
Thursday, January 28, 2021

valuable (ah, fucket) information

 Some things that have great meaning signify nothing for others, and I get that, so I'll just keep writing and hope it helps someone.

OK there was no activation fee for my internet, not when I started, not now.

And when I started, before spectrum was a name covering three companies, 

The old cable company I was on were greedy bastards who had two speeds, 60(ish) and 100(ish).

And if you wanted the 100-ish speed, you needed to pay (I can't remember, $100?? $200??)

NOW it's twice that piddly speed, $200 be damned (the upgrade was free).

So....were they asleep, are we under some sort of Covid-Dispensation?

I can't be sure.

Every damn time I try talking to these guys I fuck up royally, so You call, you're much sexier.

Peaches and Dulcinea: One (*gasp*) last duty to perform (orphanrocks.blogspot.com)

under the section "Chapter 4"

It was a remedial-math-student's nightmare, trying to figure out how much more I would pay.

Well just now I broke-out the calculator and subtracted last month's bill from this month's bill.

I think the answer was "32"

I remember how disappointed my remedial-math teacher 


was in me, but I think she'd agree that this time, the price wasn't too bad.


Chapter-the-second, WDDM (It's a fancy name for the video-card driver)

and "Direcx12 Ultimate" and you're wasting both our time if you think I'm speaking generally about Directx or directx 12.

No, you've heard the pontifications, that WDDM needs to be 2.9 to run Linux, 

That 12.2 is needed.

What a load of crap!

I *Could* go into some forum, say that and get everyone self-righteously Pissed Off

but here, you judge:

Fuck'n A

I've seen 12.2 listed before, and wddm 2.9 before, but *now* it's all wddm 2.7 and directx 12.1, and I don't know why.

I can guess I have the wrong driver, but it seems to work fine.

I nearly woke up this morning to add a note about how fantastically great this keyboard is, but then I saw the typos.

Well, whatever:

  • BUY a USB-STICK (I don't need one but risking my 500GB usb drive on bios updates seems foolish)
  • Don't Buy a Heatsink
  • Don't buy a PC-Speaker (they're annoying, and I only wanted one because the old one joined my dentures in eternity or the 5th dimension)
  • Buy a Thermostat!! (Geez, if I forget this one, call the home to send their chariot, comin' for to carry me home)
  • I have enough fans (dammit) Ah, shit, OK just this once but I think it'll be useless mostly.
  • Buy two more 3600c14 sticks to complete the set! They're the only things cheaper than when I bought them, they are the only things worth buying that I can afford, CMK16GX4M2Z3600C14    (Waaaait, I remember writing this blog back then, they were the more expensive ones because I'd bought what seemed like the 1.35v version, which turned out to be a typo, and they're the same price now or slightly higher) (I'm getting used to living on air for no good reason, hmm)

This forum of mad overclocking (scraggly-bearded, glasses-wearing) (late night memory aficionados)
don't really say if 3600c14 can be scaled down to 3200c12, they just piss at each other.
But I wonder, sort of.

So it'll remain to be seen and since I am no Gandalf (whoever your trendy wise-type person is, "Yoda"?)
of memory, I'll be happy at 3466c14. 

It seems I'd never be able to buy natively clocked decent DDR4, only *overclocked*, stick-up the butt, fire-in-the-ass memory, that would be much happier running 2666-c18. O, well.

