
Friday, February 2, 2024

new game notes

 It's the time of the month to put my money where My mouth is and buy something, and I almost could, if I don't eat a lot this month.

But it's a long month for a February, being in a Leap Year.

Snarky comments and wtf's are all I have so far, but this could turn super-bombastic quick.

Giving what to who?
I don't remember this part of the game at all.
who IS this guy?

I don't get it.
Are we "retro" now?
Why don't we just buy Pacman and Pong already.

I had an OK corral style game in (musta been) 1980....'K, still don't get it.
I think I'd rather sext bots. I swear that would sell tons, turn on the text-based bot at 300bps.
The line I've been buying is called "Souls"-something, I'm mostly sick of it.
The problems are never resolved, but your friends and colleagues are happier, or dead.
Not sure what I'm looking for, yet.
I liked one game where this one girl got energy from picking flowers before killing the enemy with a really big sword. 
I don't remember the ending, I think she was promoted.

Based on a protagonist genre I happened upon a game that is no longer in production but has an interesting backstory IRL.

Apparently I don't really know what to look for.
Bearded troll-types or barely legal (?) nymphettes, neither look fun.
Of course, playing first-person you don't really care what you look like, only what you see in front of you.... but so few games are first person.
Naw, give me an indomitable weapon that kills instantly like in "Fallout New Vegas."  
That game had everything going for it. 
Not really in vogue anymore though.
I'm still looking... female-protagonist RPG single-player-open-world etc that you can use cheats with.

There's a part of a game I already own ("zero dawn") that the character gets sucked up into a world of gods living on mountains you must climb.
It's an errand-girl section I really-really hated, a lot (tons)
So even though this is a series, and I liked the first part of zero-dawn a lot, except for all the errand stuff.
This is definitely, "Love it or be miserable" because it costs an enormous $60.00
Not worth the risk
Actually, I heard the disembodied voice say that the game isn't out yet.

This is more "Sims" style.

Off the top of my head, you couldn't possibly know which are better than the rest, unless you've bought tons. The anime ones look more polished (idk) but they're slightly creepy (to me)
(I'll edit this)
The game called "Pandora's box" shares the name with many other games, movies and an ancient myth.
It could also qualify as a bad joke, or is that just me?
Anyway it's a risqué game on itch.io but I'm not sure I want it at all, I only know about it because of a quote from another game fan.
But it's a "VN" with still pictures and a rare movement or two.
You make choices that bite you in the butt sooner or later.

I actually think I will buy horizon-whatever-west, but it'll be a while.

The sex-games are, (no offense), boring and repetitive and have no climax.
In one (are you sure you wanna read this?) A guy hooks up with a girl with very large breasts and submits to her every sadistic whim to keep being around her.
She watches documentaries about praying Mantises (the ones who mate and get their heads eaten off)?
And the other (page 35 of 10,000 I guess) is an innocent kid on his first job after losing big at a casino. His girlfriend is more promising material (it depends a lot on the next 10 pages) but no one moves, it's exactly like a comic book (which you love, I guess, being able to actually read them, not just wrap them away in cellophane forever)
I got the game free because, uhm, poverty /free-trial, you choose. So no complaints. Also no interest, yet.

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