
Friday, May 31, 2024

Reprint(?) Pot Roasty

 It's time for pot roast again. 
Now all I have to do is get my geriatric alzheimer's mind to remember which cut.
Near as I remember, "Tri tip sirloin" has a nice name but it's a terrrrrible cut, a small red meaty thing sitting on a huge layer of fat.
But what, Top round, bottom round, chuck-something, shoulder????
I forgot and perused my blogs, but I must have erased anything on cuts of meat....
Cross Rib!! My mind worked for a second.
"Beef Choice
Chuck Roast
Cross Rib (1

The 10lb roast tied with string in the picture,
reminds me of Plato's philosophy about Real vs Ideal
(They've improved the crap out of the snipping tool, but this editor is LOTS worse than when I started blogging)

And what to add to filler?

Pot roast all by itself lasts one meal or possibly two, and the rest is broth that gets thrown away.
I....don't know.
I used to think "Beans" or maybe "Pasta," But beans make me sick, and I'm sick of (plain) pasta.
Squash is supposed to be bad for me, but squash and potatoes.
Something in a yellow squash, it's a pretty color.
Since I've lived here my stomach has gotten more and more intolerant, it dislikes yogurt and I'm not sure about cheddar cheese.
It seems to like Pot roast and squash.
I wonder what it would think of peas, or maybe corn.
front-page Bing headline announced  that Broccoli and garlic and other inedibles were very good for you, screw them (they must have a vested interest in stomach medicines)
I like the medicine with the 6-foot Burrito chasing a woman through the airport, but I'm wandering again...

Flavorless cucumber-squash isn't cheap.
Hardly seems worth it.
Those pillowy squashes that look like gas-meter parts might be all right.
"Pattypan" (petitpan) squash

pretentious A-holes are teaching AI to emulate them.
Stop, robot, before it's too late.

OK fuck "greek," "Dijon," and "Olive oil" beeeeeecause the overpriced crap will cost more than mayonnaise, which comes in tons of pretentious varieties these days.

Plain f'ing yogurt, Lemon Juice, Canola, and it'll be missing something (a raw egg)
Sorry about that.
These days raw eggs can totally *kill* you so....

Honest hardworking recipe
...that can kill you or at least make you real sick
WE (me) don't know if "egg-beaters," those $7.00-per-egg things, would be worth it or are they getting fat on all the fear about real eggs.
Remember they aren't real so if an egg is expensive, they should have been the cheaper alternative.

buuut no, they're getting revenge for all those people passing them by for so many years, so now they're sticking it to us.

Fuck food.

Pot roast FTW

WHY are eggs so much?? Hmm????? "sally's eggs" with the kid hugging a chicken are the height of preposteratude, and This:

Buy her book! Buy her Book! Buy her Book!

F'n antibiotics could save your %$#@ LIFE, you &^%$#, grrr.
Diseased eggs will end life as we know it, but chickens will be happier.

Odd, most of my "Microsoft Start/Bing" page is about food today,
mostly about food I should not eat, anyway.
Cabbage makes me miserable for a week.

One is shoulder cross rib and the other, chuck-shoulder.
One looks like one huge piece of meat, no fat. The other, lotsa marbling.
I wish I could write which was which so I'd know next time.

Dipping the raw meat in white vinegar
Then dumping it in a pot to cook with can help lower blood sugar.
Weellll, "There is no scientific evidence," and it might just be a rumor started by the apple-cider and Balsamic-vinegar free range organic society, but this is a believable rumor that is easy to check on your own self, by using WHITE vinegar.

Kale, arugula and a ton of EVOO No salt 
Listeria and Salmonella, 
(some say) live in salad.
I'm still looking for "e-coli"

She couldn't say "canola, white vinegar, Cheddar cheese," o no.
Feeling sick? Gorgonzola is not for Lactose intolerant (but she ignored that)


Eat healthy, die.
Eat crap, die.
Eat anything, Die!
Pot roast, FTW ("ay, Dios santo")

xbox controller polling rate, hmm

 There is a game that exists somewhere, where the person with the fastest mouse and the fastest internet connection wins.
Somewhere out there.

So imagine my surprise when my new controller, which I've had for a month (an excellent one) had a headphone jack but it didn't work at first, because the "Polling" was set to 500hz, a choice I must've made setting it up and then forgot.

So I set it to 250hz, and the headphone jack worked.
The shaking-heads-sadly people out there are totally full of it because:

I feel as though my game character lost 80 pounds!! She runs faster, jumps higher...

This made no sense at all, since it is well known (lol) the highest polling controller wins, right?

So my (prolly rocky) advice is, if your game character works fine but feels a little tired all the time, maybe lay off the damn polling rate.

