BIOS Flash/update Failure:
This might be worrying too much. Last January or so, and again today, I updated my BIOS and it kept getting stuck at "50%".
The "MFLASH" screen shows upgrade progress and a few other things like CPU speed and temperature.
at "50%" the CPU-speed and temperature icons are still there but the info is gone.
Powering-down and then up shows what seems to be a successful flash.
Fortunately my board has two completely separate BIOSes and one of them flashed error-free, 100-per cent. The one that flashed successfully had never been flashed or modified.
There might be several reasons, none of which I am qualified to guess at, But I will anyway(!)
Some setting in BIOS prevents a New BIOS from being flashed normally.
I've been told that CMOS, the special chip on which BIOS resides, is a cheap thing and can only be flashed several times before it retires and moves to Florida.
So none of the following will be proven:
Resetting the BIOS to the default settings before flashing, might help
Only using the BIOS that flashed successfully might help (if the other one is feeble/sick)
But for now I'm back on the BIOS that never really flashed right, Beeecause...
I never should really have flashed the alternate BIOS, it would have been nice to have a pristine BIOS to fall back on. But after I updated it, I switched it off being careful not to change anything, for next time.
Dual-BIOSES must be great for overclockers, but I only like that they make great safety features.
my hardware is stable, that is. If nothing (bugs, scratches, etc) ruined anything.
Everything SEEMs fine, but tell that to my dead videocard (that was in last month's blog, o nevermind)
Legends/Ghost stories TBA:
(Please keep in mind beforehand that ONE of the BIOSes flashed perfectly)
Ebullience followed by doubt and despair IOW, "secure BOOT", "Bitlocker", UEFI, CSM are subjects St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas would have trouble writing about, and readers would abandon all hope of ever understanding.
"Blah-is, now here is how to work around it, yada whatever," does not exist in our universe or I have not looked hard enough or long enough.
This seemingly helpful site is a little like (a LOT like) you're in a country where they use expressions and words that are foreign to you. It is written well, it's probably true in some other universe...
I'm convinced, after all the folderol, that Windows is *blocking* the complete version of the updated BIOS, but is what I have good enough, adequate?
It seems so.
Several sites I've encountered suggest to remove all the drives first. yeahbutt...nnno.
Eternities will pass waiting for the update-button to finish |
Well this subject is NOT closed but will be shrouded in mystery for at least a while
I've got new stuff to worry about: Why are pages on the web such as
showing up blank?
They're not timing out, they *eventually* load, and it isn't browser-specific.
Go ahead, *blame* my network, I'm already full of self-doubts and inadequacies.
I'll shortcut-around my router.
(To be continued at a later date)
TLS 1.0, 1.1 deprecated...
We don't even speak of those disowned ones, the "SSL's"
Well, shit, direct-modem connection: fruitless and sad.
Speaking of wifi:
If you're a 300lb-muu-muu wearing 160mhz signal, you probably don't get out much, and people yell things just out of earshot.
But most wifi programs don't realize you're so fat and report your signal girth to be a svelte 80mhz.
*Anyway*, windows knows and reports at least the correct data-rate, although it keeps mum on bandwidth.
So if you live in a desert, or a poor town without any 160 meggers, uh,
"2402" doesn't actually say much, and I cannot prove with even a tiny bit of certainty that *anything* is set to 160M.
So nevermind.
But you're on the Bandwidth-Limited train, coming out of Router central, headed to parts-unknown.
For example:
deceptively skinny signal |
Super-damn piss-poor (geez, I've pissed-off the Wifi God) |
Those two pictures are impressions of my network, (which is pretty bad right now, wifi-wise)
I could tweak and pore over forgotten lore, but it all seems so pointless.
"PMF:Disable" ??? Yeah it seems to work, but am I wearing my speedos at night in Shantytown in a dark alley???
Yeahbutt...It sucks bigtime (?) |
160 is too fat. 40 seems too skinny. 80 isn't exactly a sprinter but it gets the job done.
"Change the channel" get out of that bad neighborhood.
Well, it was a thought, and it worked, for a bit.
Back up to 160mhz, torpedoes be-damned