
Monday, September 25, 2023

Bloggy entry

 In order to save some money and be able to plunk down a huge lump of money to the amazon card, 
I'm not even *thinking* about replacing my very expensive games I bought recently, with anything else.
That means, searching for mods and hidden little quests,
like the 6th-grade teacher with her busted down bus-ship, or adding powers and abilities to Baldur's Gate.
I'll um, add to this. Beecause, for now, quests in Starfield are trivial, and Baldur's Gate has been played to death (but I've been avoiding the teeny quests)
I'll revisit BG3 and help old ladies, or something,
I'll go to unheard-of planets that no one has ever gone before (I rescued some stranded miners that way, no quest needed)
Maybe I'll hunt down crimson Pirates (I swear that's from an old movie)


I actually was looking for more chairs, a futon, maybe a couch. 
There are lots of empty nooks on my ultra-modern space ship wherein people can stand pointlessly, or maybe sit on the hard-hard floor, but no candles, TV's or playstations. The evolved starborn ethos is minimalist, nothing matters so why bother. 
A pet leech, an old-movie player... A bed?
That collector-guy has the right idea....although there's something about him I do not understand. 
He starts out playing the gay caballero 

and then straightens up and castigates the starborn for being so mean (I mean, within the confines of the damn game, what else can the starborn be?)

I recently added tons of trivia to my mind about lighters, the ones made by bic and the Bich family, in Redon France.

I gotta wonder if those milllions of lighters are warehoused somewhere close by, the only official place for them is the Eastern coastline, and that can't be right.

I dare you to google the correct pronunciation of "Bich" which (the confidently stewpid say) is Beak, bich or something else.
My money is on "Beak" but it might also be "bick" (as in, "Bic") because the guy on Youtube with the pretentious euro-accent says it that way.

Marcel Bich (the bigwig of the Bich family) is pronounced "Beek" but only if you include a thick french accent....Eet Ees Beek (so maybe it's actually "Bick")

The link here was my last attempt at optimizing my CPU for 3dmark,
since the video-card hasn't really changed a lot (they updated the driver.)
I know (always knew but I can verify) that "NX" and "SVM" slow the computer down somewhat.

The ridiculously high CPU score is back to "normal" now, it's no longer 17000, but it's still very nice.

15800 is what I'd get using nx and svm.
Well that's it for this month, unless there's some arcane setting I forgot to tweak.
This *should* ideally list every setting, not rely on my foggy memory, apologies to my future self.
After installing "Ryzen Master" but not changing anything.

LCLK-DPM-Disabled (it is rumored) fools with the "PPT" such that it reads "0"
And an unreadable document referring to "epyc" processors (so, not mine)
talks about nps1 and nps4, which are ways of fooling with numa-nodes.
I think it recommends both based upon other unreadables, so it's certainly something to try, but for now, I *think* disabling LCLK-DPM helped 3dmark.
Whether or not it's good practice, I would not know.
So, (ahem), uh, if you don't use "MPI" whatever it is, try the single-numa node thing.
*I* would, but, I gotta have more intestinal fortitude than I do now, not owning an Epyc.

My choices range from NPS0 to NPS4.
Everyone knows that in binary math a single thingy is called "0"
but I'm trying "NPS1" anyway, I wouldn't want to accidentally behead my processor.

I can't pontificate that I know the exact voltage and temperature my CPU should be, because if a CPU is like a house,
Eventually the plaster cracks and the paint peels, and maybe the roof starts to sag.
So having a "package power limit" of 145W *seems* OK, my voltage offset of 
-.0625 *seems* to work.
The temperature-range when the CPU is actually *doing* anything (not idling)
is from 65 to 75 celsius, and I hope that's all right.
We'll see.
Anyway, ideally, there ought to be another setting, sipping mint-juleps on the porch vs working real hard, so benchmarks would be happy and my room wouldn't overheat.
And there are auto settings, some of which I've disabled, that do that. 
The annoying part is that because windows updates often, I have to run these contests at all. For example a major-update just came through and I have to repeat everything I just talked about, 
If there happens to be a BIOS update waiting for me,
So yeah this is more for (um) maintenance check than for pushing the old-girl to the max.
For example, the *reason* I had such an old version of windows running was because AMD-Adrenalin liked it and would not reset (and change all my careful settings back to the defaults.)
The resetting is back, I'll have to readjust AMD on every reboot.
If I forget, I risk burning up my card.
"Progress," hmmph

The bitter irony is, no one looks into this because they just stick the blame on another company interfering with adrenalin.
"MSI" and whatnot.
This plain isn't true in my case, but I may as well be ranting on a street-corner.
No fast-boot here.
No MSI programs running.

On the late-July version of my windows (22631.2115) adrenalin did not reset.
Now it does.

The really rough first-impression of my new "release Preview" also with AMD's latest Adrenalin driver (updated today) is,
It's slower overall performance-wise than the above paragraphs.
If it were a horse I'd say it was off its feed or an old ankle injury is bothering it.
Still fast, just not fast enough, 
Plus there's that unforgivable resetting-thing.
I can attest that the grass-roots solutions are meaningless. Like disabling any other programs that modify the video-card or motherboard, or disabling "Fast-Boot."
31.0.22011.4008 Factory reset has been disabled temporarily while they investigate isolated issues (like, Spontaneously resetting?)
The nightmare the author of the link had was windows updating while he was updating the driver for his freebie card.
My version of windows 11 and previous versions dating back to early august, have added some service that conflicts with adrenalin, on *this* system.
If I had a printer or the patience of a saint, I would record all the services on the working version and This newer version, and figure out which service was conflicting.
But for now it's all heavy-handed guessing, tons of "What does *this* do, if I disable it?"
Beeecause for example, AMD's crash detection, or windows' display-policy, *might* (as examples) be at fault, or they might be absolutely necessary to keep my delicate system running.
Who knows.
I gotta start somewhere.
They probably would have fixed it by now if it was more widespread...
I disable DPM, which pisses off Ryzen Master...
LCLK, no one has an exact frequency or I am using the wrong keywords.
It's not explained very well, but it appears to be a AM5/Zen4 feature anyway.
The AM4 people prolly sell real-estate now...

Not to be bombastic but historically the PCIE bus-frequency has always been 100mhz, but this is tons higher, tons.
No one knows what it does and they seriously guess.
It's related because the bright-bulbs at AMD have decided that Adrenalin should directly fool with CPU settings, and now my slowness might be because of adrenalin erasing my highly optimized settings (whatever they were.)

I'm not sure why (prolly wifi or el nino) but my little menagerie of roaches are getting restless!!
And me without any funds for the cans I buy monthly.
I add it to my rental expenses.
But next month I plan to get all expansive and buy expensive bottles of roach bait.
They work, sort of, say some.

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