
Friday, February 28, 2025

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Vykeen, Gek, Korvax


The peoples of various nationalities figure prominently in my game.
Today Serbia decided not to support Ukraine, just not too strongly (I think.)

Hungary yada blah whatever 

(My mind drifted to WWI)
But Hungary (The country) has never been on a biggie list of really nice governments, but it's been fifty years since the history class.

OK Tell me (again) Who was "Archduke Ferdinand"
and what did he have to do with the "Lusitania" sinking?

Wars be like earthquakes, the tectonic plates shift, and you have to choose sides.
The US is Pro Russia, against the EU.
(insert fifty pages of trivia about that)

I got lost between the Habsburg-Hohenzollerns and the Lusitania and The ArchDuke.
"rise of the machines" as oligarchs seek to enrich themselves without bothersome humans, they'll still need to cow the sheep and the Lemmings (o, just read this)
Can you bullshit?
Help wanted.
If you can lay it on thick, spouting Mandates waving flags and indoctrinating people, You are wanted! (for a while)

New blog entry needed, but I'm shy.
Shy because games I own and should like, 
are gathering virtual dust.
It's like dissing chess, and I feel a little sheepish.
But I think I can generalize a tiny bit.
"Scars above" was really bad for me personally, although it's prolly a fine game.
And I'm giving "Rise of Tomb-raider" a second chance (I must've really hated it)
Even though I know, it'll be mostly puzzles.

(I hate puzzles)
Badass lions and tigers want to eat you, and you're supposed to remain calm and solve whatever the riddle is.
But I am reinstalling it, and who knows, it might be OK (I don't feel well, and I'm not feeling very optimistic)
The game is a 1500-piece puzzle of old buildings. You die tons.
Most of the time you google the answer.
But it's free, so....
But no, the witch just wouldn't die. Fucket.
Realism *graphics*, not You-die-tons
Fuhgeddaboudit, I give up
EVERYONE loved it, 
except the ones hating it.

I'm downloading a version of what the world will be like in a few years, fans of a charismatic leader after the world has nearly been destroyed.
They get disillusioned with the leader, a kind of a cult hero, who knows the world is toast very soon but promises a better life on Mars.
A Japanese girl from San Francisco falls in love with our protagonist, and after the hero defeats the giant boss-monster, with the evil leader inside, they kiss.
I hope to have a better game soon, or at least one I haven't memorized.
The controller-breaking game forces you to be an acrobat, although I can live with that (I guess), and tricks you learn from owning the game for a while (Killing the unkillable guy only works if you shoot him, restart, then let a friend stab him in the back) are unnecessary. My computer gets too hot playing the game.

But (I forgot the aphorism, make up your own) The game not bought is always greener, like a box of chocolates.
"Stuck in a certain level/puzzle"
I don't think a modern game exists where you don't have to google codes and puzzle solutions. Having a badass gun means nothing.
Well here we are, a day where I could buy something.
I have no idea.
Minimal stuff to google, a strong story line, 
Realistic graphics,
(without overheating the poor PC
Whatever genre you choose, Thousands will love it. 
I don't understand your choices sometimes.

Final-whatever is not final and it's a cartoon. Also it reminds me of rich people belittling everyone else. F$%#@ em.

Monday, February 24, 2025


 A really high-up guy in a job I had long ago, granted me an interview for around two minutes, to discuss why I couldn't have any keys to perform my job.
My immediate superiors had the keys to absolutely everything, and I was gifted this wondrous power for an hour or so at a time, but not permanently.

Just now the Atlas (A big red ball) says "They say you've been exhibiting aberrant behavior" just like the interview with Gates, just as pointless.

Well, shit, that's all I got, interviews are pointless.

https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Photic_Jade but that doesn't mean they won't make you run your ass off chasing futilityto afford a dwelling down by the river....


Yeah (what they said)

Play til you're sleepy, 16 more days and then buy another game (I hope)

perform several tasks hundreds of times to prove your worthiness to a great big ball who (it is hinted) is just a tool of a higher being who left on vacation.

And what is your reward??

But it's not like I can just spend tons and be guaranteed a good game, because what if it's worse?
You're lost, on mars, without a map..

   You're being hunted by zombies/rats/immigrants/politicians who won't die, or they die but they come back. (only $59.95)

Rob Cars! Ride Horses! Get killed a lot by strangers! Buy stuff to look cool!

