
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

"Grand waltz" train of thought....

This lady plays the song while thinking of teeny carousels.
Doesn't anyone think of dancers dancing?

Actually, the link I *just wrote* that got erased, unfortunately, is Bugs bunny and his thoughts on classical music.

I spent what seems like three hours trying to find the name of the musical theme, once Bugs buys his organ and his monkey.
Everyone everywhere has an opinion on what music constitutes circus or 
Bugs Bunny music, and it's very tiring reading through the crap to find it.
Is it a waltz, by J*&^%$ ? You know, the very famous dead guy?
Maybe if I'm real lucky they'll list it in the cartoon-credits, but when have I ever been lucky?
I even watched an excruciatingly boring organ grinder for real hoping he'd play the song.
He had no monkey, and the song wasn't what I wanted.

The song I was looking for is a parody of a Strauss Piece.
It is at this spot in the cartoon.

Maybe, maybe not
Now I gotta go for three hours seeking "Artist's life" by strauss
Except the song is so bombastic it almost bears no resemblance.
But if you skip to the middle, playing at 2x, yes, this is it.

I swear the Hare did a couple of organ grinder cartoons but 
"Hurdy Gurdy Hare" is the one that came up on Google.
Anyway, if I thought of anything (besides dancers) it would be Organ grinders and their monkeys.


Actually I figured (after looking for 5 minutes), that monkeys with tin cups are the height of political incorrectness, and I wish I had as many examples as they have names for me, for even mentioning "Monkeys".
eg, Now "Racist" cartoon https://vimeo.com/21117324

No one remembers (I'm not sure *I* do, correctly) a cartoon where Bugs is on the Lam from someone hunting him, so he dons a monkey-hat and pretends to be an organ grinder's monkey.
But that's only one scene in a long forgotten cartoon...

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