
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Title TBa

 Yes, it's out of focus, almost like 3D.
No one mentions it.
Is it me??

Anyone with a sub-$1000 card might be afraid to say anything, but I've never been afraid to blurt stuff.

Random scenery picture:

It's like someone with poor eyesight and dirty glasses.

Lemme guess, "Antialiasing"?

The in-game settings are totally inscrutable and mostly have to do with lighting and shadows. I'm um, gonna go tinker, see if I can make a difference.


I'm back from a nap and several TV channels, 
Wondering why forums think fictional minutiae is so cool.
Pick a subject, and someone will rant on about every fucking detail,
and warning you that we're doomed to repeat our mistakes if we don't 
listen to them and their canned propaganda.
The universe is infinite, numbers are infinite, but these guys wanna test the limits of infinity, for no particular reason (except maybe it makes them look knowledgeable)
But fictional trivia is the worst.
No, I never found out WHY the game is clear (crystal) but with odd aberrations,
it's minutia I never really cared to study up on.
The native-resolution-thing is confused (to me) by super-resolutions in games, it's something I want to try but don't notice any differences (or it's worse, per above.)
But yeah, let me (lessee) run the monitor at 3840x2160, run the *Game* at 1920x1080, and turn on the super-resolution-trendy-thing, uhm, hmm.
I'll get back to this, in a month or so.

Interlaced video went out with CRT's but this ultramodern billboard uses it.
Regardless, it looks pretty clear, IDK

watching a crowd of cockroaches skittering in the game, I thought of "Brownian" motion, something a pretentious guy invented to explain "random motion"

and not to be out-nerded, this guy points out, unasked, about diffusiophoresis.
(spellchecker sez wut?)

Gases, liquids, the point is, they move, bump and change direction (now, was that so hard to say?)
I wonder who got the zillion-dollar contract for Brownian motion....
I'm gonna associate "Brownian" with "WiFi" but that isn't random, it's collision avoidance.
"congestion control," whatever.
It was a train that went nowhere...

Minutiae Magnified (be fun at Parties)

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