
Friday, April 12, 2024

Signal strength (a discussion)

Ain't no flies on me (@ Peak Saturday Evening)
PR link

Edit 4/19, Now that I know for a fact that different carriers have different versions of popular phones, it isn't enough to go to "Gsmarena" or wherever to check the specs, a person has to go to the phone carrier's website, and doing that (overandoverandover) makes them twitch with a little paranoia, what am I up to??
I am not qualified, T-Mobile says, for more than one line. (It's an announcement they make.)
Of course I am but I triggered a booby-trap, no doubt.
T-mobile might have their own version of a phone, but the financing is also different, depending upon new users, rich users, or me.
So yeah I logged in (a LOT) but I lost the phone-bug, and their website can rest easy, until I launch another expedition.
. . . . .
A trip to the store for Tea and potatoes showed my signal (on a cloudy wet day) 
as being variable-as-hell, it being -92 right this second. 
(it's ostensibly "exynos 5300") but I have no MMwave so I'm wary.
Why buy a chip and disable some of it?)

Did it actually go up to -60dBm??
I could not duplicate that on the way home; it settled at -78.
But my gas station was right around where it is now, -92.
So midway between here and the station it perks up.
Clouds and the time of day might have been factors.
It's not the strength of a signal, it's what a phone does with it, 
The best signal handling phone being, whatever they release next month.

and *my* phone might have been dialing into a bad answering-system
(yeah, "bad system")

another thread
My phone is decent data but my impression (after a week) is, it sucks on Voice.
Now these people are specifically talking "Data"
and one person mentioned 200mbps when they were working.

I am severely afraid to commit to a phone that others have said doesn't work for them well, and Samsung appears to be no help, for them.
So just when I FINALLY settle on "S24," these threads show up.
On Paper, S24 seems fantastic, it's just small.
The "Ultra" in their thread worries me; how much different is the 
plain-jane version??
(And does it come in sky or wedgewood-blue?)


Just now I switched to "3G" and signal strength might be better, not sure.
Physics-guys, readers of books and an AI bot can tell you what a thing is, just not the relevance of it (in regards to, "3g more powerful?"
yeahbutt, 3g inherently better?
(no, they say, it's different values)

Dig DEEP and listen to a few innuendos, rumors and bombasts:
People write freakin' treatises on this stuff
Yeahbutt...Yahbutt...(O nvm)
These guys know more history than historians...not sure where they publish this stuff.

Verizon is the one pushing MMWAVE, AKA 5GUW (and other names)

Competitors are suing T-Mobile because (they say) 
T-mobile's 2.5G band interferes with their own band.
I had more but typing is such a chore, that the trains of thought die.

The tower I *believe* might be the one I lock onto, has a number and everything. 
I've just, never seen it, prolly never will.
My more pertinent point is, between me and the tower are hills and lots and lots of real-estate enhancing trees.
Movies can potentially buffer, Files can possibly go slow, but the whole reason for a phone is the calls (I think) and if *calls* get cut off, well what's the f'ng point.

The dirty subject of signal strength is very willingly glossed over in favor of cameras and display nuances. and thumb-prints. And NFC.

 It depends upon who you are and what you're selling, and (reddit/quora) your prejudices.
Oooh, The Camera!! Oooh, the screen!!! 
(ignore my left hand, watch the shiny thing)

Verizon is (was) touting C-Band superiority, but right this exact second I do not know what "C-Band" is (in N-channel-speak)
I still don't know but here's an explanation (sort of)
Both are right and wrong (I have no words)


Cell-phone channels get talked about a lot but (as I am discovering) without changing cell-phone companies, without travelling constantly,
You're really only assigned one channel,
and that channel might be stuck-together with Other subordinate channels.
So (bottom line, at least for me) buying an expensive many-channeled-phone is silly if (1.) you're only going to have the phone for 1-2 years, (2) you don't plan on changing carriers anytime soon, and (mostly, 3) you already know which channel your carrier uses.
More pertinent to a signal-discussion is, which MODEM does your phone have?
Exynos (samsung) or Qualcomm??
reddit/quora (right this second) seem to beat out professional pages reviewing free samples, and cell-phone salesmen.
And (this is gut feelings) if you *don't* work downtown in a skyscraper with many nearby towers, you probably wouldn't need mmwave, (It's the only situation I can think of that would, hmm)
You might not live on a farm but living in suburbia with the occasional mall close by might be something to look at: Which cell phone company has the best reception (now and for a year) in your neighborhood?
The mind boggles at all the variables, but it quite frankly has nothing to do with the camera, the color or how well thumbprints work.

So a test pointing to a frequency I don't/can't use is pointless, but...
IDK "700MHZ"...whaddabout "600"? Or is that carrier-specific pie in sky bullshit (%$#@ u)
"Oneplus 10 pro"? hangon.... Nope. What about "Nord N30 5G"??? I mean, it's a $#@! PHONE, it's prolly, uh, (o nvm)

S23+ and S23 are both gone, replaced by "S23FE," is That ok???
This shell game is too much for me.

Snapdragon yada is the t-mobile version I'd get (maybe, prolly) or more realistically, I could drown my sorrows in monthly pot-roasts instead.