250 vs 500 shouldn't have done anything, but...
500 cut off my headphones, that's a fact.
I won't be doing any experiments (setting it to 1K and seeing if my game character gets slower and fatter)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

a news note

 Only so many times they can repeat "Trump" or one of Trump's friends, or his enemies, or his relatives....
So OK this odd little piece shows up

The people making these headlines pay actors and actresses to look pissed or whatever.
But this one is funny: The stage direction from the photographer is, "Look Psychotic"
People don't like it much when you stare. 
I like "whose line is it anyway", where they use stereotypical faces to convey a mood quickly....
This'll get edited or erased.

Did she spill Pizza sauce on her dress?

Staring Lady with hair-in-face
Famous actress or future Patient for the eighth floor?

In the last chapter I went on about 99.99 routers, how easy they might be to procure (if I wasn't over my limit) and how unavailable they'll prolly be in two months.
It's highly confusing but.... It looks like amazon got a special deal, or something...
the Linksys website lists them as 299, not 99.
Wait, what?
I misread, surely. 
Well anyway...
Yer kidding. 150 in Bills? O shit.

So maybe I can't get the router. O well.
Plus something smells, greedy people don't discount heavily, they just hobble the crap out of whatever it is on sale.
Does it have a thorn in its paw? (an arcane detail I'm not versed enough to wonder about?) Is it "irregular?"

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Newfangled tech

5GHz flocks of Birds
All avoiding DFS
Well, since you asked...
(O, you're NOT asking. OK NVM)

Right this exact edited second, the beta-channel version of windows 11 does not support "wi-fi 7" but "Release-Preview" Does is supposed to (mine does not.)
uh, whut? And yes I hope I am mistaken but no. (TBA)

Regarding my edit..... With a wifi-7 router handy, uh, the card with its wifi 7 driver might ignore windows and do wifi 7 anyway, but the most bombastic entry in the history of this blog (below) does not think there are affordable wi-fi 7 routers to be had.
So then my phone and my NIC card could prolly hitch up. I would not know.
Actually, I'm avoiding starting yet another bombastic little blog to do just that:
Hook up the phone as a hotspot, ask my PC to *find* that hotspot.

Well, no joy for 6GHz, it picked the lastest 5ghz channel.
My "Pixel 7" is one of those outer-darkness ones that doesn't do 6ghz, or I need to do some serious reading up. "Blame it on windows" is more convenient but I'm not sure it's true (yet.)
The reading-up part should be about pixel-7 (the barbarian/philistine version, not "Pro,") but the 256gb ordinary one.
But before I nod off from the boredom, it is becoming increasingly clear that Pixel 7 (My authentic version of one, for here and for now) will not do 6GHz.
All that other fancy-ass crap is irrelevant to me.
I should note I'm on Android 15 vanilla Ice cream, which doesn't even exist yet.
It also does not say if my neighbors use Wi-Fi 6e-6ghz, it's just a lot of names.
I don't think they do but how would I really know?
Mr. Jim  there, being a diamond expert, should know, but he says we don't really need it, etc etc etc
what-why-who-how-when? he doubts we need it.

How reddit knows stuff that no one else apparently knows, is mysterious

Become the hacker-whore of Satan, and he will grant you 6GHz

he Has wifi 6e (congrats) and wants to stick to 5ghz (Instead of fixing 6ghz)
This is way too confusing.
I've racked Google's brain to find a non-hacked solution.
Google is a dry well of (mis) information on the subject.

Once govt agencies monitoring this stuff acquire enough 6ghz monitoring equipment to stick into their vans, Once home internet wifi routers from ISP's can support it, then I suppose it'll magically appear, with Microsoft buffing their nails about how modern they are.
Until then they're dragging their collective feet.
But forget I said that; it's a rant from the depths of a slightly paranoid heart....When in doubt, make it illegal
The Indian Govt has not decided, let's say.
Let's also say that if they made it legal for only certain humans, certain factories, rogue libertines would already have 6ghz routers. Profit losses would happen. How can they monopolize frequencies they don't have control over? (and other wild speculations)

no sense in priming that money pump forever.
Drop this or that feature, no one'll notice


Actually none of this matters; the train of thought is sooo long, so convoluted.

My AX (Wifi 6 router) died a pointless death no one will mourn, and since it wasn't upgradable, I don't feel that bad, it looked deformed.

My replacement router is a way-old router, and it was designed to look older than that, like some 50's classic I was never familiar with.

My Wi-Fi 7 router will , um, (hmm) cost lots less, I hope, than when the previous ones were new.

Define "Less"
Wait, It's clearly (?) advertised as "Wifi 7"
Not "6E"
(this is an edit due to something I wrote WAY down)
TP-Link, the spyware-ridden one from CCP (what's "CCP"?)

