
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

topical (yada blah etc) vaccine

 My wifi works, it's just not working too well.
Specifically it goes like crazy and stops on a dime, and then goes ever-slowly afterwards.
The only specific failure I can see is something called "TX Ack Fail,"
nothing catastrophic.
Plus, setting something called "cts/rts" to a smaller amount just slows it down more.
What's in the news??
Concierge Care Provider One Medical Gave COVID-19 Vaccine To Ineligible People : NPR
Oohh, big surprise, the rich helping the rich and connected.
You can't tell people stuff like hospitals are hoarding masks, they get indignant. 
Fuck it.

I didn't know about the above link's claims (and the links to that link, and so on, it's a long train )(no cspan here) that the right wants to completely transform the so-called riot into a festival gone bad due to leftist insurgents.

They've got 76% of you all believing it...so nevermind.
Don't quote news at people, it just pisses them off.

Funny how the news suddenly bombasts something I wrote about a few days ago.
NOTHING then it's bombasted on google's front page?
So if I'd mentioned this yesterday people'd get indignant, saying they heard *nothing* on the NBC nightly news.
Fuck it!
This is a picture (you know that, right?) of what I wrote several days ago.
My point then/now is, they promise to "study" it for (o, maybe) 100 days or a year.
Biden rushes to address global computer chip shortage via latest executive order | Reuters

Meanwhile, "Fry's," the electronics store, is gone.
As of this exact second I could not determine why it's gone, but I can totally guess that it thrives on full parking lots and crowded stores, But they probably have tons of stock and open-box merchandise just waiting for a fire sale, followed by an announcement that "Your love brought us back."

Is it for real, is it getting sold, are creditors banging on the doors, or is it just another marketing stunt?

Supply-chain-whatever, it's a sellers market, and the dollar is down for the count (o hell, now I suppose you want a freaking link)

A Weak Dollar Won't Make America Great Again | Investor's Business Daily (investors.com)

You might not remember but the "house" keeps passing bills that get killed in the senate.
I'm slightly more optimistic, but consider that they impeached (tried to) in a matter of days, this is taking more than a month, why??
 They have a special lady called a "parliamentarian" to tell them what precisely to do,

and I would not want to guess at all the presents (amendments) they're trying to add or take away.
But my gut tells me they're seriously delaying for unspoken reasons.
After reading the above, Fry's dying, dollar getting weaker, Biden still pissed off at China, getting a check at this point seems anticlimactic.....I tell myself to use it like a proverbial seed or egg that can grow and when the dollar gets stronger, when Biden has an epiphany based upon his executive-order, that Nvidia and AMD are the only games in town, Maybe that seed will buy a decent processor as well.

A new BIOS!!
Same old Problem!!!
Killing time at the wee-hours, I watched "Battlestar Galactica," with no sound.
FINALLY it's watchable!!
Grace Park is irresistible but in the show she plays an evil clone who beats up her wounded true-self, killing her just before the commercial.
She gets to demonstrate her irresistibility on some poor sap who freed her from prison so she could kill her other self, and the 'sap' is abandoned and alone in his fantasy.
He sinks to the floor in despair, end, infomercial.
Unfortunately, trying to get up to speed on her character(s) has proven impossible, and the scene I saw isn't even mentioned, and the rerun-channel hops back and forth through the timeline of episodes.
so a big nevermind.
My imaginary story's wrong, the British guy getting converted to the dark-side by the evil blonde woman, and the hotness-bot and the eyepatch guy try to pass for white to the president and Olmos,
but today they're all back on earth (in a dream-scene?) and the president gets sick (she's got terminal cancer, right?) So even in my head the story is ridiculously overcomplicated, but in reality(?) it's like algebra compared to calculus.
O, the BIOS!!
Note to self, the calculator seems right-on, except one value that totally kills the PC (It seems happy but there's no Video):

TWRRD should be >1

I thank you, good night.
(whatever "twrrd" is can wait until tomorrow)
With no pesky "Prime95" to limit me, I can Rule the world!!
(Ahem) more testing needed

I swear I wrote about this before, googled the same link (below)
But I must have erased it...My blogs are like my memory, so easily wiped.

My cousin in San Francisco sent me a link, mostly for the comments (social security beneficiaries can't qualify.)$600 ‘Golden State Stimulus’ Proposed By Governor Newsom For Low-Income Californians (hometownstation.com)
I was gonna get all pedantic on his ass, "Of course they qualify," etc but if you like youtube videos, you'll see that you at least have to file tax-returns, AND qualify for something called "EITC" which, if you're retired, you don't.

