
Monday, April 3, 2023

Mr. Big

 When I'm dead or something (assuming I can use google) ,

I'll know who the engineer with several patents under his belt, sounded like.
One day (being young and really dumb) I just assumed the person I was talking to about the engineer, wasn't a total blabbermoth gossip (like forums, only in person).

So when I blurted that the engineer sounded like a famous actor, everyone suddenly wanted to know who, including the engineer.
Well, shit, my memory was just as bad then and I didn't know.
I *think* I know, eons later, that it was some bearded actor who appeared in many sitcoms.


? Maybe

People gossip.
You meet influential people, just like maybe you'd meet Einstein if you were a hotdog vendor.

I don't want to blurt much more than that, but I wonder what became of him, did he invent something momentous, is/was he on some earth-shaking committee??

(Like the guys who keep improving on USB or whatever?)

Have an opinion? Keep it to yourself, not being backed up by many books, movies and political parties.

I blurted one of my doctors looked like some actor, to an idle conversation with someone nearby, and (of course) he heard it repeated, and took it the wrong way (never piss off your doctor)

(cuz, people LOVE to gossip)

Lately 99% of these blog-entries are to avoid meeting new people and eventually getting killed (and brought back, and killed again,) so don't take this too seriously, don't *gossip* it has more meaning.

But you will, that it does, and your bombastic inner psychoanalytic self will emerge to make some pithy comment.

I wrote (tried to write) an entry about Windows 11 security.
It's so esoteric and arcane I sort of glossed and left my comments (wut?)

anyway this here thing is new.

If something (like maybe a display-utility) required root access, uhm, 

and people rant and gripe windows 11 runs slower.
Well it would, if little utilities for color and sound can't run on the bottom of the OS anymore.
But I'm just idly wondering, before I reboot my new setting and stuff dies or doesn't run in the future.


This next bit has to be read to be believed
Think back to 1801 (1799+2) when there wasn't much to do.
Playing with light would have been an admirable pastime, like (o, I dunno) gliders or electricity.
NOW it's an excuse to get more grant-money.
Wut? Why?
They still can't create better bug sprays

https://www.planetary.org/sci-tech/lightsail Carl Sagan made the show "Cosmos" and I swear he (or some show like his) was extolling the virtues of solar-sails which use solar wind to push a craft along.
Well someone made such a spacecraft, but it didn't go anywhere or do much....

anyway *that* would be something, to sail to the moon, and if you're an overachiever, back again.

But someone somewhere must be against solar powered machines.
NASA keeps getting mentioned in this-or-that article, but I haven't really found much beyond an orbiting satellite.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IKAROS 900mph, using 1.1 Millinewtons of power

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