
Sunday, June 9, 2024

wifi bots from hell

 Can we agree drones are real and a type of robot?
Could I possibly say that flying machines like the ones in my game could possibly go on search and destroy missions, 

and the wives and girlfriends of the searched and destroyed will become deranged and attack your bot maid of the future?
Screaming something about blasphemy they'll shoot your robot ai-gadget.
Malicious property damage, your lawyer will assert, but she'll get off, being a faith based trump supporter.

OK maybe I'm reading way too much into my game.

Slaves of the future, and (long after we're all dead) civil rights for robots.

(That alarm going off is a "bot" telling me my sugar is way too low, or the connection is broken, "Please stand by")

The really bad wifi signal, in a perfect world of the future, would be sought out by your friendly drone to relay it back so's you could watch (I don't know) a tv show in hi-def on Bots.
But in the REAL world, gangs in territories the bot-drone flew over would shoot it down, not to mention police and rednecks with rifles on slow days.

(Yeah, I'm not seeing a bright bot future)

The bot-checker in the store has been programmed to be extra paranoid about theft

("Theftage" Nyah, spellchecker bot)

and constantly nags about placing the item correctly and then tattling on you because you didn't do it exactly right.
After you're done and you paid for everything, it'll nag you some more about removing all the items, every few seconds.
No, bots totally suck, and that's no fantasy. 

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