
Saturday, October 14, 2023

Powershell (Ble?)

 Every few weeks PowerShell has this nag-line that there is a newer version, and I don't know the command-line in powershell to update itself, and I could not use it if I did.

So here I am, on powershell 7.4.0 preview 6, except Google says the latest version is 7.3.8.

Packages? What Packages?
(I like packages, hmm)


Untrusted what?

See, cuz there's the nagging suspicion that the official Powershell download-site has been glommed onto and spoofed by eveil hackers.
I get suspicious when 7.38 is the latest (not 7.4) and Powershell invites me to download packages no one trusts.
Every update, every couple weeks or so, I use powershell to run the command I copied from the internet:
wevtutil el | Foreach-Object -Parallel {wevtutil cl "$_"}
Which brings up a note in my head, to learn wtf "Wevtutil" does.
Or at least "el" ("the")
Yesterday, BG3, camp 2.5 (past the two fakes and into the real one) 
Orin's murder never appeared, Shadowheart never felt unclean, no romance.
Player was a high-elf-cleric, mirroring Shadowheart.
*today* Orin's murdered-victim's corpse is there but Shadowheart isn't feeling sad, she's doing her James-Bond-line ("well, hello, Lover.")
I think the romance scene is borked again, but I'll edit this if some miracle happens.
And if this is true (I don't know yet) I'll replace my patch3-hotfix#3 (The one I renamed to kickstart the love scene).
If any of this is confusing, I swear they designed it that way, it kills hours with entertaining confusion. Tedious boredom, more like.
Ah, Sh*t. (Work, slave, and for what? geez)

Osi.PROC_CAMPDEBUG_QueueNight(“NIGHT_Shadowheart_Skinnydipping_9f583304-0a1a-498c-acf9-3c8dcc30ee3d”, 1) in a downloaded morph of the game (so you have a console)
Or buy another game (shs) beeecause, the files I just installed BLOCK playing the game.
But wait! (*yawn*) Click on the executable file directly, and ignore the launcher.
(I only have to find out the actual console key, which is usually "tilde" (~) but doesn't do jackshit.)
Hmm, an entire professionally written page saying NOTHING about Anything:

*This?* oooooh. OK

"OSI (etc)"
"Eh, sonny? Talk to my Grandson"
"OSI(yada bla)"

NOW after all that HOE (hell on earth) did it WORK??!!
(I'll edit this later)
That huge gigantic Biggie-number prolly got patched or changed, 
but (hell) I gotta try,
 to at least prove to my self that all this shit is old stinky shit that doesn't work anymore.
Well, the game went all topsy turvy and the enemies got first crack at player.
Old feeble enemies. Crappy enemies.
And the main star of the show, Aylin, was suddenly an enemy.
What's the point after that?
Let player be first and she mops the floor, but with some crap going on she's last, and every pissant with a spell can attack freely.
I'm not convinced that the company making the game wants ANY mods. 
I've been reading and reading (mostly reddit), and they're superbombastic, padding their reddit-parts.
But apparently there are unwritten rules in the game, and I might have broken one.
Did I talk to the wrong person, or NOT talk to someone I was supposed to?
is the phrase "We almost had a romance" a death-knell, a game-ender, or only a warning, a checkpoint?
I hate Jaheira but my sixth sense tells me she is involved somehow.
But it takes three hours or so to meet her in the game.
My latest thing is skipping her authoritarian chalet hideaway, literally doing a 180 
and looking for the house where the spider and his friends stroll by.
I don't know right now if I'm supposed to be playing this scene, kissing her middle-aged butt and meeting the King's daughter Isobel.

Best pot? 
(sauce-pan, sauce-pot, f'n "ramen pot," OK?) 
Do my current pots'n' pans suck real bad?
Yes, but not enough to learn your clubby ^%$# lingo about cooking appliances.
I want short handles (OK??!) and um, a vented top, just like my hobo teflon-eaten pot has.
Only I want a snooty pot, one that someone will drag out of the dumpster when I'm dragged off to the Home.
D3, D5...whut?
A woman complains my prospective pan scratches, and she says it never happens on her All-clad.
Question: Why didn't she buy the &^%$ all-clad, were they a wedding gift she wouldn't be able to afford?
Bah. I'm taking her advice and at least looking.
(d3,d5, whut?)
I'm not seeking patriotic-pans...

The long handle is dangerous and stewpid
Excusez-moi”  that's a "saucepan" and what I want is a smallish stockpot.
"all Clad" is AmArican, if that's important tue yew.
All others are affordable inferior.
Yeah, I'm gonna buy the 1/4-price competition, and live with scratches, bugs won't care.

"Dutch oven?? (IDK, fucket)

I don't know.
Metal Handles? Why?
Greasy brown filth covering whatever you buy, superglued to the once pretty finish.
Let's get real:
Black, nonstick, plastic (non-melting) handles.
Not tall, or I can't stir it. I need to flip it over to drain stuff.
And I don't care where it's made, iApple is made in China, everyone seems to ignore that.
If there are nine-hells of the internet, Amazon has to be in there somewhere.
A drill, a pot, people loved it, people hated it, people sent it back (guess which one you're gonna get)

"The 99-cent-store is having a sale (You bought WHAT??)" is NOT the reaction I'm looking for.
Maybe, (uh,) copper bottom with a nonstick-inside that you couldn't scratch if you tried, or are those only on Late-night TV?
"#1 Best seller" Cuz people buy the cheapest whatever.
Ah, hell, it looks very much like what I want, IDK.
Oh. Hmm

I can't cook as good as this pot, but it fits the definition of "Snooty."
Ya know, I'm gonna *ignore* all your "best of" lists, you freebie parasites, you.

Burning metal handles? Sssssssuffer for their art (pretentious a-holes)

'K, uh, I guess ingesting Teflon sounds more practical, and me in my twilight years anyway.
Beesides, if you wanna be Brahmin-Republican DAR,

Non Pretentious proletariat great-unwashed brands appeal to me (they aren't dismissive of handles that don't burn Cook's fingers off (they don't actually cook anything, they just like the look)

The only question being, which one.

I found one I liked, the one advertising itself as a great wedding gift (for the poor and the great unwashed)
Now I know what I want (on time) for Xmas

There's a whole cult of cast-iron-people...I know enough not to buy one you'd have to "season."
Ah, *hell.* WHUT (da f*ck??)

I already know the one I want will be grease speckled...My only dead-brain spot is the size of the damned thing, 3.5qt vs 6 qt.
3.5 seems small, 6 quart, can you peer over the edge of a boiling pot?
I gave up on Pot-roast, too many commode-trips in atonement for eating normal food, but it's the first thing on my list of foods to try.
Damn the commode, full speed ahead.

It's aMarican Plus it's affordable, it's more macho than stainless...
But it's very heavy, (IDK)

To go with the cast-iron, bye-bye 99c quilt-style.
The cast-iron one is growing on me, I don't know why.
It looks more like it's useful, not "pretty", and I suppose I can deal with the weight.
Someone (or my head) said, they're good for slow-cooking, perfect for beans or pot-roast (the only two things on my menu)
I do not know (while typing this sentence) if the blogger makes stainless steel pans.
But they're actually interesting.
I....uh, choose ..."stainless"? I'll edit this.
(Or enameled Cast iron? hmm)

I erased two superfluous entries to concentrate on this one. So this next picture is a remnant, a leftover, of what I erased.
I've gotten lots better, I think (it's why this is here, so I can go look)

While you're at it, reinstall windows, or maybe buy another PC

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