Being really poor qualifies you because you get their state aid.
Being not-so-qualifying-ly poor gets you bupkis.
$600 ‘Golden State Stimulus’ Proposed By Governor Newsom For Low-Income Californians (hometownstation.com)

I didn't stop googling...You know those "entitlements" politicians always refer to?
SSI is an entitlement. And if you're entitled, You qualify.
SSA is *not* an entitlement, and (insert pontification here)
My gut tells me, right this moment, and without further qualifications from my cousin's representatives, that he's right.

Monday, February 22, 2021

NfN 2: ??

BIOS Flash/update Failure:

This might be worrying too much. Last January or so, and again today, I updated my BIOS and it kept getting stuck at "50%".
The "MFLASH" screen shows upgrade progress and a few other things like CPU speed and temperature.
at "50%" the CPU-speed and temperature icons are still there but the info is gone.

Powering-down and then up shows what seems to be a successful flash.

Fortunately my board has two completely separate BIOSes and one of them flashed error-free, 100-per cent. The one that flashed successfully had never been flashed or modified.

There might be several reasons, none of which I am qualified to guess at, But I will anyway(!)
Some setting in BIOS prevents a New BIOS from being flashed normally.
I've been told that CMOS, the special chip on which BIOS resides, is a cheap thing and can only be flashed several times before it retires and moves to Florida.
So none of the following will be proven:
Resetting the BIOS to the default settings before flashing, might help
Only using the BIOS that flashed successfully might help (if the other one is feeble/sick)

But for now I'm back on the BIOS that never really flashed right, Beeecause...
I never should really have flashed the alternate BIOS, it would have been nice to have a pristine BIOS to fall back on. But after I updated it, I switched it off being careful not to change anything, for next time.
Dual-BIOSES must be great for overclockers, but I only like that they make great safety features.
my hardware is stable, that is. If nothing (bugs, scratches, etc) ruined anything.
Everything SEEMs fine, but tell that to my dead videocard (that was in last month's blog, o nevermind)

Legends/Ghost stories TBA:
(Please keep in mind beforehand that ONE of the BIOSes flashed perfectly)

Ebullience followed by doubt and despair IOW, "secure BOOT", "Bitlocker", UEFI, CSM are subjects St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas would have trouble writing about, and readers would abandon all hope of ever understanding.
"Blah-is, now here is how to work around it, yada whatever," does not exist in our universe or I have not looked hard enough or long enough.
This seemingly helpful site is a little like (a LOT like) you're in a country where they use expressions and words that are foreign to you. It is written well, it's probably true in some other universe...

I'm convinced, after all the folderol, that Windows is *blocking* the complete version of the updated BIOS, but is what I have good enough, adequate?
It seems so.
Several sites I've encountered suggest to remove all the drives first. yeahbutt...nnno.
Eternities will pass waiting for the update-button to finish

Well this subject is NOT closed but will be shrouded in mystery for at least a while

I've got new stuff to worry about: Why are pages on the web such as
showing up blank?
They're not timing out, they *eventually* load, and it isn't browser-specific.
Go ahead, *blame* my network, I'm already full of self-doubts and inadequacies.
I'll shortcut-around my router.
(To be continued at a later date)

History of the world....
TLS 1.0, 1.1 deprecated...
We don't even speak of those disowned ones, the "SSL's"
Well, shit, direct-modem connection: fruitless and sad.
Speaking of wifi:
If you're a 300lb-muu-muu wearing 160mhz signal, you probably don't get out much, and people yell things just out of earshot. 
But most wifi programs don't realize you're so fat and report your signal girth to be a svelte 80mhz.
*Anyway*, windows knows and reports at least the correct data-rate, although it keeps mum on bandwidth.
So if you live in a desert, or a poor town without any 160 meggers, uh,

"2402" doesn't actually say much, and I cannot prove with even a tiny bit of certainty that *anything* is set to 160M.
So nevermind.
But you're on the Bandwidth-Limited train, coming out of Router central, headed to parts-unknown.
For example:
deceptively skinny signal
Super-damn piss-poor (geez, I've pissed-off the Wifi God)

Those two pictures are impressions of my network, (which is pretty bad right now, wifi-wise)
I could tweak and pore over forgotten lore, but it all seems so pointless.
"PMF:Disable" ??? Yeah it seems to work, but am I wearing my speedos at night in Shantytown in a dark alley???
Yeahbutt...It sucks bigtime (?)

160 is too fat. 40 seems too skinny. 80 isn't exactly a sprinter but it gets the job done.
"Change the channel" get out of that bad neighborhood.
Well, it was a thought, and it worked, for a bit.
Back up to 160mhz, torpedoes be-damned

Saturday, February 20, 2021

notes for nobodys

A $329 Nvidia RTX 3060 was impossible to find, but you could give Newegg’s raffle a try - The Verge 

The GTX RTX 3060 Ti is there because the RX 6700 will also be there, soon, and they hope you'll buy the 3060 first. 

