
Friday, May 19, 2023

The videocard (and friends)


I find out early on that you cannot avoid people's evil schemes, that they won't help break into dungeons. They might pretend to cast a spell or two after you've slaughtered the lot.

You're supposed to save birdies, and the evil men arrive to thwart your plans.

The good guys (a girl and some biggie horses) stand there (just stand there) while you wear out your thumbs and arthritic fingers.


This ROTD Non-sequitur is to do with directx12 ray-tracing in Hogwarts Legacy... The poor card tilts at directx-windmills until it's super-hot (75c) to no perceptible purpose. I mean, yeah, it works, but at what cost?
I turned raytracing off.

Today I'm in the undercroft, looking at shadows. 
The part where those little black boxes are, are in exactly one single area, all the other shadows are unaffected, and it's plenty shadowy down there.

Best guess
If we were writing about columns, someone would ask,
"Doric or Corinthian?(Ionic??)"
And if it were a refrigerator color, "Beige or white or stainless?"
Beeeeeeeeeeeeecause there are an infinite amount of blowhard best-guessers out there.

MY blowhardiness: Changing only voltages and *nothing* else affects the speed of my videocard (and keeps the computer from rebooting or shutting down)

So we know there are limits, but within those limits are optimal settings, 
Which you only get from reading endless bombasts.

Right this exact second I'm changing VDDP to what it was yesterday, .93
(don't wait up) 0.935

Whoa, that helped tons! Geez.
It isn't ideal because I don't know what "ideal" is,
but 0.900 was low,
0.930-0.935 is better.

There are maybe 5 or six adjustable voltages, and it's like walking on a narrow sidewalk overlooking a cliff (or in my case, a curb that drops six-inches.)
Those voltages *seem* all right, but I don't know.


This setting's wrong, My original settings worked better.
Raising VDDG-CCD to 0.930 *and*
Raising VDDG-IOD to 0.970 or, 40mv-higher, helped.
Let's add "Lumpy" to the description of the narrow sidewalk.

For the record, listed under "curious and quaint," 
turning OFF "global c-states" killed the speed, 
putting it back to "enabled" made it OK again.
Overclockers live by different sets of rules, 
and maybe this is one where I should ignore one telling me to disable it.
(Not that I know what the hell it is or how it would affect speed)
No one (I looked) seems to know what "Chipset CLDO" is 
(as opposed to cldo-anything else, like vddp etc)
And maybe it's motherboard brand-specific.
Yes we've all heard that the default is "1.2" but I don't know if *lowering* it from the default is helpful or just a snipe-hunt.
Go fry some eggs
Yeahbutt, what is it? He changed two things, colonel Mustard and Miss Peacock.
IDK (speed's OK)

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