
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Ringtone 2: Playing a damn ogg (ARRogg!!)

Nokia Jingle for kindergarteners and me:

EDF#G# C#BDEBA (C#,EA (yay!!!)missing final two octave jumping notes so I guessed correctly) and the octaves jump around so you can't rely on letters alone.

E5D5F#4G#4C#5B4D4E4B4A4c#4E4A4(whatever; it doesn't look right this way)
I've been trying to find the string of notes as letters; Google seems very anxious to get me to watch videos, which is totally unnecessary but that's all google offered:

Does it match??

Um, "OGG">"Windows media player: "Ew"

Join the dark side (you will be assimilated)
And 1000 other memes and bromides

Windows Edge is more papal, more catholic, and plays "ogg" just fine.

I'm not sure if /why I need this and why I need two downloads,
(three counting "VLC" but that is a converter too so...)
(Four counting "AV1", different subject, Deleted blog-entry, so look it up)
No, that's "avi" o nevermind)

If you remember cutting your own hair as a kid, then yeah, I cut it down to two
Little Nokia Jingles from a massive piece of music.
If you really listen you can tell it's heavily edited but who listens to ringtones?
Slightly better:

The lady in this next video acknowledges Nokia and plays the Jingle just before she plays the full piece.
(So you need to listen to her spoken introduction, or at least the end of it)

Her playing starts at 1:27 and she does a cool-guitarist move around 2:06.
Her Left-hand spans the entire neck to emphasize one single note, and I can't tell if it's a flourish (Unnecessary) or a very good technique. 
I also appreciate that her guitar doesn't "squeak" when she does that move.
This next professional has the same move sort of, but he does not interpret the song the same.
He stops and starts for emphasis.
I defer to the author (RIP) to determine which interpretation is better.

This one (I'm not being bombastic) is really nice too.
The actual video is blurry.
Paola wins this competition.

A-440, ISO16, Or maybe SonyBetamax vs VHS, it's a snobby thing, according to articles.
cause, you see, it's important to them to Twwwweeeek it slightly, from 440hz to maybe 441 (geez) and revel in their pomposity.
But me, I lost the link, waitasec
Their principled asshole thinking will wreck the world one day

It's prolly not relevant but...A friend busted my cassette recorder and me being 13 or so, walked the ten miles to an electronics store to get another motor.
I installed it but with all the wires attached, it seemed too fast.
With one of the wires detached  it was slightly too slow...
I settled on "Slightly too slow".
So don't talk to me about "A440"
Voted "Most pompous" by reddit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTEFKFiXSx4 (the actual video, which looks like a clubby spoof)

This next video is not as good as Paula ("Paola")
But I am presenting it as a piano alternative.

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