Uhm, ??? hmm.
Do these guys run stores, are they insane and don't know how to piss away their inheritance, or maybe they're reviewers getting everything free?
I'm looking for a math-wiz site with a current-setup but in forums, "3200c12" must seem so last year, so decrepit. He seems to be just throwing out numbers, not really saying "I ran/run 3200c12 using *this* setup"

A good quote from a blog (speed beats latency,)
Choosing Your RAM: What is CAS Latency and When Does it Matter? - Logical Increments Blog

Whether the above quote is true I don't know, but I seem to want to agree, based upon what little tiny benchmarks I've done.
Plus if this looks disjointed, I just edited-in the picture and this sentence.
But if a speed cannot be achieved, and everyone says you're overclocking anyway, lower-latency seems to me to be the next-best thing to do.
I am not optimistic about all four of my ram-sticks doing 3600-c14, and the whole latency argument-research thing is relevant to me.

calculating cas-latency isn't easy for me, not knowing math, 
and I do not really trust those calculator sites, 
although when comparing two numbers using that same calculator, 
it might not matter.
which says that the data rate (it's the only rate it accepts) 
(uhm, OK the clock-rate is half that, right?)
Yeah but then people start throwing out letters like MT/s, etc.
Whatever; Using that calculator for whatever it's worth,
3600-whatevers at cas 14 is 7.7ns,
3200-whatevers at cas 12 is is 7.5 ns, which would mean that,
if they're already sticking a prod up the poor DDR's butt

to achieve cas 14 at 3600, the poor thing would fall down and die at 3200 c12.
c13 is definitely doable.
Now, if *only* all those sites took that CAS-latency/nanosecond thing to calculate all the rest of those numbers, you'd have a good overall (theoretical) picture, but you don't, they factor in tides and phases of the moon as well, and it's daunting, hopeless.
Regardless...7.7 to 7.5 is small, but it might mean the difference between 
being stable and being nervous with a twitch.
It follows (sort of) that 3466 (my current speed) with a calculated nanosecond-CAS of 7.7ns, might be even more ideal.
Waitasec, I'll ask:
CAS 13 is too fast, unstably so.
CAS 14 is of course slower...
So OK messing with CAS (in my head,) has proved mostly useless, 
If I can get it to run at 3600C14, I should. 
(without twitches) ("sans contractions," google says)

But hold on there...
I'm running CAS 16@3466 *now*, what would 14@3466 look like?
9.23, vs 8.07
That's a Full nanosecond faster.

That's good, right??

Except that, it isn't the whole story.

Buried under the iceberg of the first four advertised numbers is a whale of a lot of really tiny arcane numbers no one really knows much about (deferring to calculators from Russia), and a memory stick from Macy's that looks faster might in fact be slower than one from Gimbels, because of those teeny numbers.

But since I already own two, the choice is obvious, buy two more from the same company and hope like hell they haven't messed with revisions.

I probably got some figures wrong, but bottom line it's a thing that will improve my mismatched memory, and I won't have to worry about which DIMM goes where, they'd all be alike.
(As far as I can tell, software tells me that the board uses alternate slots, slow-fast, not how they are physically installed, slow-slow-fast-fast)

...even if the memory does zilch, nothing, 
it would in theory be much more stable.

So (for example) 3800cxx memory, much more trendy, 
would be more, four sticks would be more, etc.
I'm being frugal!
Nothing with a computer that limps, vs a stable setup, assuming I'm relatively
lucky and the New DIMMs work as advertised.

The rest of this is gibberish-notes, not to be read by anyone. "Eyes only."
3466c16 is 9.23 ns, heavily rounded.

2933(1466) =158.9 *somethings*, if you take the true-speed (half of bragging speed)
as figured out by ...wait, I'm mixing my speeds.
But 9.23latency being a constant, couldn't someone lower speed and get a terrific latency figure?
so anyway, the disembodied voices say, "Calculate CAS12."
Which isn't worth the trouble *now* but *would* be if my entire memory were rated at 3600c14.
3000c12 is extremely close to 3600c14, it is slower by a hair.
Then you get into the whole "speed vs Latency"
*I* happen to think that since 3600 is way-overclocked, the latency wins out.
Except there's a limit to the latency of a Ryzen CPU, which I don't know, but I'll find out.
Everyone seems to like "12" but that is strictly anecdotal, not factual.
But speaking strictly as a seat-of-my-pants, blowhard-pontificator, slower might be better, within the bounds of the IMC's rated speed, not pushing it.
For more blowhardiness and until I find better links, please see

Unfortunately, the link I'm about to quote, talks *and Writes* so fast it's very difficult to decipher, 
but he says everything I just said but with way more text, way more audience support.
TLDR: The ranges are small but Latency matters.

