
Monday, November 13, 2023

" whereas" where?

I could have sworn there's at least one Biggie Document 
(constitution, Dec. of independence, some biggie document)
That keeps saying "whereas" over and over and then says, "Therefore" etc.

Some people reprinting the US constitution decided to get all cute and repeatedly say (for an entire page) "Whereas" (govinfo.gov, but the encoded URL shoots out a long PDF, so the link is missing here)

So I know it's there, I just haven't found it yet.

https://www.google.com/search?q=which+US+document+starts+with+%22Whereas%22&oq=which+US+document+starts+with+%22Whereas%22 is a totally useless page.
I don't want the meaning of "whereas," its history and usage, 
I wanna jog my rocky memory and read the document they forced us to read in school. This page is better, except they're talking memos from a governor. https://www.google.com/search?q=%22US+Document%22+%22Whereas%22&oq=%22US+Document%22+%22Whereas%22

A nice huge document saying "whereas" officially in the 18th century, was never found, and the below document is dated "1962" (on the very last page)

But it's there to look nice, not mean much anymore, and
(pardon my ignorance) I have not found the US version

You know how teachers might mount pictures and decorations that are never spoken of ever?
The "Emancipation Proclamation" was one of those and although the picture below is prolly not it, 
I remember fondly staring at the proclamation (and the clock, and the window) when classes got boring.
I'll , uhm, verify the provenance, is it the actual proclamation or some minion-document?

september-1862 vs December 8-1863, the versions don't match.
Plus "Lincoln never freed the slaves" people will parrot, to which I will answer, "Jesus was a republican" (so was Lincoln, but nvm)

A modern 2023 proclamation may or may not say "Whereas" (I'm still looking) but the context I was looking for was the 18th-19th centuries from really high up documents in the US.

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