
Monday, October 9, 2023

A blog about blogging


Amidst terrible news (gas is going up, your set-top-box has a biggie virus,)

And sites asking you to register to read that your information has probably been stolen by someone somewhere (chinese, russian, etc)

Uhm, it's nice to find trivia that has nothing to do with anything.
A journalist thinks writing is good for you.
(Prolly hermits think hermiting (hermitages?) are good for you,
And hackers think hacking stimulates your brain

Oh. Useless trivia of the day: "Cantilever"

Wait, I have a picture (somewhere)

where you lived when you were growing up, many people you knew are still there or around there, or maybe they died, and / or got a write-up in the local newspaper.

Generic (etc)
If they're advertising something, they're on Facebook or LinkedIn.
You can't call or write (what the hell would you even say)
but it's nice to know they made the newspaper and have a decent picture on Facebook (so they're not homeless or destitute)
I'd go into this more but it's creepy (sort of), the way you'd pay someone to scour the internet for ancient relatives to verify your pedigree.
People who call or write claiming to be officials of the government might know your name and your address, which is prolly in some online phone-directory.
It's hard to know who to trust. Yes they know your phone-number, they overheard it at a CVS.
They know your birthdate and other identifiable information. 
THEN they ask you to apply for something and ask for even more information.
And assuming they're angelic lily-white bastions of honesty, 
they don't know jack about hackers who are eager to harvest whatever information you just disclosed, resistance is futile, you Will be assimilated.

Blogging is a nice pastime, but it's more dangerous than knitting (what with the needles and the cat)

A few months from now, the missing pictures here might confuse and mislead you.
But for now:
580 to 310 what??

They don't like or believe it, they think it's true but terrible, 
or they're contrarian a-holes who hate anything 
that smacks of Wokeness, snowflakiness.

Build more heaters, they rant. 
Sell more (heating) oil.
Let the weak die on Ice-Floes!
(Actually I have No Idea what they're thinking, but I imagined stuff in my head, hmm)
Playing the video at 1.75x, the guy seems to be saying that there are several prediction-models, that the predictions project out to January.
They've got lotsa time to modify their predictions....
"El Nino" is a pacific-ocean phenomenon (I
thought) and yet most of the weather predictions concentrate on the east coast.
But forget all that, I was only wondering about 
the down-votes on any story-headline on Bing.
In other words, 
  • The story is inaccurate
  • The story is Poorly written
  • The story is accurate and well-written, but depressing?

I have no idea what the exact spanish meaning of "Poblero" is, and google dismisses it at first as a misspelling.
But I've been told it translates out to "villager" 
but the hidden sense of the word is a downtrodden lower-class person.
(I think.)

There are no equivalents in english, unless you count the cast of frankenstein with their torches and pitchforks crying "Kill the Monster!"
The generic mob, the curio-salespeople, hmm
Villagers maybe, but "Pobleros?"

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