I swear I must be off-my-feed today, I can't really unnerstand a word of this next picture.
He loves very-fast vs latency, but SEEMS to be saying, 3000c12 rocks, pretty much.
I'm thinking I'll try the XMP for five minutes to see that everything more-or-less works,
then downclock it to 3000c12.
Was I unclear?
Geez, the hypocrisy.
This site has not proven useful to me so far. 
Remember that we're speaking of values so incredibly small that they could easily be missed as a difference and mistaken for each other.
WAY more sophisticated test equipment is needed besides a game (which game? Which VERSION of that game? Which SETTINGS in that game? BAH!)

But they've nearly, almost, touched on a subject I'm looking for, which is why I found it:
Yes you can run up the speed but what about lowering latency?
Is it a crock or what?
Like ok, maybe you're designing cars with gigantic wheels to get you somewhere faster,
or teeny-tiny wheels, to save gas,
on uncrowded highways, in the summer, on a Tuesday at 4PM
Early evening in the barn after the cows have gone to bed, I sit there jotting on my checkbook

All I've proven so far is, you can get damn-close to fast memory using lower and lower latencies, but can you *surpass* faster memory, if for example your memory-controller has a limited maximum speed?

Well-paid guys figure this stuff out, they went to college and/or use a table in a book, or a DRAM-calculator.
What they don't do is check every single dimm's timings, and let's hope they err on the side of caution.
But whatever, I gotta go and see if my current memory can be run at 3000C14-1T, and I am not optimistic.
But if I had it down, maybe, I could switch one-single setting (cas14 to cas 12) next week!)

A cosmic question: Why can't a person run the Prime95 error testing thingy on one single number or group of numbers, and know whatever they tweaked is going in the wrong direction, or relatively stable?
What, the question was too long for you?
Suppose Prime95 finally fails "1280" after an hour.
It's complicated; let's just say it's a problem that the program works out repeatedly, looking for an answer it already knows.
So OK, you shut down the PC, tweak something, maybe voltage, and rerun the same damned error, now that you know what to zoom in on, but this time it does not fail, 
it waits the de rigueur 30 minutes to fail something else!!

Anyway, once the memory seems stable at 3000c14, it also seems slower than 3466-c16, at least according to timespy.
It isn't much of a drop, but it's definitely noticeable.
Did I just waste two hours of my life??
If the ram, the new stuff, seems flaky at its rated speed of 3600, there'll be no reason to despair, I'll run it at a slower speed at a lower CAS.
But actually, if it'll run at 3600, that seems best.

Really random time elimination (with extreme prejudice)


They hate us, they really hate us

You could look at this ten different ways:

People are ill, get paid crap wages anyway, and don't see the enormous profit from one single part (let's assume they make ten parts a day.)

Or Intel and Whatcha Nvidia are pissed on AMD and want a chance to catch up

or the fab companies are being monopolized (think about the analogy of long lines to the women's restroom)

OK they don't hate us, not everyone is sick, but the cpu/gpu machines are all being used, I heard that somewhere.

How long does it take to cook a CPU?

I wanna edit-in a teeny rant about my last video card, which I paid too much for, only now it has matured and is worth (new) $750, and used, $250 or more.
What the hell does a person do with old hardware besides call some wreck-it guy?
Anyway if you're a neighbor with (what...?) $100 cash come get it.
I don't suppose you could flip this at the swap-meet, hmm

I've got a AGP-video card so old, (It's never actually been used and is wrapped in the original package)
so old it's an antique. It was to repair a notebook (some teeny POS) that really only needed a power-supply.
I think most of my wounded computers that people have asked me to diagnose had bad power, but it's like some episode of "House," wondering why the patient is stroking, bleeding out or in a coma, until the PS is changed and everything magically starts working (verrrrrrrry slllllllowwwwwly)

"List $1475"

A googled MSRP (when pigs fly in July)

I'm getting very suspicious that professional buyers buy stuff to flip it at way more than they paid, and companies are getting wise, but not wise enough (yet.)