Anyway, here's some useful info:
6GHz and "WiFi 7" are NOT the same; 
I don't really understand that but there it is.
Relatively new find (like, 10 minutes ago)
TLDR "...Supports 6GHz, unlike cheaper WiFi 7 routers" 
• 5 GHz: 2882 Mbps (802.11be)
• 2.4 GHz: 688 Mbps (802.11be)

Can we be bombastic for a second?
Be550 *SEEMS* to me to do 2x2x3 (it's complicated) But since both of my devices are 2x2, that seems to work perfektly for me.
If I'm wrong about the math, Meh.
4x4 or 2x2?

The same article (in the link) says more upper-crust routers do 4x4, which is great (really) but I have no 4x4 routers to talk to, so this works.
" as opposed to the more advanced 4T4R (four transmit, four receive) setup commonly found in high-performance Wi-Fi 6 routers."
Comments are here (The two people buying a BE900 hated it. Everyone else got BE-something-else)
And AC: more speed
And AX (wifi 6) More speed with "Mu-Mimo" (which causes random disconnects and reddit says to disable it.
Actually, they said "MIMU" but I'm interpolating.
And BE (wifi 7) "MLO"
Most people (including me) couldn't really tell you what mu-mimo is,
or what "MLO" is or if it was/is/will be used.

But to conclude my Point, BE550's 2x2 antennas seem OK.
(How they fit 320mhz into two antennas is beyond me, but I don't sit here thinking about it much. I'd rather have a small island in the 6GHz vicinity (I think that analogy got erased) H.O.W. stuff (they didn't answer my question, but they talked up a storm around it)

The BE550 range is crap, but s'ok also.
You get the feeling (*I* get the feeling) that "12 stream" routers bristling with antennas are mostly an upsell, but would prolly have better range (due to all their acronyms)

I'd like to know, before I get one, if cheap no-account routers can still do 6GHz easily?? https://dongknows.com/best-wi-fi-6e-routers/ ,

I feel like I'm in Mexico asking for a public bathroom
("Donde esta el 'escusado'?")
Asking the locals where the post office (Correo) was kept getting me directions for the bullfight ring.

Because I can't roll "r"

6e and 6e "new version" whut??

Fine, add another pot-roast to the pot.
I don't feel like I'd be saving any money on 6e.

A guy has a googled article "Don't waste your money" (O crap, now I gotta go look)
"Don't waste your money" 
(the guy saying that actually wants you to buy 6, not 6e or 7)

Elitist technophiles:
 It's a thing, at least in my head.....

People never go on about the wonders of reality, they fantasize a LOT to sell more stuff.
No one ever sang "I left my heart... In Carson City" 
But yeah, it's nice to believe, like Disney indoctrinates.
I just did a test of my WiFi 5 on Ethernet.
What more could a guy want?
*Ethernet* connection @old 1G router

I seriously need to blow my Byte-allowance wad
 to see what *my* wifi 5 measures up to.
See me in around an hour...

I don't have all the insider-tweaks you all do; this is boiler-plate router settings.
I also wanna rant that I have no "Access control" except to just turn the damn thing off when I'm not using it.

Well anyway, Reviewing
  • TP-Link? Toilet paper.
  • Linksys? They became awful.
  • EERO??!! It's overpriced.
Picture below: Useless breakable wings
It might be a great router but I haven't the space to guard the delicate wings.

I'd be tempted to google reviews on how reliable routers are, but consider that
  • they hook them up for a test, then unhook them (and they get sold on Ebay?)
  • and reviewers get stuff free, and whatever you ask it'll end up being the one that costs the most, or Asus, whichever is greater. 
  • Half the sites reviewing routers get a commission on stuff you buy, and I don't know if commissions get larger with the price you pay but I'd think so.
  • Whatever a router does NOW will be improved or totally KILLED with firmware updates.
MLO is Not wifi 7 (o.......k(?)

Wait, so, uh,
MLO and 6GHZ are not necessarily "wifi 7" so what is?
Geez? (I'd be pissed if I knew more about it)
(This entire subject is unbelievably complicated, devolving into numbers and specs...)
My unanswered question is, if "Qualcomm 1220 pro" is so notoriously bad,
did they replace it, is there a successor or a better-working equivalent?"
Or do wifi-5 users remain in outer-darknesses for the next year or so.

These pictures look Microscopic on my phone;
apologies and please click to read.

They've even got a chart with Pictures, if you'll google it (I'm no puppet)
But abandon hope, ye with less than $1K
(unless I can edit this)
They can make chipsets (Impressive.)
Where are the routers?