Players trying pointlessly to find meaning to the quest I'm on.
It is neverending, it repeats.
I get real close to picking a new game but since they are all meaningless, I forget what I chose and have to start over.
I'm also wondering which repeated games are worth trying again.
No surprise endings anymore, and the inevitability is tiring.

What made you all start loving Japanese-cartoon-style games?

I bought a game years ago about a wife demanding oral sex (and for you to do light cleaning), but it repeats, forever.
Well, ALL my games are like that, some just draw it out better than others.
But then (a guy could argue) a person should stop reading books because they always end the same.
I think teachers and booksellers would have a field day bombasting me to death...
So in the same vein, there must be story rich, realistic background (not cartoony) games I haven't tried yet.
But I swear most games went to the same game-school, making the player work for crap (like a sword.) For little round balls.
For a nicer spaceship.
(not safe for judgmental peeping parrots)
(Did I mention I hate puzzles 
(And sadistic game authors?)

Pick something rewarding that you, the neighbors and doxxers/whistle-blowers (cock-suckers) reporting you to the inquisition, approve of.
But most games have no payoff:
There's a scene in "Skyrim" that sums it up nicely: After having killed every single enemy by yourself in a biggie war, the King thanks you and walks off.
All that glorious stabbing was my reward.
Knowing that, it'll be hard to listen to the next bombaster going on about some war in my next game.
"Strajedy," nope. 
"Puzzles" F#$%^ that.
"Love" (Love interest, eye candy) yeah ok. Sure (I guess)
But not those cartoony overdeveloped teeny teens, I uhm, ew.
If you love comics so much, buy comics, IDK.
The whole "VN" thing with Japanese-adjectives is like, being at a restaurant choosing bland foods you would dislike (except they're bland)
I'm convinced (sort of) that biggie studios don't want lawsuits and pissed-off preachers, so any NSFW content is in the domain of aspiring artists in what looks like high school (actually, I was thinking that it looks more,... 6th grade)
Because in our inquisitor-society, (I'm totally guessing) Fantasies presented as cartoons that never move are dismissed totally as "Games" and never bothered by the judgmental people. If Homer and Marge had sex, would you watch?

There are 99.9% cartoons, but one sort of sticks out, rises above the rest (better marketers, I guess)
Lesbians in space.

Standard, Deluxe, Season Pass, ??
I ... what, more missions, more eye candy...??
I found a game I think I like, you blow up shit at the behest of someone somewhere, and the more you kill, the stronger you get.
(Cue stirring music)

In a world,
Where everything is dead,
And the eveil guy took over,
Your mission is to save the town/city/universe and
banish the evil guy, ignoring that he fucked stuff up so damn bad it's
unfixable, and the blame will be on YOU for why life sucks for everyone.
(every damn meme or mental picture I can dream up has been co-opted by militant wing-nuts calling for the end to the world, so forget it)
Guilt, Pathos, eventual ruin, is the legacy you've inherited.
(sounds too IRL, IDK)
uhm, so anyway, 
"Doom" and the Doom-ish minions sound OK (I guess)
"Remember this" tomorrow when I have the money to buy something.
Except, can the protagonist be a girl in shiny white pants??
Who does her laundry?

Tease me, whydon'tcha

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

music (and stuff)

 Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 73, _Emperor__ II. Adagio un poco mosso

See, now there I proved a point, unless you understand music (or Italian) you wouldn't know what I was referring to.
If you listen to the piece as if you knew nothing of Music, Italian or the mood Beethoven was in when he wrote it, 
it sounds beautiful.
But I was only looking for a piece he wrote that a person might play on a piano, a snippet of a melody I heard half asleep.

Some of his pieces (the less bombastic ones) sound a lot like conversations between people. A feminine reaction to a didactic person making statements, or being depressed generally.
It's as if you could hear the reactions without them actually speaking.
The main speaker speaks, and the listener reacts, and you feel their heartbeat rising, their emotions reacting.
Well anyway, it was a thought.

I never found the piece I was looking for, played repetitively in different keys.
Sometimes they sound a lot like a beautiful speech.
"This long statement, and also that, and the other thing" while the audience pulsates in reaction, "Hmm"

I had an idea to upload a midi or two, if I was allowed, but they sound awful, like spam instead of hamburger.
The nicer ones were made for a specific model of a very expensive midi controller, and the sounds do not blend as well as the originals. 

I'm still working out why my pictures look so bad online, *forget* midi's.

