
Thursday, November 16, 2023

drooling greedily, commodity brokers

 They'll blame everything from Ukraine to no falling rain, but note the googled responses, they're from Financial types overjoyed Beef is rare and expensive.

The store rarely has large empty spaces where the beef should be, but they did today.
Customers hovered (once again, I'm perpetually in their way) but then they left, unsatisfied.

The Cake-ingredients aisle was more optimistic, although I didn't see much buying.

*I'm* gonna cook a bigass casserole of pasta and hamburger, lord have mercy on my stomach.


While I'm waiting...

Illegal cows and goats surreptitiously raised in back yards will subvert the USDA and militant vegans, but most of us will nearly starve, eating Kale in EVOO.
Or we *could* grow tomato plants next to off-ramps, but they'd be raped and pillaged before they ever grew up. Elon Musk will be able to buy any beef he wants, but most people will read meaty blogs.
Soylent-everything won't be people, it'll just be soy (and seaweed, or whatever garbage they can dredge up)

We'll all learn to Love Kim chi, with that washed-up-beach smell.

Egg fetuses will be in vogue, 

and fermented fish in sauce ("Fish sauce," aka "Patis", look it up)

People will eye cats and coons hungrily.

Easter Bunny food.

It's a f'd up world a-comin',
thank the vegans and the robber-barons.


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