
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Allies and other stuff.

 I'm getting little hints that I ignored before, like the one about needing allies. 
Dame Aylin is an angelic-looking woman in love with the king's daughter.
Before, I told the little voice in the game that I didn't need allies, but she's a good one to have around.
That russian/eastern-european woman Jaheira, I hate her, but she probably has some damn power I'd need later, but I'll risk it, she's too hateful.
The patch (the third patch?) (Second?) anyway they changed some lines of dialogue for the angel. 
Have they changed anything else?
Like, where to go and what to do in the city?
I play til I get bored and then I restart.
Like when those enormous robots crush kill and destroy everyone, it's pointless, I'm wasting my time on an underpowered character.
And they don't say anywhere in-game that you need dexterity and a few special spells to survive, that's for you to google.
So when it's time to say goodbye to this game, (unless there's a crapload of mods) I won't miss it.
Randy's special spell store,
A way to dominate robots,
and maybe hinting to the illithid in the mindflayer that beauty kills beasts.
Big-ass subject, that.
Huge. And I'm not touching it with a f'n pole.
Like (ok) remember the scene in the brothel? A prostitute gets off on tentacled people.
Then she hypnotizes you to have an orgasm.
It's ill-fitting, they should have drawn it out, who was she, besides a hypnotist?
Why wasn't she a mindflayer? (all the important people are.)
If act three is pristine and unchanged, I seriously intend to dump this game, with its cryptic-everything you need people to explain (I feel like a five-year-old watching a movie in a theater, with everyone being pissed you're asking about stuff.)
No, it's NOT unchanged, they took out the sexy nude scene.
  Player wakes up and finds shadowhair's hair is white, and she asks, "What do you think?"
OK I'll recheck my settings, but I played the battle-scene (the night before) twice-and-a-half. 
Shadowheart magically bleaches her hair and the next night, asks Player on a date.
I sound senile but I swear her hair was black, they go swimming, and the hair goes white.
Now that it's changed, people will authoritatively state it was never that way. 
Wait, don't I have a picture?
New improved shadowheart (shadowheart-lite)

"Classic" Shadowheart (full flavor)

To make her love you, kill her (twice)

Eye-catching dominant women exist in real life, women who are happiest giving advice and being real estate salespeople.
Shadowheart comes across as very dominant and very submissive at the same time;
Like maybe a really religious real-estate saleswoman. 
The link speaks about pigeonholing people based upon some pictures they glance at.
Too late! 
We Know you now, based upon your very first impressions.
Honestly I just like watching her lips move, and she was on Google's front page.
Well she was.
I *thought* she was.
I resent her philosophy, but I'd listen to her anyway, hmm.

Really polished blogs blather on about nothing, but a few are helpful.
But they should not have to be helpful at all.
1. Kill the king (duke,ruler, whatever) who has an endless supply of biggie robot henchmen. so you learn to bust up the factory,
2. rescue the hostages before you even attempt to mess up the factory.
3. hope that whatserface (the goth/death sadist) is outgoing enough in the playthrough to kill her, except no, you need to solve a murder mystery, and steal some body parts (if only the wine-festival quest would ever trigger) and ignore chuckles the clown, cuz who cares.

I think the original idea was to have so many quests you'd play til the world ended,
but it's like watching an Italian-language movie with way too many commercials.
Eventually you change channels and watch a sitcom instead.

You might like insane plots that cause ar-15 owners to go ballistic, but I don't see the appeal. Fucket, what's so wrong with scantily clad women traipsing over the countryside and becoming empresses at the end?
(Think "alice in wonderland" and her chessboard)

You can't tell in your weird little world what is a bug in a stuck f'n game, 
and what is a plot twist or a puzzle.
And no, I don't wanna learn to ride or drive anything.

