
Saturday, December 30, 2023


 Wait, let's see if I have the train-cars in order...Christmas was for kids and buying stuff. 
New year's is for ... who? Drinkers and sports fans? 
Cold wintery layoff notices and rent increases (So I guess landlords and employers are happy)

Tv shows (lotsa them) bidding goodbye to this shit-year, but the year keeps on going.
Someone somewhere has made a cheezy site with cats dancing
New Yorkers flock like pigeons to a gigantic ball while their betters with rifles and radar worry about evildoers killing everyone.
(And then it got depressing and I forgot a lot)


Microscopic pictures on Google's front page make you want to click to see what the bigger picture looks like, just like the headline that says "WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T ..." to see the rest of the headline.
The picture turns out to be a stock photo of meaninglessness that they almost never show the larger version of, and the headline finishes weak ("...don't miss the sale")
So my hopes for AI are not strong.
Better advertising?
More targeted advertising?
Juicier clickbait pictures?
What the hell does AI do that advertising executives don't? (Darren Stevens?)

I read an article yesterday that says, mid-1800's experts (people living back then) determined that a painting by Raphael wasn't entirely painted by Raphael.
These experts had sharp eyes, and they were right, but not as right as the AI people coming years and billions of dollars later, cuz NOW the AI has given its blessing to the theory. Yes! Score one for AI.
Prognosticating sports scores and possible lottery numbers.
But probing your brain for ways to make Donald Trump the Leader, and getting your money,
are prolly much more glamorous ways of selling investors on the AI Boom.

I could really use an AI for stuff like, "Am I eligible for any state benefits,"
Bbbeeecause, They only tax you on half your social security income, and if that income is less than 25000, you don't get taxed (you don't have to file.)

So yeah, not accounting for your oil well in another state, your apple stock, your rental income, and those jellied-preserves you sell, 
No, it isn't taxable.
WHEN they ask, how much you make, dew yew report HALF your social security, or ALL of it?
WHEN they start bombarding you with line numbers ("32a" e.g.) instead of just ASKING you what the hell you make, it gets confusing.

A fluffy space filler from CBS news.
the phraseology would warm the heart of any Lawyer.
(See cuz you need a lawyer to file the damn taxes, o nvm)
DEW YEW mean, 25,000-threshold on HALF your Social Security, or, half your social security is taxable beeecause it's a hair over 25,000...or...?


AGI isn't good enough. !@#$!!
Stuff you wouldn't get taxed on ("Tax exempt") counts as income.
Slaving away over hot stoves making gazpacho and cookies so's you can live rent-free in your hovel is NOT income.
(No cookies here)
So it behooves my state to pay me lots less than most of my neighbors.
The bottom line, hire yourself out as a live-in cook.
Be a dependent. (A tax-deduction)
No tax for you!

But I'm back to the damn state, which wants (I think) ALL your SSA-income, not half.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Arcane 2 "The Phone"

 This *could* be an expansive and huge blog about the phones throughout recent history, or I could just boil it down to a question or two.
The question-or-two version is less satisfying but much easier to read.

OK first, what built-in games or doo-dads does a new phone have?
No one speaks about them, except how they dislike the temp-sensor (I'm putting those remarks into the square-vs-round-corners pile)

What has the highest rating within a group? (of Pixel-phones, for example)?

The critics panned thicker phones even though they have (in principle) more room for batteries.
If a phone is foldable they drool.
(OK this wasn't meant to be a rant against critics, eveil spawns of Satan though they be)

The Pixel 7A is Pixel's maiden aunt, the ugly sister, and you wouldn't buy one to be trendy, but....

It's cheap.
Real cheap, if I am reading the ad correctly (Probably not)

0 down, 0 a month,+$49.99(or so)

0 down, 0 a month,
For PIXEL 8 PRO??!!!
OMG (omg)
I need to diet anyway
Except, in reviews, people have either hardened their snarky little hearts, or the 
Pixel 7a (the "ugly sister," remember?) is a better phone.

It's do-able, assuming the rate for the phone is true, not tied to excellent credit and a plan or another line. Which it is:

The actual price for me personally.
So forget it.

