
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Biased (I know you are but what am I)

Put some chili on it, extra spicy

 Google isn't biased, you are, says the little blurb teasing the article you can't read unless you pay for it.

OK explain this, top of the toppest news, the highest up on google:

This train of thought below (not above) is from the cat-loving, wellness aficionados (all female) on the web (Pick a disease, only women get it, but especially tummies)


Pay for your bullshit...I'll find a better bullshitter first.

Satanic rituals...sounds familiar. Wasn't some satan worshipper going on about dog-abuse in a forum? 
Anyway People make up shit and get famous. Zillllllions in profit.
And there you are looking stupid with your gun in your hand because of something someone made up.

R2-US5-IV (trust me, it matters to someone somewhere) I woke up and one of the keys was stuck, a control key, I think (alt or ctrl)
And I'm a lot poorer than when I bought the keyboard, and Amazon doesn't sell this model.
WHY does "Das Keyboard" truly suck?
Double-types (ddoouubbllee tyypees)
That's it, my keyboard seems to work ok now and I get to avoid the dreaded DAS for another year.
Realforce forever (bzzzzt)
And it has not been a good night for the videocard...several powerdowns so I lowered the GPU-clock very slightly, 2368 to 2350. B I Ggie guess.
Then windows updated itself, so I ran the obligatory 3dmark, which I do after every update. There were a few versions of update last year that would really slow down my old card.
"Great" yeahbutt,why??
One minute it's imploding, the next it's stellar.
Does this sound like a relationship-thing?
It's Friday, if that's any clue.
A bitmap kills (killed) the computer, that's a little extreme, don'tcha think??

Twilight-zoneypi+-- (killing teeny bugs) picture, but it's PNG.
convert it to BMP at your peril.
Hours later, pleading and imploring and stroking (the clock, 2360)
It finally relented and came up with the same result.
Major- things that really make a difference, I have no clue about.

But a guy wonders, those bombasticating
 they get 22,000 on their score, are they full of it or did I miss a setting?
Or were they parroting a marketing blurb (a "leaked" one)

I can't remember much, or I would list the pointless dead-end quests in my game.
The girl pleading for help everytime you pass her is one. Apparently she cheats at some game, so someone hid her playing pieces.
And an old Lady wants to know what happened to her brother, but he's undead and beyond help, and do I really need to tell her that I had to kill him because he's a nosferatu now?
Let her grow old and eventually die in peace.
What else...there's more I'm sure.
The statue-quest comes close to being pointless but it at least teaches lockpicking.
I wanna (I so wanna) skip the whole beast management thing.
It has two biggie parts, and the first part is tolerable, and the second part is extremely boring.
The game hints at maybe needing it, due to a requirement of "Nuanced" knowledge of beasts. (IDK)
Insert Line here about Nihilism and predestination.

Nothing Matters (Nothing)

I've gotten the vague feeling throughout the years, that game writers and the companies who support them, try to emphasize how inadequate your card is, usually lacking memory or anisotropic filtering.
Benchmarks crawl like turtles for the same purpose.
well anyway, it's too-too vague a feeling to write a whole entry about.
Way-way-way overdone or awesome?
I asked the same thing about the subway stations in a nearby city.
(Especially one where people never go to wait for a train, they could be killed by madmen)
(Link needed...nvm)

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