
Monday, June 24, 2024

Too many Tabs open

WHY is "The arrow of time" in the headlines?
I'm presuming you all know wtf they're on about, and I don't need to parrot,
Entropy (all things must pass) appears to be the biggie arrow.
Fine, I say, but what's with all the other arrows you keep bringing up?
OK I'll parrot, a little:

Psychological/perceptual arrow of time

Thermodynamic arrow of time

Cosmological arrow of time

Radiative arrow of time

Causal arrow of time

Quantum arrow of time

One (two) arrows, many names (right?)
This is all too metaphysical for me, I'm stopping now.
I just thought it was interesting, if I knew what they meant, what they wanted (more money for arrows?) Plus my fonts are permanently ruined, The HTML they used for bombasm is very opaque.
But the newsy article (the request for more grant money?) implies that the second (57th) arrow is, "evolution"

I wrote a couple days ago that reviewers get stuff free, but Tom's Hardware Reviewed Lisa Su, Jensen Huang's cousin. https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/amd-ceo-lisa-su-reminisces-on-helping-design-the-ps3s-infamous-cell-processor-at-ibm

Generally positive reviews get more free stuff. This review, how Lisa started out.
Another whatchacall revealing sunshine 
Is she about to make a movie or ask for a raise?

Nvidia is a Trillionaire company, because they overprice the crap out of everything, or use clever marketing techniques so others raise the prices for them (and they can look lily-white and say "moi?" "Raise prices?"A-I schma-i my eye, I just wanna play nice games.
AI would be there to tattle which games I enjoy, how many hours I play, and would notify advertisers which games I'd be interested in playing.
AI must think (for example) that I am addicted to climbing puzzle games, it wouldn't know I'm just too cheap to throw away over $100 in games. Even ones I don't like much overall.

These guys seriously want more money for ice cream, it being hot and all.
Create a shortage
Blame Biden (supply chains, the war, gas prices)
and Listeria
so if you're already Fat from Nvidia stock,
buy stock in Ice cream

dated info from 2022 and 2023

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