My dilemma is clear, concise. I want a game that's fun to play, and I don't really like war games. I hate cryptic games that are like puzzles. 
I could just buy a damn puzzle if that's what I wanted, 
or sign up for a fucking math class.
Puzzle-people who're good at math exist in humongous hordes, and that's great.
Men who drool over war and ammunition, fine too.
I hate them all um, I'm still looking.
  • Bioshock infinite
  • Control
  • Assassin's creed (yada whatever)
  • Skyrim
The type of game these were, more plotty, less puzzle.
Yes you had to google stuff and wend your way through endless monstrous streets, but it seriously killed time, and isn't that what games are supposed to do?
They sort of end after handing you a pointless virtual weapon, but that's cutting cheese. Overall they were great.
I (before I forget) wanna write stuff it should ●not●be..
  • JRPG / Anime
  • "2D" (not sure what this is, 1980's nostalgia?)

The shithole pizza-place in your really bad neighborhood had Huge gigantic game consoles no one ever used. (I can't remember why I was there, was I hungry, was it a shortcut?)
  • mmorpg+ (abcdefg)
  • "hearts of WWII"
  • Anything (strajedy) with virtual playing cards (because, buy the damn cards already)
You wanna spend How much on a videocard for a 2D turn-based JRPG?
What forum do you brag in??
  • Games to be played on laptops in public places in your plaid miniskirt hoping to meet Mr. Right (iow, you aren't there for the game)
I'm prolly outta luck on a game not looking like a cartoon, so what's all this crap about anisotropic occlusion Raytraces?
Starfield, I'll probably hate it but it's trendy as hell (people are buying it blind, sucking hard on the glory hole)
Some guy said there's a learning curve, and then it gets boring.
so why....buy it?
I already own "Nier automata" but I can't remember a thing about it.
Female-protagonists might be overrated, or I have a seriously bad memory problem, or both. (going off to find out what "Nier automata" was about)
ooooh, yeah, boring cartoon where they force the camera into donkey-kong mode...
Long walks going nowhere, unsolvable puzzles, really bad dialogue.
I'm not (I should be) looking at Obama or Bush-era games, IDK.
When DirectX 9 was king.

I reiterate, Bing is Google's slow younger brother.
Bing this, google it too.

Google (Johnny Silverhand, tyvm)
Bing (duh, gee, Tennessee)

Me like candy!

Trusting IGN to point me to a game is like trusting See's Candies for halloween candy choices...Satan-incarnate for financial advice.
We don't know what their preconceived ideas of what a game should be are,
and I can only presume they play whatever studios send them to review.
Nier automata sucks real bad but you wouldn't know it from reviews.
I perforce have a preconceived notion of what a game should look like 
("unreal" from the 90's was perfect)
with the technical prowess of today's GPU you SHOULD be able to see a more realistic experience, but those artists must've retired and moved to Bahrain, and we must content ourselves with heavily plugged anime.
I'm leaning towards Alice in whatever (the final hole) but I'm being circumspect.

beyond the divine director's cut enhanced....wtf, whut??
All I see are three identical games for a buttload of money.
I'll consult my cheat-engine for advice

I Told you kids before, stay OFF my roof!!

I'm getting too warm / bored/ defeated...
Wait, a real cool picture:
The discerning xenophobic will diss central chinese as opposed to taiwanese...
*This* pic is apparently Korean.
I'll support miscegenation and maybe (uh)...anyway it's a nice picture.


Your tastes (asparagus, this next picture) are way different than mine.
A professionally paid author wants to romance the picture.
OK I'm...still wondering about Brie-cheese. You all make me barf, but you're interesting.
"The cutscenes go HARD." Whut? (omg)
I was all set to buy this game and then I read the vague negative reviews which sound identical (what is this "nerfed"?)
If people who liked it don't, what hope have I got?
I can't read the thots of users...if they really ARE customers and not shills or one guy spamming, 
then apparently they liked the game until a patch ruined it, but generally it does not sound like my type of game.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

RIP Gortash & Co

The  first playthrough I killed Gortash relatively easily. Orin couldn't be found.
Now Orin died easily, Gortash was really-really hard (and super boring, I swear I fell asleep
Then the Big Brain goes on the air with a stereotypical evil woman voice.