So yeah, more research is needed. A separate financing plan from Amazon, or maybe the knowledge of when The Pixel-phones go on sale to current customers of T-Mobile.
"Snapdragon 8 Gen 3" to be trendy but the selection is dismal even looking at phones that haven't been made yet.
I don't give a rat's ass, but I'd like more RAM, more SD-Memory-room (especially considering I could only afford the 128gb models)
And LESS bloatware, or at least BETTER bloatware.
Like a built in game (My phone has none?)
There's your problem, right there.
*I* could'a told you, outer-darkness denizens (iPhoneless)
Want Speed and a better battery, period.
what YOU want is just creepy.
Futuristic AI (from the sixties)
AI in action
You are irrelevant. You will Not be assimilated.

(Will White collar employees switch over to real estate sales?)
Data entry jobs (ones that cannot cram slips of paper into the PC) might get more attractive, but I'm prolly way behind what PC's can devour these days.

yeahbutt....I still want Pixel.
(IOW I'm totally sick of Samsung)

I am so gonna edit this, I swear, except I've got other things on my mind right this second.
Namely, the unintentional dithering effect my browser, Edge, is doing.
I looked up *actual* dithering, and it's much more obvious and arty.
No, this is mostly about colors, taking them and blending them together for a washed-out look.
A guy shows an extreme example (Mine isn't this bad)
(link to, "reddit" (I think)
But yeah, it messes up colors badly sometimes.

The news picture I'm about to show is a picture of High-surf in California, with surfers and beach-bums in awe,
 and a little girl stuck into the photo (She doesn't look too happy about it).
I tried to show the spots, the "dithering" spots on the back of her dress, and maybe the funny way the shadows on her face turned out, But I think I've failed.
I don't think the actual photos are bad, just the way the browser handles them.

I think I've written before, about monitor adjustments, and how flavorless bland and depressing the monitor (*My* monitor) becomes after I carefully adjust it to pass or nearly-pass some video-tests.
In truth, I love black "crush", no charcoal-color for me, and roses, red ones,
 (The color "red" generally) should pop and glow.
But I adhere to the monastic settings until the monitor gets very old and dies (Muted colors do NOT prolong a monitor's life)
Accurate for who? A critic living thousands of miles away using an expensive monitor he got free that I could never afford?
I miss the old days with analog knobs you could use to adjust stuff to your personal preference.
Suntanned Newscasters.

New words (old ones from school)
The teachers had a little script about mitosis and meiosis.
One is sexual, one isn't.
The part about diploid vs haploid was never mentioned.....
I still don't know wtf they were on about, but...
I seem to recall.....
Cells divide asexually (Mitosis?)
or as a result of sex (Meiosis??)
Or something.
This all came up wondering how cockroaches can breed so damn fast if you stop buying expensive roach-bait.
The stuff about the amoeba and the vacuole (and several other parts) were more important on a test.
I forgot all the parts except "Vacuole"
I'm sure they meant "Vacuole" not "Vacoule" but

Cells taking a dump
(this whole process personifies the word "Arcane"
or to borrow from another language,
Pick a subject, *any* subject, and they'll load up the clubby arcane stuff.
Try Cells, Phones, (cell phones,) "Bath Towels," for criminy's sake.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Arcane (Chipset SOC, NB/SOC, "VDDCR-SOC")

 Ryzen-Master is not helpful with some voltages, giving them different names, for some reason.
So the advice-givers, the wise ones, fixate on the wrong voltages, or speak about what voltages should be while overclocking (sticking a red-hot-poker up the CPU's butt)
Then, some people pick a voltage from the phone book, overclock, and if the CPU doesn't die, they seem happy.

"NB/SOC" voltage should be set to 1.05, some guy says.
The value seems to correspond neatly with "VDDCR-SOC" in Ryzen-Master.
The "Chipset SOC" is on "Auto" because I don't really have enough info to put it on anything else.


This subject is treated on "quora" but in a kind of a busted AI way.
In other words, you can easily google the question there, but the answer is beyond their ability.


Between overclockers and bots it's a wonder this thing still works.....