Unloved S24

S24+ is, uh, "plus," plus it's yellow. 
Yellow is nice.

115.00 credit on my indebted phone, 185 monthly credits, 
99.99 Up front, Plus $35 activation fee. 
They do not state if trade-in's counteract the up-front costs,
or if you pay "up front" and get a check in the mail.
"come, pay the fee!!"
("But I can't pay the fee!")
("I'll pay the Fee!!") (trade-in)
It's a fairy-tale, but it could be true, IDK

Did I mention that older phones do better overall than newer ones, in regards to signal? But no one high-up talks signal. No one praises a particular company (except the company itself and their PR department)
But T-mobile seems to weed out consumer-choices, replacing them with inferior ones (IDK)...and this makes honest-to-goodness hardworking cellphone evaluation sites ...useless.
The models are no longer on sale, and their replacements suck, but there I go lumping stuff together, once again.

$999 phone=$140 fees upfront (omg)
and sometimes "Y"

You'd think, with enough research, a guy would find an unglamorous underdog, but I have failed in a biggie way. This entry's days are numbered.

The "S23"(feh) or hibernate til winter with me P7

Being poor and not wanting to be a cat-person (only with phones, nvm)
I'll give it another chance; it does try so hard with data.

"Snapdragon" and "plus" are all the buzzwords I've learned. And maybe "MMWave."
"Buying a phone? Don't buy that model, "plus" is so much better"
And they don't appreciate comments on the signal 
("would you like to play a game?")
Reviewer-Dogs licking the scraps from their cellphone masters....
(anyway) I have a picture they couldn't just edit away, so they highlighted the features they hope you'll look at. 
*I* doctored the highlights, somewhat:
Lower-down left-corner
Old Hotness (apparently)

Qualcomm is no PR-slouch, touting its x75 modem as being newer than the X70.
(I haven't found a direct "newer is better" quote)
The above picture pales in comparison to the new hotness with many unintelligibles:


Aggregate THIS

Coming to the latest richer-than-god phones soon
I missed the "Pro" part,
I'm adding it in now
A note: because exclusivity, not everyone being "RTG", they came up with a new chipset with an older modem.
So you'd buy a phone for the new chipset but still have the same old modem
But you don't get the 8S gen3 on pro, only "Ultra" and you get (whatever the hell) because Verge decided to write all convoluted-like
("But, Look at the Back Panel!!")
It's a PITA reading this crap
(The quote is here but)
It's a super-LONG train, this one.
The title being, "oooh, look at the back Panel!"

On a different train, (way way different) There's an ongoing story about iPhone 16 and the problems its camera lens will have, mitigated by a new lens coating (this is getting too weird)

So if you only want stories focusing in on the modem, you'll have to wait
(meantime, back panels and lenses from the future)

The bottomless line to this long saga seems to be, X70 modems:
 wear them until you love them (it's a misquote, nvm)

Perusing T-Mobile's line of available phones, 
sort of skews the discussion seriously.
R U Rich?
Wud U Pay twice monthly of what U pay now?
Here, a phone!
(You do already have an RTG phone, right?)

  • Yes, the Yada-Pro has the new hotness (no yada Pro)
  • Yes, the Yada is cheeeeep (but it uses a neanderthal chipset)
  • Yes, we have mmwave (a Verizon technology) but on only one phone.
  • You couldn't afford the Yada+ pro-max-ultra anyway, why are we speaking to you, go away.

Parenthetically, updates on a phone you hate are useless,
 a sort of a "wear it until you love it" insult....
More buzzwords! Yay! (not)


A dated fragment of an old busted rusty train:
They want you to buy a phone, and they're gluing together frequencies to get you to be amazed at the speed (of X70) and you need a new model to get that speed (which you can't use much of, the phone would overheat and the ban-hammer would come down on your byte-gobbling connection)
And then there's this convoluted quote:
They're technically correct, since oneplus 11 5G is unavailable.
They're seriously poo-poohing anything without "plus" in the name, but yeah.
You want fast, get x70, widely available (except at t-mobile, cuz then you'd need an s23)
Did you get all that? Sixteen f'n subjects crammed into one???

My snarky take is, No one nowhere speaks of voice-call reliability.
"can you hear me now" commercial
(when you were very young)

When she talked "4g LTE" everyone listened.

I can't remember any T-Mobile commercials, and I doubt they talk "voice" but I'll look.

No, the most memorable commercial nowadays is the phone company for retired people, (uh) consumer-cellular?
So only Verizon talked "voice" but they shitcanned that idea eons ago.

The rest of the link seems to be about Pixel-7-Pro
si bien cellphone, mang
(Así vienen cellphones)

My generic new phone (in a year?) will have an x70 modem, and I won't care about the color, the victus-glass, or the f'ing back panel

Whatever I buy will be an almost equivalent of a phone that most were happy with, some hated.
Plus I get the distinct impression that people in reddit buy them like you'd buy sets (like families of phones /cats /dolls)
Did you read my vacuum-cleaner entry? ...Anyway, same deal. People interested enough to haunt a particular forum are REALLY interested in whatever group of phones they own.  
You kind of hope that your also-ran model T-Mobile has, is as good (hopefully better) than the ones under discussion.

O, shit

ya know, uh, ... 

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