
Saturday, October 7, 2023

west bank

 ("West bank of what?") 

They didn't teach geography in my elementary schools, it seemed to be unimportant, although I've seen the odd textbook about it, from years before.

Maybe (I'm guessing here) boundaries and names get changed and they didn't want to get sued or look stupid, best to avoid the subject entirely.

The labels change depending upon your zoom level, hmm

The bank west of the Jordan River?
The river itself appears to coincide with several borders, but the actual river looks a little small. 

I'm expecting many rants in the next few days / weeks about the area, and I was wondering about it.


Our fifth-grade teacher (under protest, I think) assigned students he didn't care for to wrap little colored papers around pencil erasers, and glue the papers to a map of the US (I *think* it was the US, I don't actually remember except he got disgusted about it)
And it was his class with the book about tule-reeds to make Teepees. (Wigwams?) 
I still don't know what a "Tule" is or if some indians are called the Tule indians.

They'll piss on Ukraine and send some bombs to Israel, and someone somewhere will get hostaged.

I forgot about Gas.
(weather, trucks, any war anywhere, your state, your city, politicians)

I really liked an article I just read, It's easy to read and makes a lot of sense

BG3, because I'm on a budget: I played through til the romance-scene, but this time there wasn't any. (After "Hotfix #9") The hotfix totally screwed with the script.

Now that I'm starting over, the webs say that I can be a cleric or a fiend, to get flame-thrower-something ("flame strike.")
I'm not sure RomanceHeart would cozy-up to a fiend... 
and I don't want to wait five hours to find out.
I'll become a cleric, I feel the calling.

ALL characters suck in one way or another...but I know to pump up my wisdom, alertness and my dexterity.
I totally neglected "Charisma" and maybe that was my downfall.
Two "fake"-forced camps, one real honest-to-goodness camp, complete with a painting and a corpse.
No "unclean" line, no walk in the park, no swim in the cold lake, no disney crab hiding its eyes.
  • Fake-camp#1 The Angel-type ("Aylin") explains to Shadowheart about her parents.
  • Fake camp#2 The portal appears and a biggie battle ensues.
  • Real camp: booty call (except after Hotfix #9)
Now all's I gotta do is know what I missed, assuming they didn't change the sequence of events.
"We had the beginnings of a romance...but we never really pursued it"
"Oh, well. Maybe in another life"
Or download the algebra-class that is the mod, as posted at 
Imagine maybe for a second that you have biggie chores around the house, that seemingly take forever, but as you become more experienced, the chores go faster, you complete them in less time. 
It isn't that you were going for a record, but it gives you a good feeling.
BG3 is a lot like that, doing chores faster and faster.
None of the commentaries mention this incredible lapse in the story, or they do but they mention much older versions that they have fixes for (kill shadowheart, resurrect her, etc)

I don't really know but I *suspect* that my soon-to-be-updated trainer is interfering with the scene, just like (as an example) a scene in "Starfield" that stops the game if you're using the trainer. 
"show us. Use your powers. Hello? Use your powers!"
And if you dutifully shut down the trainer at an exact moment and restart it afterwards, you're fine.
There's even a key dialogue, "Did everyone see that?" to show you're a good faithful player.
But in BG3 the damn game is so huge and bombastic, I would not know when to stop the trainer and restart it.
I can live without the love-scene, but it (the game) seems fruitless after that point, after the shadowheart-quests complete (after her parents are rescued.)
Brain schprain, who cares.

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