Real women (In PTA's) don't have manly voices, just good lawyers.

Eyes too pretty, voice slightly highish

Evil gigantic brain is feminine-sounding, without much of a vocabulary (I never hooked up her brain, should I have??)

Decolletage....that skin you show in between your far-apart breasts. I'll edit this as soon as I look up the word, 
O, I see you have a decollete dress exposing your decolletage; your power will become manifest when you rule the board room. (Lower your voice)

But watch any 40's movie or some disney, and you'll see, evil women are older and talk lower.

OK back to work (or to bed) and when I've finally killed everyone everywhere in this game I can celebrate it here.

I think it's stuck.
"4 turns" away and this thing ends
(but it never ends, we're doomed)

It's over. yay.

Ok I'll buy another game.

Nice homey profitable game

I like the little scene where the mindflayer-girl dresses up all sexy and waits to be hugged. Lotta explanations go with that, otherwise it's all "He likes Mindflayers."
Fuck, judgmental plus I didn't write the damn game. But I am specifically referring to her outfit, 

a sort of a very loose fitting jumper for women on honeymoons. 
Which is odd considering where they are, but this is a dream sequence, the flayer is horny, etc.
If I can't find a pic online I'll post a pic in a couple days.

yes, but only the outfit.
The photographer has way-different fetishes.

note for later:
"craven" is a noun meaning coward, but why say it at all. 
I'm still looking for the reason and this is my reminder.

One (the links are too vague so far) can have a craven desire (for cake.)
Craven must have originally meant something ("defeated") that novelists and writers morphed into something else.
The modern word appears to be "gay"
They even made a PSA commercial about it, but they must've burned it for "woke"
Thou shalt not be craven, gay nor woke.

  • Start the game from steam
  • Start from the game's splash page
  • continue from the game's page "press any key"
  • Continue after that ("continue")
  • A whole lotta wasted time meaning nothing except mouse clicks.

Another note:
A cautionary poem, maybe not even a poem but a rhyming sentence, 
warns of a very narrow gap between the tongue and the something (lips, hips, eternal damnation)
Google never heard of it.
No...maybe it's a gossip poem.

That's the one, I think.

I guess people like farmer poems better.
And here I thought it was about weight. (lips to hips)
"Tongue" doesn't rhyme with anything.

PS relevant to the game:
That "submersible" has lockable doors. Use them as much as possible because monsters of the deep cannot open them.
I don't know why, but the first time I played submariner it was dead easy. This time it was very difficult until I found out about the doors.
I think I lost a few but according to the game, most were saved.
Now all's I gotta do is rip up a factory. 
Something tells me I'm doing that wrong too.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Moving on

Some of the stuff was 15th century BC
Who did what in the 15th century BC?
Controversy! (oshit)
Rely on the bible/Pentateuch or 

EVERYthing is tinged with controversy.
Lotsa pottery back then (like, in BG3)
Each and every line above deserves a link, but GOYB (I'm not your puppet)
And look in Google News and Wikipedia.
Wiki will confuse you, like some mesmerizing cloud of useless crap, and Google news is political.
Either way,
they used tons of pottery back then, and dating the pottery proves...(mmmff)

The relevance...might be an orderly timeline of events in ancient times, so you'd know which king lived when. Which archeological-society gets the grant money.
High/low chronology, it kills time, I suppose

This entry hearkens back to video games with skeletons and clay pots.
lotsa skeletons, many pots.

Wedgwood (the pottery people) make stuff and discontinue it, and you can date Wedgwood-blue plates. 
I prefer the fake stuff, I like the color, and found out long ago it's a biggie snooty thing.
No relatives dying that really wanted to pass on their Wedgwood collections, so reading about them is all I can do, eating out of an old pot and a wooden spoon)
I liked blue.

