
Tuesday, May 23, 2023


 This is one of those throw-away entries...
I wanna know why anisotropic filtering is so useless to me.

I've enabled "Depth of field" and "Motion Blur" because some site said to.
Anisotropic is a heavily pushed feature by shills...it doesn't do jack except it makes 3dmark perform lower.

No, what's important to my game and my card, are those canned-scenes they have where conversations take place that I have no control over, Dark/black scenes have artifacts.
In the actual playable part of this game, the artifacts are gone.
OK Say that Player and some friend are discussing the meaning of life for a minute or two, her black hair starts artifacting.
But when she goes back to the game (gathering mushrooms) her hair is just fine.

I suspected, I think it's an improper setting for the game. But which one?


If you wait around for the credits, acknowledgement is given to Nvidia but in my version, nothing at all is said about AMD. I would like to think that after twenty (at least) years, there'd be standards no matter the brand, But biggie brands promote their own standards.
My own monitor is an example...it's an Nvidia-style monitor and my card won't use features because of that (Something inconsequential, adjustable frame rates.)
Rather than have a standard, the Big three push their own versions of frame-rate adjustment, and there is no switch on the monitor to change from one brand or another.
My bombastic point might be, that those little black-on-black squares might be an nvidia vs AMD thing...But I'll keep poking around at settings and maybe one day I'll discover the right one. I have a clue:

Texture quality (in my game's setting) set higher eliminates a lot of artifacting but really heats up the card.
Can I stand the piddly artifacts and enjoy the coolness?
Who's to know?

I'm just learning about TAA (Temporal anti aliasing.)
I feel like I'm watching a low-budget whodunit and trying to figure out the bad-guy (in a whodunit Everyone looks guilty,) but yeah, "TAA" is something to look at or blame, I don't think I can turn it off and there are no other options.
But this'll get edited if a new breakthrough is discovered.

Official Shill's answer (Buy something)

Why people suddenly go "Postal" after social networking....

I have a burning house problem. O well, I'll wait til it rains. SOLVED

Post-graduate schoolwork:
I don't know if breeding animals requires you to stay in the vivarium for the timer to keep going. If you leave, does the timer freeze til you get back?
You're prolly thinking I should "Find out" by leaving for a bit but that would potentially prolong the boring process.
This whole breeding thing was for people doting on cats anyway...They have entire TV channels dedicated mostly to cats, so this is no surprise.

Player cannot sit down ever, nor take a nap, (and it's in a very wet swamp anyway)

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