12356 356 12356456 (slight key change)234 246 (it sounds like swimming)
And the whole thing is maybe 30 seconds long (in my head) but It's prolly the part of a massive piece I wouldn't know.
A similar but very somber version:

Life is meaningless after the person you loved died, or am I interpreting it wrong?

I found it! Yay! (performed by "Sara Daneshpour")

It's by Bach, not Beethoven.
I don't know the name right this second.
("J. S. Bach’s Prelude in C major, BWV 846")

This last link  is more of a tutorial, but it explains why some professionals sound as though they are mumbling through.
This lady goes soft and loud and goes into pedal usage.

Edit: NOW I remember why I know it; it's the intro of a version of
"Ave Maria" (there are at least two famous versions), and The Carpenter's Christmas Album has the one I'm thinking of.

This next picture is tough for me to explain, so I won't.
The pianist is a teacher who has worked professionally for many years, 
and you can't really see a lot from people pretending to be all serious for a video.

This entry cannot be its own entry, it's too outre, too unofficial.
Does your all-clad, Le-Creuset, stainless-refrigerator-type-person neighbor insist upon EVOO?
If there is a hell it's for people buying $8 eggs (free range brown ones hugged by little kids) and showing them off at upcoming Easter hunts.
To them, cooking oils are status symbols, and they are *full* of them (the status-symbols, o nvm)
It's a reddit thread about why people use tons of olive oil

(Et tu, Walmart??)
I don't know if the article is badly written 
(I mean, who died and made me the judge)
But if you squint heavily it seems like Walmart made tons off of eggs.

You might have seen past news shows interviewing hard-asses in trucks at the filling station saying they'd pay for gas no matter how much it was, but what patriotic a-hole gobbles up eggs?

My point is, these people don't complain about food prices, they drive them.
They watch Frasier, the Antique roadshow and buy egg-futures,
But I digress (or whatever.)
The internet is being cagey(?) on the subject of eggs for 2025 buttttt,,,,,

uhm, Pretentious rejoice:
Go to Paris

Plastic eggs, only $45 (pre-owned)

Buses don't make smog, and Coffee cures cancer

less eggs (and the war, and covid, and immigrants and gas prices)
Gives them an excuse to raise the price.
The way they talk about mandates and democracy makes you wanna stand up and salute...something.

They've decided, it's wrong to depopulate chickens, and some magical vaccine of the future will save us.
To which I'll wonder (for a while)
Will you trust MAGA eggs??
ICU-chickens train of thought notwithstanding, uhm, 
O, and "Herd immunity"
And little kids hugging diseased chickens, it's all in a train of thought I might write someday, but not now.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

"Call me Artemis" (It's from a book, duh)


One of the ethics of the internet is, you must never reveal the ending.
But near as I can figure, God is busted somehow, and his envoys are questioning his sanity.
The Player is an unwitting envoy in a gargantuan simulacrum (I'll look up the word later.)
Player can fritter around looking for meaning, but (see above) God is busted.
Actually, (I'm in a different playthrough now,) you either gather goods from across the universe like some errand-boy or reset the universe.
After writing the above sentence, I intend to start over, knowing that whatever you do it isn't good enough, the game has you whipping around like a one-man army, doing someone's bidding, until it becomes such a chore you welcome the reset or whatever.
Kill whatever gets in your way, be influenced by mysterious forces, it gets too much like "Google News."
Or it's boring, you pick.

The people following internet rules would dox you in a second if you diss their politics but won't reveal the end of a freaking game, but I'm guessing it's on an endless loop.
This train-of-thought, Blog entry is mostly because of a question posed by God,
and I can't find a good answer, but I'm leaning towards,
"Your answer is irrelevant."
Praying to Jesus to help find your keys is also irrelevant, but people do it.
Find meaning in that.
This game strengthens my faith in nihilistic predestination, but now I'm just mumbling.....
This has nothing to do with the game but it fits my view of it so far.
By the way, I only just learned that you need milestones to complete this game properly.
 I'm "Dawn," right this exact second, and I need to be "Curious."
Whack them weeds, Dig that dirt!!
OK, sure, whatever.
(Slavery is overrated)
I don't understand the fandom. The praise.
I've ended this game twice, (nearly), very unfulfilling.
Frog, robot, Jaffa (mean guy), it's a tossup.
It's like watching star wars chapter umpteenth and wondering what the point is.

Me with a head instead of a helmet

Not immersive, 
no women, 
(I prolly missed a lot of adjectives.)
Does God (I'm just wondering) diversify his portfolio of religions (all of which think God is male?) so he gets better returns on prayer and praise from desperate people?