So let's review a snooty site:
Pick a Card. Any Card.

BEG them for the card. If it's a popular card, leave emptyhanded, to the outer-darkness, where you can wail and gnash your teeth (Who gnashes their teeth??)
If it's an Unpopular card, 2019 or so or if it's so incredibly expensive (3090ti-ftw3-abc123)

You submit your request and leave quietly, standing next to the tooth gnasher for an undetermined amount of time.
Meantime smarter than you-people will figure a way to game the system, but I'm pretty sure you could get an $1800.00 card.
I don't really know why (It was prolly a TV rerun) very white skinny kids making fun of the outsider who has a 3900x or maybe a 3950x. Tossed-off new-Englander-sounding remarks (I don't know what they sound like so let's switch this to an episode of Dr. Who)
And if you managed to get a deal through your dad the lawyer for Best-Buy, paying 400 over list (According to my math, but then you need taxes),
the snooty bully would get pissed and slap your laptop to the linoleum floor.
Wait, would a 5950 even fit into a notebook?
No, he'd probably have something else in mind, he'd call you a cad and a bounder.
But that's only in New England.
In Texas they have other ways of saying "We don't like your kind here".
Or maybe they'd make it politically racist, since it wasn't Intel, the only approved brand in snobby ivy-leagues.

Profit at any cost: A puzzlement (I always forget the other word, it sounds (oh yeah) "Paradox")
If you make insurance cheaper and easier to access,
Possibly Buffy and Muffy (Biff?) would have a harder time playing at being candy stripers for their neighbors, but more importantly, the "great unwashed" would be richer, healthier and ready to demand stuff.
This might cause you to preemptively raise your prices (see above.)
In a proper republican society, the society must listen to you and beg for your favors, not sit back satisfied, bee cause satisfaction breeds laziness and demands for equal rights.

But I digress (wtf?) (Lol)
I only wanna know why medicare recipients cannot join medicaid, the poverty levels are too low (who lives that way?? Plus they get way better walkers)

One of the things people tell you (being indiscriminate here, "People" not "management", "Republicans", "Smoking men") is that Nitrogen is harmless, and the occasional death might be attributed more to suffocation from lack of oxygen, so there's nothing to worry about, do your job, be patriotic.

I'd google if LN2 is (uh wait) N2?
 "N" says some snobby regime-puppet. because Liquid would turn you crispy faster than microwaves could cook you.

In the olden days, bus and train riders could read one single paper and be more-or-less informed about yesterday's news, until they got home and watched TV.
 I'm forgetting a step...Anyway modern train-riders can and some actually do read news on their phones.

But skip to today, right this second, where SO MANY sites want you to PAY for the privilege priviledge knowledge (fucket) they want you to pay them for reading past the cute headline.
Advertising isn't good enough for them, they must have their cabal of readers contributing,
slaves worshipping every word on their site,
 (they'll still bombard you with ads)
Too many publications, not enough news they didn't just Pull off of AP, and quote "Fox" or any other interview style network.
I don't mind you asking for money but do you have to prostitute yourself on the front page of Google?
Be a whore but do it more discreetly, in your tiny town of tiny-minded people who actually care that you exist.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

17/20 worthy

 I can , uh, reach and be reached, on both IPv4 and IPv6.
It's just that "IPV6" or that newfangled thing I usually just call "IP6" cannot ping me.

Ah, damn, now I gotta swim back upstream using my freaking history, to repeat commands and wise sites. 

If I'm only typing to *myself*, why bother?

Why can't I get out of italics? There! geez.

https://ipv6-test.com/pingtest/, but that looks tons like a site I just went to that said I was 10/10.
I'd *rather be "20/20" on a snobbier site.

