
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Symmetry breaking......(whut?)



Front-page news isn't always clear, to me anyway.
the symmetry of the example objects in this youtube video (because wikipedia was hopelessly opaque) is symmetry breaking. Breaking-what?
Are they asymmetrical?

I still don't get it.
They made a crystal with time-symmetry-breaking, and it lasted 40 minutes (as opposed to a few tenths of a second.)
Are they looking for funds? 
I usually write these in the hope that a little more research will help me understand what they're on about, a movie star or an event or how a game is played, but this one has me totally lost.

This sounds about as dense as the "alveolar fricative" when talking about hissing.
A scientific breakthrough would be them talking transparently.
The asymmetrical illustrations in the last picture make sense to me, they made an assymmetrical thing. 
The "materials science" of pine-2x4's makes sense to me (sort of). 
What they're on about (tricking stuff for a few seconds into changing shape) makes no sense at all.
There's a kid-science show in a few hours that explains stuff you don't really care about, but it kills a half-hour. (These guys get paid zillions for yeeers to come up with this stuff

You want topical?
OK, I just got a huge bill for a vaccination from a medical group.
Apparently what they charge is more than my (old) insurance wanted to pay (they might have said "Ha!" or had a few choice alveolar-fricatives...)

Be careful what that zealous nurse piling on shots wants to do, without checking prices first.
I trust CVS; I *don't* trust my medical group.

Plus as revenge for the months-old vaccines, I just got over (I hope) a terrible cold, or was it a deadly disease in its vaccinated death throes? I'll never know.

I *do* know they charged $58.00 to *inject* the fucking vaccination.
That doesn't count the five other charges I don't wanna really detail here.
Any fevered rants I might have in the near future about potroast or Steam games should be ignored, a more "mature"-me will dutifully pay the bill and forgo any frivolity (like maybe, eating or passing time)

Tom's Hardware gets freebies you can window-shop

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