New word for today: Meaux (Meaux the Lawn, Meaux Green, etc)

I'm not pushing arcane stuff (arcanity? arcanities?) but when you were in school, 
there was the "Upper atmosphere" or maybe the "Stratosphere." 
I swear. 
NOW due to inflation they've added a few layers.

And to further confuse (and get paid more for lectures) They got rid of the whole "Core-mantle-crust"-thing and added some fancy names for underground.
How much did this cost, in research dollars?
Some info-please site says the deepest manmade hole is the Kola-hole in Russia,
Just under 8-miles deep.
They wanted to dig deeper but it got too hot.
Those movies where the scientist burrows way down deep to plant a nuclear bomb, outside his ship in a very warm humongous cavern, does anyone remember how deep they go?
Where do the underground indigenous-aliens live again? I forgot.
Bad-guys, bad teeth / good guys, perfect teeth (and a little lipstick?)

Coy and cloy: The same but very different.

Coy: Smile-direct-club commercials.
Cloy: Sad Puppy (ASPCA) commercials. (who said "Maudlin"?)

Prescience or Sales pitch?

Hackers have a humungous rock to throw at your windows, defeating the purpose of your $1000 door lock.
But, it's been patched, ignore the past four yeeeee(eee)ars.
The TLDR apparently was, iMessages can be eveil.
Do iWatches get iMessages? The whole article is so arcane (to me) it's hard to know exactly who and what targeted who. Secretaries in Boise, or embassy employees in Moscow?
Sure. Right. Mm-hmm. OK. (whut?)

Ya know, "JavaScript" is required on everything everywhere, even though Microsoft has been tooting its evilness for as long as I can remember.
99.9999 percent of all important sites use it. 
(and don't get me started on cookies)
I don't even trust those damn page-blocking banners you have to click on, implying your consent (to rape and pillage your device.)
So yeah, it's a paranoia I don't announce daily, but it comes up from time to time (like now)
And (Read the picture) people Love to stick PDF's on their pages, and you sort of hope your insurance company or bank are smarter than to disseminate evilness...
  • PDF's
  • Javascript
  • Truetype-Fonts
You can't lump them all together and try to excise them from existence, Hackers would just buy a different-looking rock...
F.U.R.I.O site https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/91347/how-can-a-font-be-used-for-privilege-escalation/91395#91395

In an excruciatingly long Train of thought,
Encompassing Nuts and their theories on life (I'm being very vague,)
the iPhone reigns supreme among the people who matter.
(Another train: Which phone does Gwyneth Paltrow have?)
I can't tell what it is,
but it's hilarious I can find this pic in 5 seconds
The train-of-thought continues that
Her kid is named "Apple"


I'm sure it was misbehaving HTML, not a subtle message about iPhones and sad people

Saturday, December 23, 2023

smart stuff

Long-winded article saying smart devices suck.
I still remember a commercial years ago where a hacker ruined it for an office, making the lights and the AC go nuts.
I don't actually remember what they were selling...
But a commenter has a point, why do you need internet to turn on a light?
Regardless....I see visions of throngs in Best-Buys wondering what to buy on sale. 
My personal opinions won't affect shoppers (because they're too busy shopping)
but  remote-vacuum bots, cat shitters and light-bulbs are terrible gifts.

What else to buy, ugly sweaters? (Because there's a sale on ugly sweaters?)
The cheapest toys break too easily, the cheapest light-bulbs won't work, and bot vacuums are overpriced, and cats know how to shit outdoors. OK cats are a problem, always running away and becoming road-pancakes. 

How much is a cat-shitter anyway...(I just wonder)

Why don't they make one for dogs? Do cats have to be toilet-trained (so dogs would too, I'd think.) It beats locking the poor pup-sized mongrel in the bathroom....
For $874.00 You can buy a "wi-fi enabled" shitter for (My PC is blocking the sponsored site) 

Dogs are more practical and will poo in a box with a teeny lawn. 
(But you still have to water and clean the lawn)

Is, uhm, (hmm) there a convention of creepy middle-aged guys every christmas?
I've only noticed last year and this year.
OK nevermind, maybe it's the streetcorner, or the free meal close by, IDK....I wish I had more to write, but it's a blog and I wonder.
The guy with the huge feet and the hospital-sandals either no longer sits next to a perilous pit next to the sidewalk, (so I don't have to avoid his feet and get stuck in the pit, you lexus drivers prolly wouldn't unnerstand) or I've successfully avoided his sitting schedule.
I'll be in my bunker, until the 26th. Anything I *don't* have, I'll do without.
But I'll keep writing irrelevant little thoughts.

