
Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Weather channel


It's the weather channel.
They talk mostly about weather.
So wtf?

Put another way, this all happened in 2019, and it's campaign-2024 already.
It's grist for some political agenda.

But I doubt scientists anywhere have much sway over what politicians read and take seriously. They were studying a virus in a lab, so they knew it existed, but the story is very vague about where the virus came from, another country two years before 2019?
I'm thinking what's written is so damn vague it could be anyone's political football.


What'sa "Pangolin"? OK nvm

a simple "yes" would have been nice

The labs worldwide carrying different pestilences makes you wonder ... about labs
A googled "for example"

Watch a movie / read a novel and the subject comes up.
Not exactly a news bombshell.
(♫"someone wants more money"♫)

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