Snobby 17/20 site

Hoi polloi common unwashed "Liberal" site

I wonder how much the token guy gets paid to Praise Donald Trump, (on my new teeny TV);

I wonder which nefarious sites are pinging me, and if I should STFU and be grateful I'm apparently unpingable.

There are other more important questions, such as whether it matters that my IPV6 should be "Open" or "secured" in my router.

I've always preferred "Secured" but for the purposes of this little exercise, I've set it to "Open", and it was fruitless, but now people in Guam looking for a "Quake"-server could probably find me, I'd better go back to secured, hmm.

Yous guys keep thinking up new things to hack.
Well I don't P freely! (I don't think, I'm not sure)

I just noticed, after rebooting the router last week, that my usual teeny-tiny, itty-bitty subnet is gargantuanly-huge, and I used to think that teeny-tiny subnets were better, but then WiFi was born and I'm not so sure.

Better because (I thought) one tiny bit more secure, but more troublesome now that WiFi exists.
Well, (hell,) I may as well go look and find the better blog.
I just spent 20 minutes (a little less) typing in my gateway's address for IPV6, and I would not know how to subnet it, I would not even try.
Is it going to change if I make my subnet smaller?
If, by some freak of nature or a curse, I'm broadcasting world wide, wouldn't it be TONS better to have a smaller subnet if only for that reason?
Ya know, I smoke too much when I reason these things out, and then I get headaches, and then I have to go to bed.

If a guy turns OFF IPv4 to test IPv6, it's a mélange of numbers and letters you'd better have jotted down beforehand.
31 numbers (one group of the eight groups of four is short) plus a password (and no, I don't know my password).
Then you have to remember that, um, browsers need the LONG number encased in Brackets
Http://[3400:etc:0023] or addressing the router won't work, (and google mocks you with your own super-secret number)
THEN you gotta remember *which* number to copy, lest you break into your own router from the front gate (which should not be possible, but I accidentally just did.)

I'll re-read this later, I have a headache, I'm going to bed!
I think I just wrote, *anyone* could get into my router from the front-end, if they could guess the password! 

This next bit is not speculative but fact, however transitory, so

Listen up:

But I *might have it set wrong, for it is written (verily-verily, behold)

"Is it *I*, Lord???

I shall apostate over to Google 
(I was using it anyway but I felt guilty-and-latency-ridden)

This next bit doesn't apply to you, it's strictly for me and how difficult it is to buy a calendar you can see from several feet away, one for few appointments (that's what day-timers and iPhones are for)

Large Numbers
Large Days

(Kitties, horses, unicorns, obscuring art very optional)
Durable (It has to last a freaking year)
A HOLE for hanging.
Tear off-pages a plus
(bottom, top, middle,) Last month's, next month's, a Plus!!
I used to pay tons to have Microsoft office print out a beautiful one, but it's not durable nor bound and has no hole.
The clueless and the uninformed (uninforming) calendars breed like chickens
Not a clue

Butt-resizing butt hard to see
Move your (tiny) ass, you're blocking 3 months

nnnno (tiny days, boxes huge, it's on a wall and "post-its" have been invented, heard of them??
(Geez already)
(no hole?)

When I pass-away, they'll marvel at my little hovel and say "For he truly was a crazy man"
Not a calendar, costs 100, looks like a prison clock

MaxiAids | Low Vision Print Calendar - 2021
You have to be blind + crazy to get what you want in this world (But I have not read the fine-print, is it only in quantities of 100, or in Arabia, or only for AARP members?)

not being crazy nor blind (much, anymore) I acquiesce to the will of Landru and submit that I cannot get a calendar with last month/next month on the bottom.
But hey, the free-calendar real estate guy did not come through this year, times are tough so this would be good enough.
My unreadable calendar from the hospital (small, with microscopic numbers) will unceremoniously be shitcanned.
There's this OCD-habit I've never acquired, that puts X's on every preceding date.
And there are days-counting designs (sticks with crossed-out lines)...
no, this (above pic) will be my calendar, minus durability and future-ability.