The one about it being December 24th, the one single day you could play christmas music out loud, and have twinkling lights and a wreath, and my Christmassy coffee cup actually means something, so once a year it's not insane to use it (I should prolly clean it.)
The OTA movies get lousier every year, a middle-aged Fred Astaire dances like it was 1934 all over again.
Fictitious Bums line the streets, last minute traffic and extra-loud bell ringing from the store santas, Buy something, donate something, *SPEND SOME MONEY*, 'tis the season.

(Bah! Humbug)

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Topical and stuff

 My refrigerator sounds like a motorcycle. Except motorcycles run smoother and have a much better bass sound.
I can't do anything about it, and it isn't one of those covered in a lawsuit, but I kept hoping all this time it was a loose fan.

I hate that kitchen in the picture. Microwaves fail predictably (so why buy built-in?) but I hadn't counted on my refrigerator going bad, it's a refurb with the original compressor replaced. It looks like the picture but no pretentious metal.

Youtube videos say little, say nothing, and they add a commercial in front, and I'm on an austerity-program, so no useless videos.
They fail, they don't know why, and the ones that fail are called "linear".

I don't think I have one of those, prolly just the cheapest crap one the reused- refrigerator sales-guy could get on a sale. 
It's doing its job, so I ignore the motorcycle sound, but I worry.

My game-library, if you expose every game I've ever tried, looks impressive (to me) but some of the games must have been real bad.
I am not sure why.
I know I didn't like the gigantic puzzle of Alan Wake, where dead guys kill you if you don't do exactly what the game wants.
Be a tool of the game and feel proud you followed orders exactly (I'm not big on authoritative games, bombastic games, Cartman games (respect my authoriteye)

But I have no clue why I didn't like "Deus Ex". 

What would cause me to dump it?
Graphics (I'm thinking)
A fool is ordered by higher ranking people to go to yada and fight the blah.
Or maybe someone at steam left it for me, they used to do that, drop free games.
I don't know.
Wait, *I* know, I'll go read a review and edit this.
My sleeping-self reminded me (sort of) that "The sims" at least used to be an offline game, and I wonder if my licenses still work, and my CD-ROM-drive still works (the updates to the game would bankrupt my piddly allowance.)
Tis the season to commemorate the guy who turned water into wine, to indulge drunk Santa, to give the Highway Patrol something to do, (but by then I was awake)
I don't remember much about the sims except it was an enormous pain in the butt to install.
I countered my dream's fantasy by pointing out that traditionally, this is one of the most depressing times of the year. Even Robert Redford started out his career playing a christmas-death-type person.
Plus I don't think I could reach wherever it is in my closet.
When I bought them you were teeny kids.
You still believed in Santa.
Skateboard riding was still legal here (that really is a long time ago)
Jan 5th (close enough)
The least topical subsection of this entry has to do with my current game, 
"Baldur's Gate 3" and how it kills time so well. 
I googled the best/most popular races.
It says (googled sites say) that although Githyanki are ugly and unpopular, they are the most powerful.
Actually I still have a serious question after having played for so long: Does being "proficient" in a weapon really matter?
Heavy armor and a big-ass sword are never allowed and yet I want to ignore all that and play them anyway, but I must be mindful of my dexterity and my "initiative" and my single favorite spell without which I don't really wish to play: Flame strike 
(flame-something, I'll google it.)
Githyanki really are ugly and the romance scene is spoiled.
 I stopped the game to find out a better race, and people say "Dragonborn" but Shadowheart kissing a dragon, IDK. 
 Human, slightly asian-looking 
(it's a face choice, black or asian)
With dark brown eyes.
Glossy-to-the-max red glowing lipstick, 
and eye makeup that favors the upper-lid 
("Eyeliner," to commemorate someone who really used lots of eyeliner.)
I have a makeup crisis almost every time wondering what women wear post-1985.
In other words, are racoon-eyes a thing now? I sort of don't like them, but I would be open to suggestions if women allowed staring (They do not.)
I don't get to choose eyelashes...Apparently they're a really biggie thing, although most eyelashes are way too long (To hide something? *enhance* something?)
They're fake but making them too long just emphasizes the fake.
Yeahbutt, the push-brooms You wear scream "I'm hiding something"
Like some biggie banner