Qualcomm did a nice page

but if I may summarize: 
620 (be550, Linksys Velop Pro 7)
1220 "scarlet A"
1620 richer than God (BE95)

If you 
don't care about MLO
don't care if you have 320mhz bandwidth
don't know much about streams
THEN f'n buy whatever 
But otherwise freeze in your attic (sweat bullets?) poring over many quaint and curious volumes of impenetrable lore. 

All this reading makes me very hungry.
Not that you asked (freebies and commissions, remember?)
But a guy should have SOME idea where to start:

The one I'd buy be550/be9300 (why does it have an alias??)
does "770" at 6GHZ. Now all's I gotta do, is figgur out "AX vs AXE"
Waitasec, if "BE" is wifi 7, uh, why is BE9300 only on the "AXE" (6e) List?
So the guy didn't test wifi7 on BE550 or the specs in my head are way wrong and this needs rewriting quick.

F'n Wi-Fi changes monthly, with the wind, with whatever-the-hell Apple wants.
Don't ask "why?"
My phone is 6e, my PC is wifi 7, ... 
Just, ya can't keep buying shit, ya buy stuff hoping it'll last til Wi-Fi 8.
Actually, I was only googling whether or not 320MHz is truly achievable on the BE550 and whether or not Speedtests take notice, or is 320MHz a sort of a scam...
Something to google (I'll be back)
I wonder,
 in what scenario do 900mbps-download-people 
benefit from 320mhz-bandwidth?
But I can wonder til doomsday, I doubt I'll get an unbiased answer.
"Why?" vs "4Gig download speed!!"
Lan-to-Lan it sounds fantastic. (I think)
Streaming from where??
Downloading from Who?
But nevermind, I kind of doubt Cable and phone companies will sit on their asses for long, they'll have a 5Gbps tier soon, no doubt.
It's just, a shock at first and then the possibilities reveal themselves

Editing in that Linksys Velop Pro 7 and the TP-Link BE550 appear (on the chart) to be extremely close, so assuming all features work:

Then it comes down to which BOB (bottom-of-barrel) router is cheapest.

Tired, need to "go"?
Here. Fucket.

"Asus" has more elitist gravitas, But I haven't researched them much yet.
The wise man walked by and announced, "Wifi 7 uses a new kind of compression technology,"
Which made me wonder about my wake-up nightmare the night before:
It LOOKS faster, it almost has the same route, But will it be the same, only you won't know how to use it?? (The City Bus system, Lines 4Q2 and XE5)
Will you just get lost????
Consider (Grasshopper,)
Well, no, uh, some routers have only three streams.
Some do NOT have "6GHZ"
and they aren't mentioning "MLO" at all.
So the only thing left is "QAM"
You'll pay zillions for "QAM"?
Since when (ever) does a typical Router let you choose "QAM" or display proudly that it is using the lastest one?
I want my 6GHz.
"Chews Wisely," the gurus say.
Qualcomm vs Broadcom (Kia vs Lexus?? I would not mind a chipset comparison)
A person might pick a chipset because of the real nice blurb, and then seek out a router containing that chipset. 
The rest of said router is plastic and power supply...
A guy *wonders*, ya know?
"TP-Link BE95" has a qualcomm network pro 1620 chipset. 
That is no ringing endorsement for the 1620.
 Do upper-crust types lean towards "Broadcom"??
Lotsa research to do.

So.... "Qualcomm"?
My choice of processor:1620 (because, y-not) is only on Be95?
Is there no snootier model 2 b had?
But I did a reddit on BE95, hacking and slashing through the jungle of "Backhaul"
and the guy seemed pretty happy, he just pointed out Microwave ovens are natural predators of WiFi.
Around 100 cheaper than Upper-crusty ones.

Offline setup, anyone?

Do ALL (non-hacked) routers require an app (an online account)?
Do you need internet to initialize it (to get it ready for the internet?)
To put it more paranoidly:
Paranoid and super pissed (or drunk)

So then, among two or three similarly priced routers, the one that is easiest to set up offline would win, but unfortunately, uhm, they don't exactly broadcast this info.
https://linksys-wifi.com/linksys-velop-ax4200-setup/ OK it's an older model, but there is hope.
TP-Link, hopeless (see the other link)
Whether this is true on Velop 7 Pro, I don't know

This whole App thing kind of reeks....it's a detail easily overlooked, witness all the really mad people in the return line at Best Buy (wherever.) These people type professionally, bandy acronyms about like there's some fire-sale on acronyms, but they neglected to investigate the teeny phone app.
So my new bottom line is, Velop pro 7.
(or that fine-looking Asus, the BE96U, with features I'll never use in a zillion years, but it comes in below "GT-BE98" so I'm making the conservative choice.)
"You're taking a big risk"

Random picture that seemed to fit the situation
"I've really gotta go" or some random
front page news nobody (you choose)