
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Draft : My Game

 I keep wanting to stop the game. It's fun, just...scary.
If I moved that way IRL I'd think I needed to sit down.

So I go real fast, shoot people and they can't touch me (yet) thanks to my trainer, but...it's still scary.
And no one wants sex yet, they just hint around at it, like they're hot or something.
It's (I dunno) too real, or not real enough (I'm pretty sure my controller's set wrong)

I run as fast as a car. I *might* be invisible (it's a trainer-choice thing).
I *still* don't know how to handle stuff, and I'd rather be my clumsy self all-alone, only I'm hardly ever alone.
(for example): "A" is the go-to key to do stuff in games, "X" is "forget it" (or maybe it's "B")

but that got all switched in this game, and I don't have the confident-stupidity to swap all the buttons around.
Who are you again?
Why am I here?

(And what if I screw up?)

(What if my new expensive controller breaks??)

I gotta go play, like some of you gotta get up for work on a rainy day.
Doesn't say much for the game, but it says less of me.

I got shot and the emperor was strangled.

I'm dead (is that a thing or do I need a replay?)
Shit (googling.....)

So this is it, some nihilistic BS??
OK break's over, gotta go back to work.

My BP is high, 145 or so, over (I don't really care)

and I was just *wondering*,

could a pain killer like codeine have a "rebound" effect???
I don't want to explain that in several boring paragraphs...
Rebound=after the pill wears off.

I could write this or just take a damn pill, hmm

Rebound effects are well documented but...putting "Blood pressure" and "rebound" together is tricky.
They're saying *pain* is like an enemy with a grudge, it waits patiently and then BAM.
Blood-pressure, I'm still looking.

I'll think about this tomorrow

The thing is, *maybe*, 
you start taking serious no-joke meds for blood pressure, 
and stop taking them when you feel fine and the bottle runs dry.
Pissed-off diseases feel like they're being ignored, 
and stage a protest rally as soon as you stop taking whatever keeps them at bay.
Are you getting this?
Taking a med for something you might barely need, then stopping,
Makes whatever you have *worse* and now you REALLY need it.
Doctors are happy, they can put that they justified some med you never really needed in the first place.
I do not know if "150" is scary-high or marginal.
So I feel 80 today, hmm

Another codeine would postpone the inevitable.
A BP-Pill is a kind of "Abandon hope all ye who enter here" thing (You're hooked, forever)
And if it *really* is high, I'll do my time in hell, but if it's rebound, I need to wait a bit, to see if it drops.
(whew) Sorry about the bombastic
Obviously it dropped, but that's not *good* enough for you, *is* it??!!

Well, this next bit is "o shit" and relevant at the same time (It's complicated)
It might not be the codeine in "Tylenol with Codeine"
suspects: Not the rich lady but her butler kind-of-thing.
ROTD word for the day: Anosognosia
Which is, "What, Me? High BP? Yer Crazy"

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