
Tuesday, November 14, 2023


 The spillover from an older blog just means I need to add less stuff to blogs....
Today I ranted about soybeans, the magical additive, 

stuffed into ultra-processed foods and old blog-entries.

homeopathic melt-in-your-mouf glazed doughnuts, vs
ultra-processed "Krispy-Kreme"
(when the before-times were here, Winchell's 9pm doughnuts were hard as rocks, and you had to buy the thickest-glazed fritters to survive)
A coffee-bar far away sold the most heavenly doughnuts ever made, fresh every few minutes...

I'm losing the train...

Bean council vs the Rice society, Rice loses bigtime.
Is it just rich guys trading commodities competitively or do their words have merit?

I have a vague train of thought (tooting from very far away) about farmers being subsidized to grow soybeans. Is it true, was it ever true?

It's twue, it's Twue!!

Pinto vs soy, uhm, ultraprocessed vs DIY food.
The subject is too vast, I cannot write about it (much).

Beans are either heavily promoted and subsidized, or (dot-dot-dot)

OCrap...weird diseases in addition to gas+bloating (omg)

I'll bet soy lobbies roam to and fro, or why did a googled search about Lard dredge up this:
It's much easier to charge three times as much for so-called healthier food.
Flavorless, dry food (that makes me sick)

Whether or not cast-iron-stomached people get sick too, is a subject I'd rather not ruminate over (Article-headlines appear then spend the rest of three-hundred lines of crap discounting their own headline.)
"Ultra processed foods are Bad (but not THAT bad, and not all processed foods)"
Mealy mouthed crap with advertising bugs all over it.
Since when do politicians care about lard? 
Is there a trans-fatless Lard for more flavorful doughnuts??
If I found any, it would be free-range organic lard that restaurants would not touch, much easier to just buy soy.

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