
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

badass cellular towers...?

 Prolly fruitless to seek compatible towers near your home and your job...
Not sure but gut-feelings say they will be upgraded eventually.

And (TLDR) If your phone and the tower BOTH have a particular channel you'd like to use, it ain't gonna happen no way, no how,

Anyway, *here*. 
An almost indecipherable chart showing what's available:
*My* phone proudly announces "5G UC" but that's not good enough, o no.

Lowly n41, beneath contempt, apparently
The names change (I don't know why) and a site you need a doctorate to fully absorb says:
"N5"=N260 (riiiiight?????)
O geez.

So I need to:

Confirm I actually use "n41" and seek a model that supports the more upper-crusty bands.
The ones in the hills.

So far, all I know is, "NR SA" which is (I think) "New radio, Standalone"
But it's being coy about frequencies, it's as if I asked how much it weighed or how old it was.

So no, I cannot tell you exactly which frequency I am on, but I CAN say that I have lots of commiseration in signal-Hell.


The OP, shill-style, *teases* a solution I'll need to click on to see (He was either too afraid to repost or he's a shill selling something)

Please note the brand-version, "Pixel 8 Pro."

Solution: (off with its head) Use 4g-LTE instead.

There are no articles (yet) that say, "If you want (um) mmwave 5G, buy this model," and this is getting too bombastic to continue. Selling two different models of Pixel 7 (mmwave, Hoi-polloi) is indescribably frustrating, especially on an "unlocked" phone.

But on T-Mobile, neither P8 nor P8P have upper-class frequencies; they STOP at "N78", whatever that is.

This is a Pixel 7 clipping
From (link)

So no n260, etc.

I think I shall never see,
A phone with lovely 5G

"premium edition?" "UW?" 
O crap, math class all over again
Upper-class blondie snobs, spouses of attorneys, prolly buy iPhone-Latest-Pro-Max (Because it just works, for an ungodly sum)
but I, not being of such provenance, must scour webpages for tidbits on signal problems.

Yeahbutt, these generic solutions don't talk frequencies at all.
N41, n260, they just aren't there.

#@!!! you! (Blam)
Because, you see, (uhm) mmwave-tech phones have a few kinks ironed out, being of the later generation, so even though the bands are never used, they could be, maybe if you're suddenly somewhere else.
My theory isn't *That* rocky, rising tides raising all boats, "Noblesse Oblige" and all that rot, since there's a snowball's chance in Hell that you'd EVER find an f'ing page that said, "This is the best damned N41 (whatever) Phone ever, for all time"

You WILL find minutiae on the colors, the cameras, the battery, which makes all this boring, like some thick impenetrable jungle of useless facts.

Great, but since there is no selectable technology that uses it (yet), it's a wart on the ass because you cannot choose "n71" (600MHZ)
But you COULD choose "5G_ER" if it was a choice, and it isn't.
Disclaimer (so, not a pedantic bombast)

Channel 71 (No "N") is 4G-600MHz

Is "Ericsson" a really sucky phone?
Or maybe it was just cheaper to test on?

Curses! Foiled again.
So why crow about "Ericsson"???
Is there some t-mobile phone they dote over that has "MMWave" or not?


It comes with (um, "ts") (hmm)
This is a footnote:
You can't seem to pick channels, only technology, and the technology is pretty unreadable. (ts-cdma, wcdma, LTE)
Reading a page I linked to earlier, I spent minutes choosing the network the guy said to choose, but there is no "apply" button nor "OK" and the phone just resets to what it wants, so that's useless.
The S23FE looks more attractive; but this is all strictly window-shopping.
Having channels doesn't mean the phone will USE them, it's prejudiced.

Low-frequency=low-class, according to Android algorithms, as of (maybe) a few months ago.
Seeking a particular phone's channel: The high-up ones fail being too weak.
The lower ones are discriminated against by the phone.

(And you'll see many puppets and shills answering the question)

WE consumers can back-date our technology (4g, 3G) and only use older stuff, but picking specific channels is forbidden.

There is probably a phone or a Brand that selects strongest-signals, making most of this entry moot.
I have not found that phone nor the brand.
(bottom line) 

Nascent technologies, especially heavily advertised ones, aren't always as good as advertised. What the hell does download speed have to do with anything, if the signal generally is piss-poor.
 I proved that on my heavily limited 5G gigabyte-allowance 
that yes, it's faster, 
but I'd rather have most excellent calls. 
(beeeeeesides, what the hell gargantuan file 
would you download to a phone?)
Security guards and secretaries might want to stream a movie to a phone, but doesn't everyone else stream to a TV? Games on Teeny tiny phones... why??
Waiting room patients. But then there's laptops.
So a page that talks about excellent voice (voice to wifi and back, voice at the beach or at the dirt-bike track in the boonies) would be nice.
Link (sort of)

Didn't someone sue, or maybe it was a bill or some agency grousing....Anyway I'll believe it when I see it.

The bigass-picture guys at phone companies know and don't care about current problems, choosing instead to micromanage our future.
I wish they'd tweak the present.
This train is too long.
Satellite (so far):"Starlink" Which (so far) uses "PCS-G"
I'm still converting that to available pixel 7 bands.

The sting pitch
Which is quoting a press release
(which is linked to by reddit)
(but the original PR is who-knows-where)
At this point a guy wonders what the problems were with "p6," what bonehead mistake they made or which "Damn the torpedoes" executive signed off on the older modem / antenna / circuitry.
Ignore those planes falling apart, this is important too! 

I don't know yet. "Band 25"? ok (but don't believe me)

I'm about to quote a clubby unreadable.
Please click to read this

May I translate? I'm still learning...
Whatever modem the Pixel 6 had, has been banished by 5300
 (they say on another page)
 modems in the Pixel 7.
It can "Aggregate" (glue-together) three channels, just like the big boys do.
And this guy seems to like it (on an RTG-version of Pixel, the 8-pro)
RTG="Richer than God" although my analogy about Caligula is prolly more appropriate. He's one of those "Collectors" I told you about, although I suppose he could be a reviewer, or have three jobs and several kids...

  • Pixel 6a
  • Pixel 7
  • Pixel 8 Pro
  • Motorola Edge+ 2023
He's no nut, no... Prolly owns a store.

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