It's the self righteous religions you have to watch out for.
They make up rules and really get pissed if you don't follow them.
I think this game touches on philosophy but I gloss over it.

IF I played normally, I'd be worried about getting eaten or pillaged or out-of-gas in a bad neighborhood, and that would endear me to it (right?)

Maybe you thought learning words would be significant.
I travelled all over, FINALLY learned "250" and got another hundred words to learn.
This game wants to teach...something... but it makes no difference.
I went from "Conversationalist" to "Fluent," but
who cares?
Reading, History, math, geez I'm in a freaking school.
It's a neverending nightmare of tedium
sorry, didn't mean to talk so loud)

If the plot-line (Artemis) is dead, then who buried him and  left a grave marker?
I had more questions but I forgot.
Well one: for a dead-guy, Artemis seems pretty nimble, designing a translator.

No one will remember Player, it's baked into the plot.
Was this an episode of "Stargate SG1" (Or "groundhog day," IDK)
Like salmon spawning upstream, dinosaurs, lizards and weird animals will tunnel through rock and scale mountains to reach your house and be a nuisance.
Can you kill them?
I mean, in the cosmic scheme of stuff, is that OK?

Part of my wake-up dream besides the "get up NOW" part was trying to remember 
the dream and the subject of the dream, as if I were in a class trying to understand and remember.
I don't remember, not one little bit.
So when I woke, I wondered which accent the UK really likes amongst themselves.
My search brought me this tutorial video.
('sap'nin guw, you a'ight?)
Baldur's gate 3 has a scene outside a brothel where lots of immigrants are standing around talking, and one woman is objecting to sleeping in the brothel.
"I would rather sleep in the Gu_a (Gutter)."
Some American kids mumble a lot, you're standing close by and can't hear a word.
"accents," it's an interesting subject, but if I dreamed about it, I can't remember.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Puzzles (sort of): a draft


I abandoned "C" long ago because of pointers, hmm
pointers to pointers (Bah! humbug)

1 2 6 24 120
is part of a puzzle in the No-man's-sky game.
A snooty guy on Reddit denigrated the OP for being helpful and placing the answers for mere mortals to see.

I'd write tons more about reruns you never watched, without having trainers and cheats to enjoy games.

Frequently (kind of,) I see real old guys commenting that they enjoy this game, even though it is still hard for them to play.

Some like puzzles, just as some enjoy Trump.
Ich Nicht.

"How Bizarre"

You'd think being smart would make people nicer ("enlightened") not snobby cold unfeeling and dangerous.
(But no)

Middle ground there is, between neanderthal and Alien from the future.
Dr Evil is a stereotype, a meme, but you all voted for him anyway.
"Dune" was way too long.

They made too many star wars movies.

Figuring out the puzzle that is this editor, makes me forget things...
"Excalibur" was one of the greatest movies ever, but it didn't do too well. "Creator" had a lot of philosophical conundrums, and it was also a great movie, but I doubt you've ever heard of it.
"Merlin" gets shown on the Freebie Sci-Fi channel sometimes, and it was also a really good movie.
Games would be better off with movies like those to emulate...but it'll never happen, you've all spoken and the world is shittier (but that's just old man ranting, on the leftist (uh) "snowflake" fringe.)

I'd like to think that I have an original thought, occasionally, but Google always proves me wrong:

At the top of my foot, right where it meets my leg, there is this pulsating pain, nearly sharp, as if something heavy struck it days ago.
And if I wiggle my leg under the covers, My big toe feels the sheets painfully, as if it had been injured by something sharp weeks ago and still felt the pain.
This IRL stuff would be more convincing,
If I actually had a leg to stand on.
So I take "Tylenol PM" and the pain disappears, but then I get extra colorful dreams waking up.

The dreams have no meaning when I am awake, and are hard to type. Fantastic alternate realities, (Like knowing very rich people and them knowing me) do not translate well.

PBS disproves the great replacement theory of the anglo-saxons, but they talk very slow and mix it in with arthurian legend.
Anyway, they mentioned some names for "Excalibur" that I briefly looked up.
How the hell they get "Excalibur from "Caledfwlch" or Caliburn, I glossed over.

Anglophile Americans eat all this up, and I'll bet if you watched all the shows you'd know more history of Britons than the British...
"To Joe," says a stone, "From Guido, the son of Don Corleone"
Yay, they proved people could write.
From the (really long) TOT (train of thought)