Steve Jobs, Josiah Wedgwood, it's an unexplored uh, collection?
Greedy bastards.
Praised by the greedy
Wishlist: a gold teaspoon
A wedgwood plate you could actually eat off of
Ditto cup
Ditto bowl (assuming you could microwave them)
Melmac was my go-to for dishes until I found out they are poisonous in a microwave.
OK, Josiahs of the future, make microwavable dishes that look classy.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

very (extremely) vague notes so far on BG3 (and stuff)

 You have to google act-3 of BG3 or be stuck there forever,
mentally coaxed by
(lemme see)
  • Shar (a sadistic goddess)
  • Raphael (a devil)
  • The ruler of the city and his mind-controlled robots (who're really people?)
  • A gigantic brain
  • Bhaal (a sadistic god)
  • Selune (M.O.R. god, aloof and mainstream)
  • A mysterious stranger (the "emperor")
So forgive me all to hell for mind-wandering over to hypnosis, which I can't really bring up.
They only use hypnosis in Monster-movies and in Porn.

Play the game through without help (like you'd read a novel without any plot revelations)

and you'll end up stuck, but being mentally prepared and influenced, you'll go far, supposedly.
Unless you wrote the damn thing, and they're prolly ranting, "What? It's so easy, follow the clues"

PS the total vagueness of this entire entry goes against my grain.
I can't discuss "Hypnosis" without controversy.
Lotsa different viewpoints.
First time I heard any US-religion likes hypnosis.
They use it, they condemn anyone else using it, that's what I thought
(But this is online)
Soporific Homilies and endlessly repetitive prayers, it's stupefying, but is it hypnotic?

On *my* videocard, with *my* settings, Vulkan totally sucks quality-wise but it technically works fine. (It just looks bad)
If this is one of those star-wars evil-empire things, I'd rather stay out of it.
Directx (on this game, with my settings) is superior.
(needs another blog-entry)
Moire and missing pieces of textures don't endear me to Vulkan and the fanbois.
(I seriously gotta study up on it)
Join us

My body cannot process oil from food normally, and since they never bothered to check *why*, I don't know.
A distantly related link: https://www.google.com/search?q=oily+food&oq=oily+food (Feeling nauseous? Drink some tea)
Is it incurable?
Well I'd guess, for people with medical groups like mine.

Anyway melted cheese (cheddar) does a number on my digestion, my butt has a fire sale "Everything must go"
And so I googled "least oily cheese"
and got back the answer, "Ricotta", which has milk, and I'm lactose intolerant, and it's High Fodmap, dangerous (I've been told).
So don't melt the cheddar, gotcha.
One of the more self-righteous organs, the liver admonishes and punishes (like BG3)

They don't treat wimpy livers, they sort of lecture you that your lifestyle is lacking in discipline.
Plus you die anyway, but they nag you til the grave, and I've got persistent nausea right this second.
Liver or some tattling organ to my liver?
Yes, I ate cheese.
No, I'm not sorry.
Lay off with the nausea.
I'm self-medicating (tylenol-codeine, "Lomotil"-generic) as an anti-emetic
and maybe it'll help, it's *something*, damnit.

You can google til dawn, it doesn't help doctors find stuff (they'll just say "Munchhausen's," etc.) 
I'm not bringing it up! 
well, maybe if someone asks, "Hello, how are you today?"
But I'm not hopeful.

That question nurses always ask pre-visit, "are you in any pain" is supposed to weed out addicts. I always say "none, TYVM."
Besides the usual obvious (lower back pain, bruising near navel)
"I'm fine. Seriously" except they send you home and you lose a leg.
(F'n doctors)
I like this next picture, models-actresses trying to sell you something.
It's relevant because of two mighty search engines, "Bing" looks a lot like Google's retarded cousin.
Every Bing search I've done comes up lame.
Google FTW (they will rule the world someday, evil-incarnate SOB's but they do a good job of knowing where stuff is)
So if you have Dr. Google and I have PA Bing (o nvm.) 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


OK One or two companies own all the DNS stuff, and have submitted themselves to FBI which does not spare human flesh to bother with the likes of us, it uses AI
(so why flash-mob crimes, why bombings?)
Beeeeeecause, they don't know what to look for (but I'm just ranting in my teeny intro about 

