
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Barbara the whisper

 This isn't a blog-entry yet, I don't have any research material to back me up.

Some voice-actress murmurs unintelligibly and then whispers "Barbara," I swear.

It's a magical sound-effect, presumably spirits from the dark-side, I wouldn't know.

Isadora Morganach, the curer of really creepy thoughts that haunt you.

She's "Florence-Nightingale" of the wizarding world, according to my game (but I'm making this up from muddled facts in my head)

In point of fact, the game has not ended yet. Was she despised, ostracized for inventing a cure? I'll find out.

Speaking of Bad advice

(OK it's yet another ROTD)

In the game,
There's a curfew at the school that gets totally ignored, Locked doors that get unlocked, forbidden-forests that get travelled to frequently.

I'm getting a subtle message.

(Plus no one sleeps, poops or bathes, the beds and the bathrooms are for show)

It's funny til someone loses an eye.

Masks, WMD's, I want to see what they'll do with Bridges.
"Don't be a lemming, you'll kill yourseeeeelf!!"
There, see? Myth! Myth! (yes?)
Go ahead, jump

Some guy whose cooking skills were limited to making ice, decided to melt sugar because he'd been warned (The internet was still young)
That melted sugar could really destroy a glass stove.
(he didn't actually destroy anything but it must have been a real thrill going against conventional advice, "es un manĂ­a," like they say.)
Back to the subject, if you die in an easy level, can you sort of ignore it?
Contrarian game-writers build death into a game (You need to die to continue) buuut
*This* is not one of those games.
I feel stewpid mentioning it, doubtless countless hordes never ever die, but I've died twice so far.
I hate quidditch and animal husbandry, there, I said it.
But mostly it's all good (mostly)
Damn puzzles and jock valley-girls. Schadenfreude on Imelda, may she be swallowed by the fires of hell and eaten by spiders.
(IOW, my broom will be forever-staid, original)
(It's hot as hell in here, and I'm being nibbled on by roaches, so stfu)
Sports, by and with assholes, can be ignored, I really hope.

Say you're a bored teen with swastikas and RWDS patches, are you being trendy,
 or are you dangerous?
IDK (I said that yesterday) but this guy screams trendy. Plus he's dangerous (and dead).
I've got this super-vague blog I'll never write, in my head.
"Slut tattoo", because it's slutty, or are you a slut?
And other vagueness, like nazi symbols and politicians trying to be trendy. 
This link is clueless but maybe you can, uh, connect some dots (or something)
I haven't found the right keywords.
You know, the goth girl with the knuckle tattoos and of whom it's said,
 "She's going through a phase,"
Evangelicalism isn't what it used to be.

vs smiling waving guys with patches.
Back of head non-threatening (hmm)

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