?

O, so now we're speaking "Sanskrit," ya right.

Diacritics and upside-down e's (schwa's?) are total bullshit.

In english, a diacritic usually means that the syllable is accented, or the usually silent vowel is spoken.
In any other language (from English's point-of-view) it's a pretentious way to look superior.

speeeeeking of which....

Zhongguo(a) could have been soooo much simpler, buuut noooo.

Some guy smoked a opium pipe to come up with *that* spelling...

Scholarly (inoffensive) Post that "explains" (Bah! humbug) it.

WEEEE can say with enough pronunciation-accuracy (ignore the accent)
"GUAcamole" and maybe "Enchilada" and only rubes from Idaho still say 
"Tay-coe", (and La Joe-La, Tor till ah)

so WHY can't we say Chong Gua?

So I paid my last biggie bill of the month, and I'm tempted to dump a wad down on a game.

"Soulcalibur VI" looks tons like "mortal combat", and I almost hear the announcer saying "Finish him!"

Which is great for people liking fighting games...but then why not just buy fighting games?

I heard "Dead Space" is good (I don't hear much but digging through forum archives, I found this nugget of info) (No one trusts me enough to just blurt out, "Buy Yada_blah XII, you'll love it")

Thing is, ALL games everywhere that I might like, are $70.
That's a BIG chunk of change for a guy needing sponges (which are suddenly $10??!!)

This next bit is a disembodied-edit:

Queer girl takes offense
"Queer coding"? JK should sue for Libel.
So now anyone straight watching Rowling's movies or reading her books,
is at best suspect, and at worst, brainwashed.

Which has me flustered, aghast....It's not ok for an author to have opinions?
Not in her well-paid eyes.
Fucket, be what you want, people will disagree, people that you like and are a fan of.
I can't think of any examples this exact second (except for Elton John)
But think of Guys who built a record collection (an expensive one) and found out their idol was gay, the shame.
Or that William-braveheart (the actor) had an issue with some Jews one dark night. (They never explained that or I've seriously lost touch) Um, ed? Joe? O crap, now I gotta google his damned name and look stewpid: "Mel"!!


The answer to "romantical RPG single-player"
(but it's a fucking cartoon)
Kids my age loved "The Brady bunch" too.
And when the movie came out, they were teary-eyed with nostalgia.
(F, IDK)
You don't remember "Donnie and Marie" Nor "Alice Cooper", two musical types with very opposing points of view.

And who's the rock star with a crossbow? (Ted Nugent?) (NVM) If you haven't gotten my analogy yet....

I'm the outre-one, I stand alone liking games that look like real life, with real-life conversations, that don't make you fight every ten seconds (or you can mod it out easily)

I *still* have an unplayed (mostly) game where a very bloody guy is crawling/hiding across the floor while assassins kill everyone in the hospital.
It's enough to give you nightmares, and the game hasn't started yet. 

I've got games that help you build stuff from scrap, after the world has blown up and people are dying of radiation poisoning.
Idk, ultra-real, but hopefully uplifting (The first ten times you play)

I'm soo hungry....My stomach hates *everything*...I can't chew.
OK I'm re-reading that and it sure sounds like whinging... but I wanna go to the drug store for no particular reason except maybe, to stare at the food.

The biggie things, the nice life-changing things, have no refills, are endlessly "in process", or out of stock. (what?!)

So yeah, stare at the food.


I wanted to do an imitation of Gollum and his preciousss ring, in regards to the Dexcom-transmitter and receivers I acquired, but it's pointless to try.
If you show up, trudging through the snow, avoiding chasms, you get rewarded with stuff that should've been out of stock.
O sure, call, write, check their site, but it's all pointless.

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