Windows Settings 

(because I forget stuff)
And what do I forget?
Really evil people use SMB which you don't care about, but disable "workstation" anyway, the way you'd lock your cardboard front-door.
Disable "server", I thought that would be self-explanatory (it serves stuff)
Disable "Sysmain," a little guy standing off to the side, recording what you do.
And two or three others I forgot or am unaware of.
If everyone uses "Encrypted DNS" and, it makes the job easier for FBI, but Todd the hacker might have a teeeeeensy bit more trouble.
Hopefully he's fat and lazy and won't bother.
You've got nothing to hide, besides stalking your ex-wife, staring at random porn that reminds you of her, 
and weird food-fetish sites (worms, etc)

Yawnable crap that prolly isn't true anyway:
Disable IPV6 (unless you need it, most don't)
("join us, join us, all are welcome")
"Join us"
https://threatpicture.com/blog/why-disable-ipv6/ (embrace the future, love BB)

The teeny apps you download will nullify anything I just said and,
those pictures blocking a googled site you want to read , are like saying
 "welcome, come in!"
 to a vampire, but that's a way different paranoid thing.
My diabetes app, the one who uploads to a server,
My Games app (generally)
and my Solitaire app (specifically)
*could* be controlled to do other stuff besides upload numbers and times.

A firewall's granularity is non-existent, you either invite apps in or you don't.
In other words, there must be an arcane, esoteric way to block scans and uploads from partitions (other than your C: drive) but I am unaware of them. 
     "Your privacy is your own" (bullshit, lady with hypno-eyes)

and you should be able to completely block your data drive from uploads and scans, even if you've got nothing to hide (password file, boss's résumé, client-list)
Besides scrambling the damned drive, which, once you open it to read, is accessible anyway, so, stupid solution.
You COULD store stuff on some "secure" cloud but that's like taking off all your clothes because someone said you're protected magically.

Monday, August 14, 2023

baldur's gate 3 wtf?

I've got a TLDR kind of, and it's only because I'm so screwed ever trying to kill "Orin" because they tie it to an infinite number of quests you have to be familiar with from the start of the game(?)

https://www.gosunoob.com/baldurs-gate-3/get-amulet-of-bhaal-bg3/ is something you just have to google or maybe it's implied under hypnosis, IDK.

OK not TLDR so much.
Kill Orin! Kill Orin! Kill Orin, the BB commands me.
Travel back in time,
Go to hell (literally)
wear a medal that has eighteen quests to get it.
OK you wanna use the game's mechanics to your advantage, and "dexterity" is nice to have, people say, because it determines who fights first!!
In my horribly bad playing style, who fights first before any bad guys, is extremely important.
"initiative" is important too, someone said, 
and I'll edit this edit if I discover more.
Invest heavily in "dexterity" and abandon all hope for "magic missile" (bye-bye)

  • fighter, who is a
  • Battlemaster, who used to be a 
  • soldier,
  • who has a penchant for Acrobatics
The reason keeping this game from being incredibly pointless and boring (because it's pointless) is replaying umpteen times to get everything exactly perfect, barring jaded feelings of predestination.....play til you're dead, til no one cares anymore.

Biggie satanic tease (think Al Pacino):
To be somebody in BG3, you need to pick a species and a class,
Like maybe Wizard-evoker, to get the "magic-Missile" spell to be able to break walls and thereby cut the shit (dad).

The tease (and I have to guess) is, Satan offers you something but takes away something else.
I don't know what picking a wizard instead of a fighter/soldier will do to you, down the line, will you be eternally wimpy?

The rest of this is bloggish (bloggy) from when I first purchased the game.

And I sort of gutted my gist, which isn't really relevant anymore.

Playing without "Magic Missile" (see above) seems pointless, but I'm following varying suggestions from different sites,

Yes, you're badass until it gets real dark, until you can't push through walls....

Yes you're strong but dum .

So what's the point of the game?

