
Sunday, July 21, 2024


 Most of this is supposed to be about "Baldur's Gate 3" but I get sleepy and forget the questions.

And let me just edit-in, Romance is still very random, but my most favorite character by far is,
Human, Sorcerer Wizard-Evocation. (the note is mostly for me, to replace a filthy scrap of paper telling me what to choose)

They get "Chain-Lightning" which is usually (not always) the best spell in the game.
They've tweaked it so it's picky on what you can aim at, and if you cast chain-lightning next to a puddle, you'll be electrocuted.
Big sloppy fireballs are nice too, and "Flame strike" from Shadowheart is necessary sometimes, but other than that, "Chain"-yada rocks.

OK "Shar" the Goddess has a test for applicants.
Several times during that test her voice is heard.
If this were anywhere but a game, it would be a pre-recorded voice or is the Goddess supposed to hang around giving sermons to every slap-happy pissant?

Dame Aylin, the prisoner, says to her assassin,
"You were already lost, little warrior" because ALL Selunites go through the same ritual.

They're abandoned at a mall in a bad neighborhood and need to get a ride home.
THIS time, like the game says, it had gone awry.
I still don't know why her dad is a wolf; Player can't do that. (Player was turned into a wolf briefly but it wasn't by choice and it never happened again?)
Other characters can transform into bears.
But digressing aside, does the lady in tattered clothes have a sermon prepared for each neophyte killer?

The game is mostly about the climax of the romance scene for me, and everything else is an anticlimactic chore (after the scene.)
Kill yada whoever, blah.
But it's still very random, like the roll of the dice. It happens, it does not happen, who knows why. Shadowheart is about to be unclean again to a "warlock Fiend"
So I'll guess she likes bad boys.

This one worked.
Would it work twice?
I'm getting superstitious...
the "LariLauncher" should be running too
Because (this is too long for a caption)
The game can optionally censor itself, it's a choice,
and something might be triggering that choice.

If/When it's missing, I end the game and start over.
I might still start over after this successful playthrough, since I already know the ending 
(A party no one shows up to)

I played one or two romance fails and then This character finally succeeded.
Why?? I've got endless reasons that might have nothing to do with the outcome.
One day I'd like to experiment with a particular scene ("dead Zevlor")
to see if Shadowheart totally ignores his corpse and (starts the romance.)
Is my charisma too high?
Is my hair all right?
Did I cater to her moods just enough?
WTF does she WANT?!! (sorry, ptsd moment)
"Wemod" says the game has been modified.
And it's true, stuff is very slightly different.
One of the Biggiest combat Scenes takes place in Moonlight Towers, the Condo to the south of the graveyard.
In the past, with enough "dexterity", Player could mop the f'ing floor but now,
Jaheira, a nosy old lady and her band of munchkins, insists on getting involved first.
This triggers a massive battle with player just standing there trying to look nonchalant. I need to study up on defensive spells....Was this one of the changes, or did that particular change happen years ago?
Anyway, Romance ensued for Player today.
She cannot wear armor nor use any shield.
I really feel bad for her but I'll adapt.

Can I also mention that I ignore most of the advice about strengths and weaknesses, because if you want to go first in a fight, Initiative (which is heavily influenced by "dexterity") is of paramount importance to me.
1d4+Dex, the literati say.
If you've managed to cheat your way into a situation with many enemies, and those enemies stand there frozen waiting for you to kill them, it's because of Dexterity.
On the other hand, being last in a crowd-fight usually means you die or get cursed heavily.
But No one else mentions this (no one recently) so I have to wonder why.

 myrkul bhaal bane (Merkel Ball and Bane, Atty's at law)

Dead Three | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com › wiki › Dead_Three

Aside from the obvious, what will Kamala Harris be dissed heavily for?
Will she make mistakes in speeches, will they dredge up something about the toxic environment (She's supposed to be hard to work for)?

Will they demand money from her (It's a story today)?

People get paid TONS to diss whoever. They'll keep coming up with mindless crap you'll swallow like fish.

*I* think she should push womanhood and blackness to the max, like all the old songs say.
"Sisters are doing it for themselves" and "W O M A N" etc.
Crap for crap. 

Who the hell is "George Soros" and how will the GOP work him into all this?

There was a long-forgotten story about how Trump wanted to toilet train NBC and their owner Comcast.
So subservient lip service against anyone else could be forgiven, considering the death threats they must get.
It's lots safer to quote analysts against Kamala.

Some generic Evil guy you've never heard of will suddenly take center stage.
(Eveil Link)

"Axis of Evil" cast-members might have a few choice phrases.
I suppose I could write a diss book of my own, but that job is taken, by every loudmouth on X.


Top news of Goofies front page quoted the Times of India which quoted Axios.


Cry havoc, let loose the ton of bullshit

F'n Fire the aides

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