
Sunday, September 10, 2023

malaise (whut?)

 The AMD utility called "adrenalin" kept resetting itself after every reboot.
Looking online for solutions, the gurus from the 7-11 in the himalayas all said the same platitudes. Reinstall, etc.
So I reinstalled. (to an older beta, 22621 from 22631)
reset Error gone but the installation won't let me use file explorer.
File explorer is tons more important than any utility AMD has...

So anyway "explorer.exe" from a run-thing works fine (the font looks slightly off, a little creepy)
AND so far AMD (the adrenalin thing) doesn't reset itself.
But wait, am I using an older version of adrenalin? If I reinstall the driver will it start to bug out again?
Or will windows-update ruin this temporary slightly cracked nirvana.
(file)-Explorer started working again. 
I really have no reason to upgrade to a later version or to restrict some of my services, the card costs $400 and the services are free.
The next thing, ignoring the updates knocking on my door at 3AM telling friends they know me (crazy f'n updates) is to run 3dmark to see how low it's fallen.

Or...maybe update and see if the update was causing the reset, after carefully installing a restore point (updates tend to turn off restore points, so this might be futile)

I have several updates, and I'll install them one-by-one if possible to catch the culprit.
Is it the ".net (dot-net)" update? No, it's definitely 22631 which was Last-week's update or whatever came before it, after 22621.
Now I gotta see if I can restore back to goodness or am I doomed to repeat the whole reinstall-thing.
Is this worth a bug report? See, cuz, we're talking about a minor product Microsoft does not support, and AMD will disparage because I'm using a beta version of windows.
So everyone hates me......I don't think I wanna bother, plus someone has prolly already said it first and better than I ever could.
"System Restore" worked and put my version back to 22621.
AMD did not crumble this time, it's standing proud (I think.)
Next stop, my lame bug report to Microsoft, that some setting they're tweaking is pissing off AMD. Now windows went batshit greenscreen.
I'll come back.
I'm back in time, it's July again. My spreadsheet for my checking account is a fantasy and cannot be relied upon,
 AMD's drivers (adrenalin, Ryzen Master)
Are ancient artifacts, prehistoric remnants.
So wait, the last thing I remember was...
I was writing a bug report and it asked me to choose a category.
*When* I chose "graphics/display" the machine went insane and windows totally shattered.
But I'm back, none the worse for wear except for all the memories lost.

*Dew* I re-attempt a bug report, knowing what just happened, maybe presuming that *I* (me, myself) had attempted to update and back-date too many times and it was *my* fault?
Or was it the bug reporting feature designed to run some (fatal with extreme prejudice) test?
Regardless, I intend to stick to the version I have now, which is:
(ta-ta-ta da!)
o-crap, it says I'm running 22631.
Am I doomed to repeat this hell?
I'll, uhm, reboot and stuff....(TBA)
Well the driver is not resetting, so it must've been me, right?
*Knowing* exactly what caused the problem would'a been nice, but I'm just another chump who reinstalled.
In case you're missing the irony, 
Every piddly pissant problem could prolly be fixed reinstalling (In my favor, I didn't actually reinstall, I restored from a known-good image)
The professionals dinking-around with their enormously expensive workstations, keep logs.
Not that a log would've helped, (so that's why no one keeps one)
But *maybe* there was some service I deleted between today and last July.

It was definitely an update.

*which* update (.net, yada blah, there were at least three)
is unclear, but the problem is back, again.

(again with the image, because again with the rollback-greenscreen)
I'm seriously taking my time, and hoping to download whatever updates I might want, not the willy-nilly way windows-update downloads them, so I can hopefully pinpoint the exact update.

I even downgraded myself from "beta" to "release preview."

I bought a portable SSD because, my 500GB drive is nice, but I wanted something bigger.
They unfortunately have many versions of my drive, and some are on sale, if you really look; it won't matter much speedwise because to get their extra fast speed you'd need
3.2gen2x2 (whut?)
I think maybe I have 3.2 gen 1. (maybe 3.2 gen 2) (I'm reading the actual page and it makes little sense)
So a 1TB drive that runs like it was yesterday, hmm.
Let's say my current drive can run at 5gb/s, the new one might run at 10gb/s, with a capability of even faster. (but....I thought faster was less reliable?)

The first update I downloaded manually was the malicious-software-removal-tool, to present myself as righteous to microsoft. In other words, I have no virus 
(3 million files and an entire hour I'll never get back, say I don't

And I don't want to diss any other updates til I am sure. 
(I may never know)

I might keep editing this but the TLDR bottom line (that I already wrote) is, a specific Microsoft update is messing with my system, causing AMD-Adrenalin to crash on every reboot.
I didn't know about this; it was off.
But right this exact second, that does not matter.

Very first reboot after some updates went fine, but it's too soon to say.
Beta-level update trashes something??? 
With everything updated 5-seconds ago, Upon reboot (just after) the AMD-icon on the taskbar disappears for one second and reappears, but no notes about crashing, no resets.
To be continued...
Are cryptic voltage names.
(no one apparently says "volts" anymore)
And anyway, they make a difference to 3DMark (the benchmark)
and they make a difference to overclockers struggling to get to the top of their overclock-mountain.
*Me,* I will continue to believe, until they reinvent motherboards, that voltages matter even if you change nothing else, because parts are happier and work more productively.
But you won't find too many people saying that, only murky stuff about raising frequencies.
I've got my voltage levels down to tight little ranges, but the ranges are too large because 3dmark gets lazy and slow or perks up, and *I* get all sleepy schlepping some newfound fragment of info back to my BIOS and re-running tests.

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