And like every game for the last couple months, the ending is so hard it's pointless to play without secret-sidewalk inside cheats "Hit 'im with a pie," etc
F'n play as a football linebacker, see if it fits (IDK)
Hair color is irrelevant, you Will be red-headed...
Black, highlights=black, graying=black, and she's sort of silver-haired or reddish.
The red part must be blood 

(I hate puzzles)
Pointless stupid ones that kill time.
OK got through, talked to talking dead-head, trudged through bloody guts, found the Absolute.
We who are about to die salute you.
(Right after the mini-movie.)
I'm all, "Time for a restart" or another blog entry.
I'll never get this far but it's nice to know.
The spoilers are so damn thick it's hard to know what's going on:
Kill the minions, control the big-brain (wasn't this a cartoon?)
and command the brain to destroy itself.
uuuhh, whut?
This WAS a cartoon, on Cartoon network.
Maybe they want to appeal to elder gamers.
1. Ignore the witch and the insane woman not wanting to be saved.
2. Ignore all refugees (you'll get a talking-to)
3. Head straight for the mausoleum, Meet shar(ron,lotte, lene?)
4. uhm, I'm starting to forget. The big-ass heroine dies quickly (too quickly)
5. Die/Defeat the undefeatable evil axis controlling the brain
6. (I've not gotten this far) convince the brain that life is hopeless and to destroy itself. (Star trek and every evil-computer)

 (So that pretty girl was a mirage, an illusion? I know about makeup, I wasn't just born, but it took a LOT of makeup to hide the tentacles, the glowing eyes) Fall in love with spanx, with eyeshadow, perfume, it's all a lie.

Ignoring all the fucking HUGE plot-holes, let me summarize:
A really evil octopus flies around the city ("Zardoz" with Sean Connery)
and he's (dyed in the wool bad guy)
and hellraiser-types kill his ship, nearly killing him.
So (excuse me all to hell) when I don't believe "The Emperor" octopus, I find that I'm a slave to a Gargantuan Octopus who does not like me.
O sure NOW you tell my tentacled ass.
Where were you before?
Why does the octopus lie
if he's a good guy (crossdressing son of a worm?)?
Help the goddam plot device (emperor) and ignore my f'n feelings on octopusses,
and then (and then??)
And then "Little house on the Prairie" starts and I start to look for the remote.
No, I'm supposed to be a sewer-hunter, defender against eveil.
And none of this garbled crap is possible without googling. 
I skipped googling "the emperor" and look where it got me.
I'm a thrall of google.
I welcome the darkness already, pain then peace *(if that made no sense you haven't played)

This goes back to my original half-baked question, are worms the food of champions or not??
I don't really know if you're an "immersive" reader/gamer, or if you're the type who reads the last page, replays plot lines.
I *was* the immersive-type, and now it all seems so flavorless and nihilistic (it doesn't matter)
Dominate the world (eventually) or go back to being a bum, which is what I am,
those are my endings (or I could just restart.)
I didn't get my time on the beach this playthrough, either that comes later, or I stepped on some plot-toes somewhere.
I (my character) shrugged and dove in.
But if I say "You first," there's more?
Deliciously perverse to kiss half-infected Shadowhearts,
After you "persuade" them to taste the rainbow, as it were.
BTW we need Illithid halloween candy.

Web pages, wordy ones, tell you the benefits of letting some guy remove your eye, another guy suck your blood,
and (the best so far) surrendering your best friend to get more minions.
Well and there's always the worms you're constantly urged to eat.
I don't know if you can actually win this tirade of tortured pleasures yet, 
because I keep restarting.
No worms, no blood, no ending (yet), and the endless act 3 quests kind of convince me to restart or give up, I don't know yet (but I'm still a good guy)
I destroyed the robot foundry. This is the farthest I've ever gotten, all other playthroughs ended in the Sewers or Bhaal's temple, and I just would run out of reasons to continue.
I've been really trying to get back to the castle / kill Orin, and I'll give it a couple more play-hours, but it looks pretty hopeless now.
Why does everything have to be googled?