This might be nice too

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Linux wysiwyg

 One of the reasons Linux is so popular is it's so hard to use, so clubby and full of little acronyms.

The command-line-interface, don'tcha know. 

I'm being told Don'tcha is really Doncha

(which is also being flagged)

Clubby words and phrases are hard to grasp, at least for me.

Which is why I'm here to feel my way in the dark for a GUI for WSL (a windows-like OS for Linux, as run inside windows)

GUI Linux on Windows is Coming. WSL finally gets a display server | by Al Williams | For Linux Users | Medium

Anyway, forging on, I shall now attempt to edit something:

I dare you (I dare you) to successfully do exactly what the guy in the below-link typed, because it's plain wrong (App runner bat vs runner app bat), and no one pointed out his typo.
All this is so unnecessarily complicated and easy to mistype, no wonder no one does it, they just ask in a superuser-thread or buy a full working installation.
But I could not sleep wondering about this, and it probably is technically feasible, just like it's possible to print money or build a rocketship to space.

An eternity in hell I'll never get back, and if I could sue, I would:

You don't care, you don't have to, but the man was very clear and concise, and totally wrong:
A variable requires a dollar-sign to be a variable in Linux, or in Ubuntu, whatever.
Type it like *he* did and you'll get "WSL_DISTRO_NAME" and slowly go insane trying to figure out why.

NANO is an editor that does not work the way they say, and you cannot edit certain files with anything else, it's a permissions-thing.
In other words, adding a line because someone tells you to, instead of adding it themselves (Yeah I know, "Teach a man to fish", fuck you) 
is damned near impossible, so far.

I basically just gutted this, because there are know-it-all's pontificating about Linux and its spawn,
and then there's WSL.
WSL cannot be edited as easily as normal linux, so when all those free advice-givers tell you to type something, it might not work because:
They mistyped and are too lazy to correct their typos, or:
They are speaking about a full version vs WSL.
Nano, the text editor, looks way different on my screen than theirs.
It has no helpful hints, there is no file (At all, nothing, only a prompt " >"

It's not at all clear why I need to open up my firewall and allow anyone through.
Or download gobs just to be able to see anything on the screen (which has been unsuccessful so far).

OK let's get nitty-gritty, 
I want to edit a file , something similar-sounding to "Bash.rc" only that's not the name, but it's close.
It's easy as pie, right? No!! The file can be edited but try and save it!
hours WASTED because a perfectly good and working editor (notepad) cannot be used, an unusable editor must be used.
Someone please tell me why or if this makes any sense

I think I vaguely remember wanting a GUI several eternities ago, and in truth I care no longer, they seem to  revel in all the convoluted bullshit.
So this is their idea of GUI?? What's next, a kitty who says "Hang in there Baby"?

(only) one app at a time? And my modem died trying to figure that out, coincidence? Or are the wild wildebeests sniffing my signal. I am so hungry...It's a side-effect. Imagine wasting tons of gas stuck in a rut on the side of a road...

The diaper-load of Edge-errors does not keep it from starting up.
Let's see how far that goes, hmm.

I've been ignoring since last night, these HUGE pauses getting onto the internet, 
after which it seems fast enough.

Anyway, Here I am, in as close to linux as I've gotten in around twenty years, typing a sentence.
It's not cartoons or movies (I gotta try that next, solitaire in Linux? Youtube in Linux??)

