
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

interstitial 2: the questioning

Let's make it arcane, esoteric.
Tell our shills to not accept shortcuts (mdash is so unwashed)
"what the hell should I buy??"
Most (damn near all)
Hate a game but never say what they liked.
Well here, 1 out of 100 reviewers actually liked something!!
A hopeless game (it says) that makes you question reality.
What—like every other game I've been playing since forever??
OK sure.
Lemme check my pocket change.....
Lots of sadness, barely any hope left.
(Ya know, just ONCE I'd like to play 
"The Sound of Music"
or somesuch.
("I am sixteen going on seventeen")

It's apparently for angst ridden teens who can't buy beer yet...(what the hell is angst)
But a 25-year-old says he loved it when he was 19 (or so)

I bought another assassin's creed instead, "syndicate" and some smaller additions... Only I can't cheat and I spend a lot of time learning to fight, 
There also is no "easy" I can find.
No "story" mode. 
The most basic villains are hard to kill.
Plus Abstergo (the company?) is there, although I'm already supposed to know what they do, and I do not.
People complain about cut-scenes being too long in some games, but in this one you're supposed to catch on quick, or already know.
I was a new-hire...I was a part of a male-female team...now I'm some guy messing up a factory. Whut?
I'm replaying the intro a couple times. "Hospitalier" is initiated, bigwig woman gives me a sermon, and then the fake people (from the real people watching them, with someone watching the real people...)
And then it's like some movie you walked into, 40 minutes too late.

I recently bought a controller, and there SEEM to be two different types, two different models.
Let's call them g7 and "G7 SE"
WTF is "SE?"
One has fancy-buttons.
One is "XBOX Certified"

Which one is the best quality?
Which one lasts longer?
Which is newer, more refined (firmware-wise)?

Hall Effect Joysticks and trigger...(????)
...*I* got the two swappable faceplates...
(curses) I'll know next time.
PS My sticks rarely if ever break, I just recalibrate.
It's the dam *buttons* and the USB port....

Where was I:
Dead people have a credit rating, and get letters saying so,
"Congratulations, You've been Approved."
This would be understandable if the person recently passed 
but what if it's been ten years?
If they were alive they'd send it to the old country and stick me with the bill.
The old country's eldest relative would suck it all up leaving nothing for the lesser relatives. 
It's stuck in my craw but I would rather not go into it....
Speaking of stuff I'd rather not go into, I'm technically eligible for some kind of insurance, after an enormously gargantuan deductible so large it dwarfs my income.
(So let's see) if I actually *used* the insurance and took out a loan for the deductible, I'd be, um, 3 years closer to being debt free for the expensive item.
But I'm not dead and the approval letter wasn't for me, so...

Rent's gone up. That crap (total crap) about how cheap my internet is, is only for new subscribers. I know, I know,

I know I wrote about this before, but...I don't need wifi, I don't need a gateway.
And if I don't stream much, 50GB of tethering sounds all right, so WHY would I want a gateway for 50.00?
I'm seriously missing some point.
"Go5g" and a phone Tether seems adequate (IDK) except for maybe when I download games.
1.2TB vs 50GB...ok,ok, I guess "Gateway" Is better, at slower speeds.
Except I stay away from wifi whenever possible. Because if all this technology is so damn good, why all the leeches, the password-breaking leeches, the over-the-shoulder/crack-in-the-wall spies?
I could do myself a favor and cancel my internet for 6 months, but gawd, the *hassle* it is to get reconnected.
"Hassle?" you say? 
"I have no problems"
Well *I* did, they wouldn't flip the fucking switch until a tech came by (and called them to flip the fucking switch)

I think I'd switch to another service permananently... but you're missing the point.
Discounts on my hugely inflated discountless (for loyal subscribers)
(Lemme repeat that, in case you're f'n dense: Loyal subscribers pay a premium for being so loyal.)
Yeah I know all about your "Bread and circuses"-speech... we send more money in a DAY to real crap countries. Get off your ass.

Biden has never learned reverse psychology:
Start making speeches about how immigrants and terrorists misuse the system, and watch how fast they'd approve the ACP-Extension.
If cable companies wanted good PR (they don't care) they could, say, charge the heavily-advertised promotional price to everyone.
'course they won't, and stocks will dip a couple cents as they lose subscribers.
Which they'll counter by buying something (hey, how about buying some good will?)
Rand Paul (whoever) will hear Biden's speech and retrench, "no internet for you (poor unwashed, unworthy)"

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