
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Slow News

 Bing is not as strict with their headlines, like google is, kow-towing to every political whim, while Bing is more interested in cats and astrology. So a warning from a priest against spirit-boards caught my eye.

It's a convoluted ad.

If you warn someone against something, tons will want it, and that seems to be the upshot behind this Amazon product you prolly never heard of. 

You need ivanka to summon Nancy Reagan

I'm not procrastinating, not really.
My game is a scary neighborhood a lot like the one I grew up in, only worse.
I have wires embedded in my face. My partner is kind of ugly.
I think I caught some disease.
So yeah, you could *maybe* say I was putting off some inevitable thing.
Donkey-riding has dual / conflicting meanings, all on the same page

It had little to do with humility and more to do with tradition, says one guy (at the top)
and everything to do with Jesus being humble (at the bottom).

The palm-fronds make sense with the top explanation, sorta falls apart with the bottom one.
And next week when you see a palm leaf on some kitchen table, its not for swatting flies, it's blessed.
OK I'm off to go get a link on palm leaves.

I'm sure there's a quaint-curious-lore quote they're just begging to hand you.
And I remember the "Hosanna"-song from the superstar opera.

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