It's being compared to a 1660

which is a modern version of a 1060, which is what I have now.

Lemme see, I'll probably have to edit this because I have the numbers wrong or switched out a GT or an R.

The 3060 will have a small ding in the Bitcoin-capabilities, so gamers will get it, they say, rather than crypto miners, but when nothing is out there, *anything* is better than nothing, and the street prices have risen accordingly (IOW they're already pumping up the sub-400 price)

In normal times this would be given to your deficit deficient cousin or her sister, but these aren't normal times.

No word on what the 6700 will be like, except if it's compared to the rtx-3060, Nvidia will say,

"We meant to do that"

Last August

It's gonna truly suck kimchi if I have to buy *anything* right now.

I'm glossing over headlines concerning sino-american relations, 

Global “chip” situation, Biden team promises to solve the problem of chip shortage | TechNews Technology News – 6Park News En

after also glossing Diamond-Multimedia (the rx580 is from their website, in the reddit-answer to the question, "Are there any US-Made Cards.") Yeah it also sucks summarizing a long train of thought.

200k-a-year people just don't get why we're not happier than shit.

Folderol and stuff, useless rehashes, old news


Long Robust Lines

So there it is, Buy TSMC stock, sit by your fireplace and drink tea until 2022 


(notes on the note)

I've hopelessly confused the numbers and letters in my head.

"RTX"(formerly "GTX")=NVIDIA, "RX"=AMD, "Deficit" is from the "Godfather II" and is a word I can't find out right now that means "[he's'] slow"

frugal customers owning 1050's and the like, normally would switch to a 3060 (the number looks nicer), or wait in quiet-reserved anticipation for the 6700.

Kids living in nice neighborhoods next to oil-refineries might (normally) get their granddad or Uncle Jeff to spring for a RTX3080

The sub-Saharan tribes in wherever sub-sahara is, might get the 6700 as a PR-stunt by some politician in a foreign country....


everyone else (normally) would get 3080ftwOMG-TI-XT,

Beverly-hills denizens and rappers and drug dealers would opt for a 3090 and a RX6900 for their manager.

So not being a dealer nor a manager, I quietly await the second-coming of the RX-6900, or possibly an RX6800, not living in Bev-hills or anywhere close.

I *think* that's all correct, but I've always been bad at math, and all those letters give me dyslexia.

15 dead-days ends Friday...Money arrives before 3/15...so much math to learn (*sigh*)

Solar Panels are usually black/dark, too many solar panels could warm up the earth, causing Cyclones in the USA....
But what if solar panels were white?

My take: you can prove damn near anything you want using math.

Gigantic cooling pipes stuck into the arctic, where's the mathematical genius trying to prove that theory?
You could warm like there's no tomorrow as long as you kept the arctic way-cool.
Buuut noooo...(TBA)
My take (becuz ynot) "It depends upon what you cool and where (dummass) (Devil's advocate rebuttal, "HEAT the arctic for long-lasting pleasure (ignore that pool of water at your feet)"
If you're busy disseminating alarming info about global warming + promoting salt-cooled nuke-power,
PLUS you've got money to burn...
Go cool an ocean (one single ocean), the arctic.
Every time there was a bad winter people'd curse your name (because they love to curse names)
but you'd go to your grave knowing you made the earth colder for humanity.
You's all's missing it, there'd be nothing to pump, the arctic isn't a slushie, it (should) be a big-ass block of ice, preferably an unmovable one (So you wouldn't crush kill and destroy millions with it)
(It's a thing you talk about till you drown, freeze or fry)
Geoengineering Plan to Refreeze the Arctic Won't Save the Climate (gizmodo.com)
(and they should know, they're Gizmodo)

If you got your head out of Mars and concentrated on the earth, hmm.
Or are rich people looking to launch themselves OFF of this toilet planet where they could torture immigrants wanting jobs, food and medical care?? (It was a movie..o nevermind)

Google a disease (any disease) and the gross-and-disgusting will come out of your screen to show you their hideous scars.
Feel better now?
Except, your disease is probably worse, it only looks better (you never were all that photogenic...
Well...yeah (no, ew, kill it before it grows!!)
You'd think the podiatrist I'm seeing

would do more than break out his little clippers.

"You promised to Fix my face!!"
"It's chronic anyway, so let him lose his skin" (Obscure 'Godfather' reference)
(The dark, the [dis]colored...)

O nevermind
In a squirreled-up abortion of a webpage (they blame communication problems)
Which is NOT the movie from above, and is definitely and by far not the worst movie.
Geez, the nerve.
The gall.
The audacity.
If it's the movie I'm thinking of, Vincent price, Boris Karloff and Hazel Court  and Peter Lorre have a grand time trying to do comedy. She's too hot to be a comedian, Boris is too old (still scary) So that leaves Vincent, who just comes off weird.
Great movie, I hope they show it forever. 
But it isn't the above movie, the one they never show anymore, at all, ever, because you'd have to rent it or something.

