I learned about Manfred the Bunny.

I saw this lady on a front page picture and figured it was interesting.
Tiffany Fong
But I don't know Sam or what he did (or did not do vis a vis "Risk management")
What my first impressions are (no one cares,) but I wonder why the photo above was so carefully altered.
And how hot people seem to rule the internet world.
Another article laments China's moves against trendiness (I'm not too sure wtf the author wants to say yet) and he used a word I've never heard, prolly never will again, "ineluctable"
But the Atlantic and the New Yorker are bastions of the most Bombastic, so nvm, it's not for me, not being upper-crust, not in some waiting room in New York, to read nor understand.
Having an opinion that bucks a societal trend is dangerous.
Once you know what the official opinion is, best keep your mouth shut unless you've got the money and the big-ass names to back you up.
The carbon monoxide on buses was easier to tolerate with comics and some friendly lady with a paper.
NOW they're online, less funny, and Commented on!?? (WTF)?
This next thing defies description, but the internet says it's trendy.
(but what does it do??)
Maybe it looks a lot like it does something else?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WzO1j7n7E0 |
A day Later, I want to ask someone but no one is there to ask,
which "crock pot" is more trendy (and decent and good) (Minus $big-bucks and nationalistic folderol)
I don't know if Newell cares about crockpots (any more than "Samsung" cares about crock pots nor Color TV's, and I've gotta brush up on decent (not pretentious) brands Lexus, Cadillac and Corsair (e.g.)
So I'll need a all-clad stainless dutch oven with electrical capabilities Whut? nvm Too poor to eat. blah. |
"Ruined 2 roasts" kind of covers it for me. |
So I make do with vinegar and beef broth.
Or did we already decide they were too heavy?
I've always liked her, and would gladly be the Merlot guy.
Anyway, She says
In your FACE, judgmentals. |
Well, clicking a button is much easier than trekking to the store and braving hungry women. but I've resisted "Buy Now" for this long, I can resist the sitting-on-butt shopping for a little longer.
Mail order sales (this is a rant) sort of beat the mad crush at the holidays (why the F** you don't shop now I'll never know)
So shopping sucks from now til after Chinese-New-Year, whenever that is (February?) because the stuff they'll misdeliver or pack wrong, will be out of stock (due to the supply chains, the snow and a few wars.)
Yay, Post Office (and my mailman)
YAY! (Bcuz, FTS already, geez) |
It's consumer-report's little darling.
Two would be ideal. But I'm betting, three.
O well.
I agree with the second picture, except they don't list times. |
*My* potroasts (stovetop) fall apart at 4 hours, and start to melt away at six hours. (IDK) This newfangled crockpot stuff is dangerous (for pot-roasts) |
Wait, though, "Pot roast" is mostly swimming in a 212F bath, so nevermind