(You get to choose bodies but...petite vs gargantuan isn't much of a choice...nvm)

A  math problem (I so do NOT know math) is that when you get closer and closer to a goal, and halve the distance, there are an infinite amount of smaller steps and you never reach it.
Solved by the guy who said "Close enough", and everyone sighed with relief and forgot about it.
Well, remember I told you about my battery charger, the one with the meter?
Once the charger is ostensibly done and the green light goes on, it
S l o w l y drops down from 0.9 amps to less (Like maybe 0.3)
And My question is, as long as it's dropping, doesn't matter how slow, it's not 100%, it could be close but not there.
Does the battery think "Good enough" or does it want more charge?

This is notepad, no links, because of several reasons.
I tripped over the power cord yesterday and now it takes forever to charge the phone.
The phone, when it's charged, connects to my internet, but my allocation of data is nearly gone.
I wonder if I wrote a badly written blog, would you pick it apart and Misquote it?

There's a guy the headlines are calling "Unabom" who wanted to bomb an FBI building.
Where the building was I don't know, but he thought it was worth emailing about. 
Now suppose some law-enforcement type guy or a politician decided to group-together all the people he lived with, his neighborhood, his friends.
For justification they could say "This guy almost bombed us, but we stopped it."
Do you live next to this guy?
Reasonable people (I think) go after the guy and his bomb supplier, not shoot up anywhere at anything close by.
And the push-back would be enormous, 
would-be bombers in *any* location might copy-cat, might post x's (a twitter is now an "X", right?)
Advocating bombing stuff.
(And soon the national guard would show up to eradicate the unbelievers, let the streets run red with their blood, etc, etc)
Well it wouldn't, 
couldn't happen,
 and yet it IS happening, somewhere else.
My secondary thought (because it's my blog) is, idealism or enormous profits?
Religious zealotry or political points?
Too vague without juicy links, but being mindful of this site's maxim, 
"Whatever you believe or can conceive of," etc, I probably will not finish the thought.

This just in, a guy dies of tooth decay (but that sounds too flippant)
He died.
His Teeth were partially to blame.
It's important as hell to me, long story not needed.

Friday, December 15, 2023

T-mobile Gateway (any gateway, help)

 To fit 10-billion phones through a single gateway would be impossible, I get it, but read this (It's in greek, sorry about that)
The T-Mobile gateways do have a DHCP server which is set with the fixed gateway IP of and the network mask of /24 for the Class C, IP network. The DHCP scope appears to be from 101-254 and the gateway address is excluded. Some users do connect an additional wireless router and double NAT just to have additional local network controls and features. Devices that do connect to the wireless or Ethernet network directly via the available gateway resource are restricted to the 192.168.12.X/24 network. There are workarounds for ways of communicating across the 464XLAT environment but of course it all comes with a cost. 
When I directly quote someone the rest of my page is ruined by teeny multicolored fonts....
Anyway I don't know why but the guy is just wrong.
Wait, define "Gateway."
My phone has one that it hands out to anyone who asks for it, and my router is happy to tell me what it is (I didn't know for the last blog-entry I erased, now I do)
To set up DHCP you need to know the "Default Gateway," assuming it isn't seasonal or a temporary construction site, or even some hacker.
There can be (should be) only one DHCP server on a home network, uhm,
But unless my phone is on WAN (the company-side, the internet side) it won't dispense any DHCP info (so it's not like you can say,
"The Manager is sick, get what you want from room #3"
Putting info in manually is perilous too (witness the temporary construction-site above, that they put up on Tuesdays and at Christmas)
I could just *tell* you what my damn-gateway is, but what if it's for criminals or subscribers being investigated?
I would maybe wait until Someone at google has a result (My gateway address is unique, I am alone amongst Billllions, so far)
But I see the problem, maybe:
The physical device others might call a modem is known in t-mobile parlance as a "gateway" and I had the link a second ago...It's a box, with little lights.
Plastic Boxes BAH what's the use
(cuz if I wanted, I could assign static IP's and gateways, and prolly break some rule somewhere somehow, nevermind)
IF my phone had a whatchacall "static" IP and I told everyone else to treat it as my gateway, uhm, (o damn)