I'm editing in a tiny rant, +

If diabetes is the villain it's a piss-poor one...I'd say it's a red herring (I gotta stop quoting obscure movies) "Blame Obama" whydont'cha

Thursday, February 18, 2021



They passed, committees meet, they passed more, OO, look at the spaceship!!

Reporters gotta eat, politicians gotta speak, but face it, you're taking an awful long time to talk about stuff.

"The stock market went up! Down! It went '??' today"

We're pissed at China, we're gonna be for a while, And I don't see that as helping Nvidia, Apple nor AMD,  and I don't hear anything about Nvidia, Apple nor AMD moving to (Mexico, Canada, anywhere not China.)

Analysis: Carmakers wake up to new pecking order as chip crunch intensifies | Reuters

And that's my TLDR of the day, politicians talk tons but little gets done.

No vaccine deliveries? Take the train, fly south (think about it) then fly back north.

Too many links needed, too many pictures.

Glossy color pictures of hot stockbrokers and really (really) high-powered women who would be flabbergasted, aghast, (really pissed off) at anyone calling them hot.

I would not wanna piss off half the world so I won't paste pictures from Reuters.

(mumble mumble)
Carmakers make cars....
but AMD mostly makes chips...
chips made by machines...
I don't know, is there some trade-war brewing? 
I'm lost. . .
There was a lettuce/grape war back in the (google says it was the late sixties, I thought it was seventies)
and is this similar or way different?

(re-re edited)
"Windows Update" cannot be running while typing, because when you press the "Return"-key,
the computer thinks you want to restart and it restarts...Bah!
OK Let's see if my cheeeeesy memory remembers.
"HDMI 2.1 (48G?)"
HDMI 2.1, I understand, kind of, it's what you'd look for when buying an HDMI cable right now, and be relatively assured it would work.
(see below)

Anyway, Coax, an extension cord onto the existing cable-feed.
The existing cable feed is as good or as bad/old as it is, you can't change it without worlds colliding, but the *extension* should be the best it can be, right? To not make the existing cable worse, right?
Skipping the "History of the world" folderol, 
my theoretical extension should be as short and as thick as possible, to satisfy my brain thinking it should not degrade the signal even more.
But my brain was wrong, and I found a site that avoids technicalities and explains it in a way even I understand. 
TLDR: An extension should be a minimum of two feet, and should not be too thick (so, don't buy "RG11")
Should you run RG11 cable straight to the receiver? - The Solid Signal Blog

RG6 reflections, a foot or so, RG11, 50 feet or so. Gotcha.
I need to buy a two-foot RG6-extension if I buy one at all. 
(My two-inch "Mr. Dinky" which bends into a beautiful "L" shape, seems to work right now, 
is cheap enough (free) so if/when it broke, no tears would be shed, 
and theoretical reflections be-damned (they only hurt people with really lousy cable in the first place)
I'll uh, keep repeating that to myself.
'Dinky' died after I wrote this. 

The DC-Blocker along with my cable adapter prolly emit enough reflections to light up a small planet anyway. I'm uh, hmm. *maybe* I'll think about it. (WHY do I need a "DC Blocker" again? I forgot, Lightning??)

The HDMI 48G-thing 

could be tacked on to an existing cable in an effort to sell more cables (or did you think factories worldwide would dutifully dump all their cables because of a new spec??)
I'm um,...TBA (HDMI 2.1: What you need to know - CNET) (vague as hell, is "2.1 = 48g?" What's with the "Ultra high speed" folderol?
This is like learning a language

in which they announce "2.1" and in a separate paragraph write "supporting the yada-whatever is the new hotness"

Which leaves it just open enough to interpretation by companies such as the overpriced "Monster Cable" people.

"2.1" wasn't sexy enough, but

48g, ultra-high-speed, "2.1" appear identical (read that with mucho salt)


Notes (Not for general consumption)
WHY aren't coax-cables made male-female?
(IOW, why should an adapter be needed??)
File this pic under "cute but wrong"

I did actually find one made by someplace way-far-away...but it'd be too enormously hard to get one, and I'm not exactly sure it would work. The little center conductor-hole had no guide, so you'd need razor-precision and nerves of steel (no shaky hands) and maybe a teeny-bit longer center conductor.
So *fine*, you'd need an adapter, I have one, I've had several, but they get eaten or thrown away as the years pass)

This next diy-looking manufactured product is as close to something you can readily buy as I've found.
Plus I'm too tired to go on, but if you just got here, this has the general idea, if not the polish and style of a professionally made product: