
Sunday, February 4, 2024

eyes have meaning

 Train: Jenna Coleman is a big-eyed actress you'd certainly donate 19.95 a month (0.65 a day) to, because her eyes would melt butter.

So anyway she plays the queen of England, and her eyes look different.

Green, I say.
Everyone else says, "blue," and they spent weeks making them blue (not sure why it took weeks, I've gotta read my own link, once I exhume it)

I can't find the damn link, only a few minutes old, but I found a replacement.

I question-marked one of Paul Newman's pictures.
Surely it's colorized???
Ah, here it is. Apparently (I think) they went frame-by-frame daubing her eyes a slightly different color.
I still say they look weird, and Jenna's eyes are her best feature, second only to her mouth, or maybe her nose.

Maybe they change from scene to scene?

In cartoons and school textbooks, Victoria was weighty and went around saying,
"We are not amused"
(Or was that Elizabeth I, I'll go look)

Edited-in Train (Dr. Who, wherefore art thou)
They recycle Doctors, they'll do it again soon, why can't they recycle "Jenna Coleman's"??
This train is complicated. See, in future 2024 they release new Doctor Who shows, on Disney-Plus.
If you're a fan, you know that eons ago Jenna Saved a Doctor who by splitting herself throughout time by entering the doctor's time-stream.
It's complicated (see the unreadable comments here) but it means they can reuse her (the actress) in different roles on the show and still benefit from her irresistible eyes.
So, my wish is, she comes back as some new character in the future Doctor Who episodes. 
Prolly not though, her agent would require tons of money for a former queen of England.
My personal bloggy blogs will have more to say about Doctor Who in the Future, prolly about how in May,
 I join "Disney Plus" again to stream the latest episodes.
and maybe a few undeserved rants about how I hated early (pre-21st century) Doctor Who.
And a very very condensed train about news articles for "net neutrality" and the Disney Corp making streaming more profitable.

2nd Train: I don't know what a "pantomime" or a "Panto" queen is, or was,
except it appears to be a caricature of the real person (Elizabeth-the-first)

The irrational love of women who use makeup artfully, is a curse. The main character of my game (click the thumbnail)
 that I hope I can make last a few weeks, is not as attractive as the larger-pictured woman, a peripheral character who is out of reach (unless there's some magical plot-thread I haven't found yet.)
The next game in the series has a screenshot of the main character.
I don't know...I think I like most anyone else better than the main character ("MC", I'm learning)

I learned today that "ending 3" is sad, not really bad. 
Her boyfriend is a pimp and she feels like a blowup doll in the last scene.
She would have been better off with her girl-friend but that option never came up, it's sort of a choiceless inevitability.
Time for part two (Or something)
The game is Dickensian (no puns intended) and I don't care about the middle east in a game, nor robbing banks.
The most desirable characters are out of reach, the main characters are weak-willed and bad for health (really bad).
Yeah life sucks then you die (another unintended pun) but...since it's a game, I was hoping for a happier outcome.

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