Spelling it out, if you DARE to assign static IP's you'd better know the gateway, which is NOT the above (that's for "home internet," way different beast)
This looks encouraging (mostly unreadable, but encouraging)
Big gigantic companies buy Cisco and / or adhere to their precepts,
So (ah shit, IDK)
The phone lists very few details.
And I would not want to be overly bombastic about subjects I know very little about.
What is an "APN" if not a type of a gateway?

If my phone answers to a higher source and That source has an IP address, I don't know what that address is, or where to look.

it's my *router* spilling the beans:
Ip Address (of the Router)
Gateway (it's either the phone or an actual gateway-address)

OK the Router's "gateway"-ip address is replying 2ms delay, too close to be a remote biggie (busy) gateway.

If I'm right, turning off the phone's internet should still get a response.
If I'm wrong, every ping should be dead.
HA!! internet off, still getting a 2ms response (after a creepy delay).
But you can't see this sentence, I cut myself off. (wait)
So my router's Gateway is not some majestic Godlike machine, just the phone.
The PHONE's router and DHCP server may actually BE what they've been saying, but that would only matter if I changed the phone to a static IP, and I would never do that.
The ROUTER is fair game.
Anyway it gets lots more complicated, what with Wifi disabling the ethernet, so if even one of those was statically set, I might be able to run wifi And ethernet, but I'm getting into stratospheric stuff.

The next link could fill a small pamphlet, apologies, but it is the googled address for the user manual for the modem I want, "Coda56."
Now you may wonder what the difference is between it and my old modem, per their manual, but the manual might be dated and wrong (I hope)
Pinche hijola ch....anyway it COULD be wrong

%$#@, Peor

SC-QAM is, "SC"="single channel." QAM I think has a long unpronounceable definition that doesn't mean very much (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation or some crap, they all get that)
OFDM is, they can really squish separate channels together (calling them "subchannels") and, uhm, exploit the poor Single channels to the max.
But I'm still stuck on WHY they put 3.0 together with 3.1, a marketing thing or what?
See cuz they can take 32 channels (in theory) and really pack them away, no room to breathe, into a couple OFDM channels, and is that what they do?
I have no clue.
Will I ever find out?
Prolly not.

WHY stick 3.0 and 3.1 in the same box?
To be cheap, supply chains /war /embargos?
I'm beginning to think that 3.0 and 3.1 live together in a box called "3.1", so that the company can provide a given speed at whatever technology it currently has.
I don't see the benefits yet except for the cable company.
(In some idyllic future, maximum OFDM channels could possibly be increased from present-day "2" to 4 or 8, doubling etc speed, but I'm only guessing)
My unsatisfied explanation will have to do, because I can't find any readable docs saying why they mixed versions.
I have not read the pretty picture above from reddit yet.
(A snarky, an unreadable, a long bombastic story, and a rant or two?)
um, Yeah (what he said)
Except for my piddly 10Mhz cable...(well, anyway)

It's mighty relieving to know 
That the almighty "Arris" does this too
But so does my old modem (I think)

Tradition and the time says I should eat dinner and think up stuff to write, stuff guys won't gossip disparagingly about the next day.
WHY is traffic so quiet / dead? (or is it?)
Why does New Years start in January (instead of maybe "March"?)
Is it true long ago, some guy switched the names of Greenland and Iceland?
Who is "Wulbren" and how does he die so easily?
"wulbren is dead" nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah. F%$#
Opening the prison wasn't good enough, no. 
Cure a girl, get a curse. Assuage a mad bomber, get stuck in deep doodoo.
Well, shit, I'm back to (uhm) saving the old lady from the eveil king.
The mad balls (spying/scrying eyes) will report me now, and it was all for nothing.
Nothing comes to mind worth writing about.