
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Face in crowd


I don't have anything to write about this headliner, the one with the enormous foundation. He's a scary guy, no doubt, something to do with the eyes.
The odd people in the background trying to look nonchalant are state security, CIA or bodyguards, in my head.
None of this photo, nothing I'm thinking about, is actually real, it's all appearance
and impressions.

But you want an example? 
No tourist anywhere would be without their guidebook and a place to put snacks, and a shopping bag of souvenirs and curios.
That man on the right pretending to look at something high up, is european-style state security.
The man in the left-rear is a bodyguard.
The *street* is trying real hard to look old fashioned.
But it's not a real street, it's part of some plaza.  

They can't promulgate a state-sponsored propaganda machine if everyone everywhere can say whatever they want (which isn't true, but it fits in the sentence.)
They *can't* say whatever they want without being flagged by zealous moderators on missions from god. (Or GOP, whatever)
But the moderators are protected by 230. 
They can't get sued.
Bring on the babies, the children, think of the children.
It's all fake.

rotd photo follows (nothing to see here)


A tons more relevant subject is no headline, but I saw it anyway (We're being hacked to death)

IOT and infrastructure should not be online.
The inconvenience of course is, you couldn't start your car from a plane, nor let in the dog from your hotel.
But even that pales in comparison to water pipes and electrical transformers being controlled by the maintenance man in Aruba.
Yes, the man should have to drive through blinding snow to flip a switch or turn a valve, because if he doesn't do it, someone else surely will.
Are you getting me? Turn off, unplug, sensitive areas of the internet, but you won't.


My headlines today are about Taylor Swift and her boyfriend.
*I* was hoping for a recent story where some user requests that a football star throw the game to give his old team some glory, but that might have been a different star and a different team.
But the BIGgie headlines say Kelce won't be at the Grammys to support his girlfriend, which is a little odd for a headline. OK nevermind, the conspiracy theories are bickering in my head.

I didn't understand this article but then I didn't understand my uncle's lectures during the 1964 campaign for Goldwater either.
My uncle was way worse than a Humana commercial.

The card they gave me to help pay otc drugs didn't work at all, not for a drug, not for an OTC product (baby powder.)
It's less than useless unless I mail away for stuff at their special %$#@ store.

They mean of course, that you can't get diddly except through them.
They have an app you use to scan barcodes. It accepted CVS sugar, but last week rejected Kroger sugar.
It's nice scanning stuff you already have, but stuff you have to brave driving-rain to scan isn't very nice at all.
CVS imodium-generic was accepted.
CVS Body-powder NOT accepted.
My syringes were free, no thanks to the card but the insulin was not eligible.
"Flushable wipes" weren't eligible but maybe it's not a preferred brand I have.
The next two products are marketing in action, how to get guys to use wipes:

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