
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday mornings

 Women do cooking and sewing shows but weird geeky men do science shows.

Silk screening is archaic (I made a statement you'd prolly disagree with, but I'm following my train)

Guys you'd avoid in dark alleys, work on bikes. That's great but where did the bikes come from?

The US is way down in science...please hire more winsome women to teach science.


Like ok, printers could *never* use yada-whatever ink?

The rest is politics, religion and sports.
(I'm not watching much TV today)

winsome Actresses to host science shows.....

"we happy few" is all right, interesting too, with weird game-stopping quirks.
It stops the action completely to fill your screen with a menu that will NOT go away until the game teaches you to buy a skill.
You can't go around this tutorial, or even end the game without forcing it to close.
People make fun of your clothes (that part's true)
and cops are evil, but occasionally people just stand there, cops and nice people, until you press "skip" as if they forgot their lines. 
From what I can piece together, the Germans occupied the UK for a while, and Player's brother was taken to Germany for unknown purposes.
That's as far as I got.
First it's sort of funny, then the violins kick on and we're supposed to be sad about stuff.
IDK if I'd call it a great game but it's pretty good.
(Link) (unread so far)

This game has little climbing and few puzzles but if you love to run errands in bad parts of town this game is for you.
Its biggie thing is getting lost a lot running errands...at least, *I* get totally lost and forget what to wear.
The game either is pointless and seemingly endless, or,
if you google enough, has references to dystopian scenarios we're supposed to avoid (only we won't, so it's pointless!) They're so hooked on the underlying subtext that even with cheats, the game becomes meaningless.
Mad people with heavy-duty secrets send you on pointless errands, for no discernible reason (yet.)

I restarted the game several times, and the place I played the most before I restarted was a very confusing nested-quest place.
I'm to cross a bridge, which means fixing another bridge, which means doing people favors so they'll help me fix it or cross over those bridges.
Now I need to get into a factory to get cod liver oil, instead of just walking into a drug store.
Can I predict, the person to get the oil from needs a favor, and that favor involves gathering something.

It's a lot like (insert trendy sci-fi thriller here)

"Fast Travel" eludes me. 
I even have a cheat for it, that didn't work.
I'd prolly hate the game lots less if I didn't have to walk so much, and pretend to read the newspaper at night, to keep from being killed.
I don't know if it still works, but in the past, people have been able to smother glitches by entering console commands.
Which would kind of explain why glitches still exist.

what (whut?) This old bag wants to enter my house but I'm blocking her entrance.
The baby never wants to be fed, or my quest thingy is broken.
I know there is no deus-ex patch, they want the game this way.
I'm a couple keystrokes away from uninstalling and forgetting I ever played.
At some point just after the above picture, random extras started beating me up for not conforming to something....I've uninstalled.
I'm way past my budget on new games, and um, maybe I should reinstall and learn more cheats (IDK)
OTG it's over, all three repetitions

This game is very old by PC-Game standards...
80-90% said "FTS" and moved on

Correction 1.2% finished

Venerable / decrepit /"Hoary"
So last decade

Hated "deus ex" loved "Dishonored 2"
and the others I blocked from memory.
Or steam gives freebies (I guess)

My new phone-internet is spotty; it goes out but not for long.
The fact that it goes out at all concerns me.

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