
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Odd History train-of-thought......

 OK this won't be clear, prolly gets erased soon...


Popular-type guy who was maybe destined for dictatorship, and after he was defeated in political circles, a new era started called "Belle epoque" which is (to my mind) an era people looked back on and said "Things were really nice back then."

The train begins with Bing displaying a lighthouse in France, and some article-writer mentioning the Belle-Epoque era, and (in my head) the controversy surrounding Trump and the parallels to Revanchism. 
But Wait! I will maybe find a better blog that said it first, or this'll be deleted into obscurity. https://www.google.com/search?q=revanchism+Trump&oq=revanchism+Trump

One day soon I should do an entry about Abigail Johnson. She's super rich and presumably happy, the head of Fidelity-Investments.
Now you gotta wonder what banks did to fail while her company continues to rake in the bucks.
Maybe they didn't actually fail, no window-jumpers, they just, reorganized.
Very Smart or just real lucky??
https://institutional.fidelity.com/app/item/RD_9909637/whats-happening-with-banks.html, possibly related to her business (not real sure)

You might wonder why I'm interested in some of her pictures; It's a much older blog, and (her picture) was much younger then.
Lifestyles of the extremely well-heeled.
I even had a town they live in (I must have erased that blog, I really liked it too) (it was a blog about another guy who owns damn near everything in the TV-entertainment department.)
(RIP) Not a nice guy
It's related, I swear, but I erased the entry

And I'm prolly going against their collective advice and buying yet another electronic-product, whose value has dropped precipitously since people started reviewing it.
The near $1000-MSRP-priced 6950XT is, um, soul-serving, assuming I can actually *install* it without breaking anything, and this is from a guy who broke (quite easily) a rtx2080 maybe a year or so ago.
They prolly get bills for a party for way more than I paid, (so yes, it was "on sale") but that's because they scrimp and invest.
Moi, I don't.

This space will be filled with specs, or pangs of regret, very soon.
For example, does the card really need *three* connectors?
I count two connectors in a video.

And a (*gasp*) 900-watt power supply?
*Mine* is 800-watts, but that's when it was new and very clean.
extra 130 watts (hmm)
This is edited down to say, That if you did anything with the new card besides browse the internet, the PC would immediately shut off.
People have had this problem, advice-givers be useless (So I'm kind of glad I didn't ask.)
1. Don't underclock ram, it's useless
2. Don't buy another power supply, it's a biggie waste (Say fellow sufferers)
3. Explore the "Undervolt" option in the driver, which arbitrarily sets something-or-other to 1175 millivolts (whatever.)
My Biggie test is forthcoming, can I run Timespy, will it be slower-than-dirt????

?? This is too important to amend the tail-end of a boring entry, but these are arranged backwards, so it might not make much sense.

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