
Friday, November 17, 2023

Hardware acceleration (a note)

 Let's assume for a moment that my CPU/GPU is fine and that my PC isn't busted,
then the only thing I changed recently was to turn off hardware acceleration to enable screenshots in a video-movie.

Since then (the morning after), the computer crashed twice, and although the error messages are super vague as always, along with the umbrage that Windows restarted without its permission (the self-important bloated overbearing micromanager), so the only obvious sign it's video is that the screen goes black before it reboots.

So imagine maybe that some Machiavellian features Microsoft wishes to implement are defeated by disabling "Hardware acceleration" and something somewhere gets righteously pissed off, "Whaaaat? You want it Off??"

Well it's that or this PC is dying.
I'll edit this if it's really dying 
and not just being pissed I disabled their screenshot-stopping feature.

This wordy and vague entry should prolly emphasize that 
I'm not watching movies nor trying to take screenshots.
In fact, I was in "Gmail" and emptying the trash. (Trying to.)
Step two in a mindlessly stewpid experiment would be to go Back into Gmail to repeat the exact same steps...(tba)

The menu is different from edge to Chrome.
For example, in Edge the usage statistic is not shown, ("0 of 15gb", etc)
and the menu to view a different older version of Gmail doesn't do anything.
I know the google-gmail-people and microsoft don't like each other much, but Gmail, being the behemoth that it is, shouldn't care which browser I use.

(But in the bible, a poor guy is cast out of a wedding ceremony for being underdressed, into the crowd of weepers and teeth gnashers... If even God is that petty (in the story anyway), I don't expect much from overgrown teenagers.)

So far, no crashing (after turning hardware acceleration back on)
so, in my ignorance, I'm blaming Gmail and some invisible feature.
I'm real bad at "spin."
The BS artist writing a front-page article (on google) must be a stellar bullshitter, since this is not ancient Egypt, and we don't bury iPhones and such into the sarcophagus, prolly the mom or the little sister got the goods.
But I admit, I am jealous, beee cause her rant rates front page news, and I could be a rock in a very dark cave, for all anyone cares.

IOW a relative wrote to stfu, politely, to stop rubbing salt vigorously into their wound, but no one will see it that way.
"I am a rock"

A very vague ("nebulous") blog I won't ever write, is written below.
Why was the windows-11 expiring soon, in the doctor's office?
Why were they using a semi-portable air filter in their hallway?
Why was the exam-chair wrapped like they bought it yesterday, but bashed-in, in places?
I've got plenty of guesses, none of them are prolly right, so I'm not writing them.
It is hoped that whatever discounts they enjoy from living frugally are passed along, but I'm at a disadvantage,
not knowing anyone working there,
nor belonging to a decent insurance plan that actually covers stuff beyond just having medicare.

(You're penalized royally for only having medicare but the insurance you're legally required to get isn't much better, and not everyone can qualify for medicaid.)

Bernie Sanders might have been Biden's Equal (I'm sort of musing) but Bernie wasn't camera-friendly enough to campaign for vice-president....Anyway he cared a LOT more about Medicare than Biden seems to, or are Republicans so dead set against anything, like some contrarian teenaged kid, that it wouldn't have mattered? As long as I'm blurting,
You threw away Hilary and chose Obama, who royally pissed off republicans (mightily self righteously p.o.'d) so much that medicare itself might have been damaged for a really long time or forever.
Now comes the shit-tide of "Dual-complete" insurances, who pay jack-shit but let the government pay, and then preen and crow about being such a good insurance (bah humbug).
But not everyone qualifies for medicaid (or veterans benefits, or civil-service retirement plans) so the flotsam of the insured like me are barely tolerated at all.
We get the dregs of medical care.
(Rant! Bah! *#^%$!!!)

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