
Monday, May 29, 2023

Feeling peckish

 "Being hungry" as a title is insulting to hungry people.
My stomach is sleeping fitfully after a bad week.

My wish: That there's a sale on hamburger meat because of the holiday,
But hamburger is so precious it needs filler. $6 a pound is cheaper than $10, if you're digging deep for something nice to say. IDK.


I cannot eat most of those recipes, although one of them reminded me that they make fake bacon...Mostly I'm totally sick of pasta.
Potatoes take forever to cook. But Mashed potato with bacon-bits and tons of beef?
If the bacon bits are just soy, garlic and onion in disguise to look like Jehovah's witnesses, nevermind. 
And I don't even know what aisle the bacon bits are on...


Avocados are way overpriced, don't taste like much.
I buy them anyway, I'm always hopeful. But they consistently disappoint.

Hamburger, uhm, oh, maybe a can of bush's baked beans.
Or rosarita-brand beans, vegetarian ones, with a TON of cheese on top.

I wonder if hot-dogs mixed in with the hamburger and the beans would be good...Hot dogs are also very expensive, almost not worth it.
Ground sausage to mix with the hamburger and beans, for flavor.
Maybe those hot-link fat sausages all cut up...
People go to the meat section the same way they go to a bookstore, browsing but rarely buying.
The meat-guy comes out to stand there,
It's way more crowded than it needs to be.
But you'll find me there, buying something.
Eggs? (to mix with the hamburger, sausage, beans?)
Extremely lean beef is supposed to make up for the astronomical prices.
I'm um, (the train of thought ran away)
Damn near anything substituting for beef is nearly as expensive, so what's the point, may as well buy the real thing.

Murder-mayhem takes second banana to one pissed-off guy on a committee (They're *really* milking this whole debt-thing)
But at least one article says, people are killing each other more than they did last year.
High-prices, high-wages, it's a vortex. (A spiral?) No one gives a shit apparently (no headline anywhere talks about higher prices)
I want my biggie-bowl of meat, then I'll crawl back to my hovel and let yourselves shoot whatever.
The disembodied voice remarked that you'd need a job to get the high wages to counteract the high prices.
"Stay Hungry, My friend" seems like an appropriate end to this bullshit entry

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