What the hell am I in, anyway? Windows but emulating Linux, which is emulating windows (so's I can type this)
And a couple of notes: I did not need to sign in to edit this. But I'm not really in a standalone OS, my big-brother "windows" is standing next to me as I order my candy.
2nd, instead of just typing "Microsoft-edge" and going to Microsoft's front news page (riddled with fox-news-stories), I *could* just type "Microsoft-edge http://www.google.com" (without the quotes) and land up on a relatively empty google-page.
I'm still getting lots of errors when "edge" starts up, they're unreadable and unrepeatable...I don't know what to say, it's trying to tell me something,
 the same way a ghost tries to send messages.
I wanted to add in a line or two here about my cluelessness  with so-called current events.
"Dance Moms"?? 
Seriously, you *watch* that stuff?
The ones who belt out any song like it was a gospel-spiritual, those athletes climbing on stuff, and (especially) dancers, and women looking for husbands, are at the way-bottom of my things to watch.
I used to like a fashion-show because some of the judges were hot.
Nina somebody.
But I wouldn't care if a kid on a show was gay. It's just, it's aggravating when they splash some name I've never heard of "Xynthia goes to Mars" Who?

You'll never really know how difficult it was to upload that photo.
Anyway, she's worth hearing about. The people you pick don't rate.

Now, I must (I am compelled) to find a video, any video, watch it in a wsl-window, then upload it here (in wsl) if possible.

Back in windows, a day later, I got to wondering about affordable electronics and if they still have any.
The 6800/6800xt don't exist, despite the crap I've been reading (they're affordable *and* they exist.)
Well OK you remember your state during the election?
No one else does either.
A woman of color probably appeared on your TV to tell you that your vote mattered, and then they abandoned you (they still wanted the money.)
So I think it is with video cards and processors, they really do exist, in small quantities, they really are cheap, especially if you're a reviewer.

I'd very much like to sell my NH-D15 heatsink, it's useless to me.

Ahh! I see!! I have a D15 but they make a model with one single fan and they tacked on the "S"!!

These are not available where I live, it must be a drug-thing.

I don't know anyone who wants one. Maybe it'll be a nice unwanted christmas present next year.

Time stopping (and other breakdowns)

 A woman-avatar writes in a forum how bored she is with all her games and albums.

And I got to thinking about the time of night in the winter season, when time seems to crawl, to stop.

I'm guessing that this is especially apparent after the holiday season, but that's just thinking out-loud.

Anyway, you remember how my "Das Keyboard" kept dying last month. This keyboard is stellar, angelic, but the mouse is either dying, or evil by comparison.

Now, I anticipated this and bought an extra mouse, a really cheap one, to have as a standby, but was it because of USB3??

Google makes it look like the bitter curmudgeon in the picture's answer, is the only answer, the official one.
Is he right?

Do devices have problems operating above their USB-Grade? 
Maybe I should have worded the question differently.

A less-than-satisfactory link follows, followed by any links I might find tomorrow or later on:

Pray and wash frequently, but you can still become a wolfman when the moon is full and bright.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 Train: "House" episode, "Tuberous sclerosis" (not "tubular")

And while I waited for the episode to *finally* die and blow away so I could look it up, 
I fantasized about definitions in my head.
Crocodile-like skin on your organs, like your spleen and liver.
I would have failed a test but I wasn't far off, or I am severely misinterpreting wikipedia.

What the hell does "Tuberous" mean?

Imagine living in a backwards society (arizona) where they called you a wiiiithch!!! for having strange fingernails.
But I still don't know what a tuberous is, except it must be a type of sclerosis.

He gets paid 150K/yr to say "ous" means "Like, as or similar"

A nurse told me recently she hates "smart boys", and I don't think she was wishing the world were more retarded, she just didn't like people talking like my picture.

The Mesoderm and exo/endo-yada-whatevers are just fancy names for the layers of the skin.
Jane Seymour knows lots more about connective tissue than me.
I'm still lost, probably *will be* for a while.

Here's something way more practical: why are garages so incredibly teeny and small (and hard to park in?) OK maybe I bit off way more than I want.
But could a half court fit into a garage?

If the garage is too big, ping-pong tables grow and desks, Big TV's and couches.
A garage needs to be barely big enough or people will nest there (ping pong thingies, etc)
But if you truly could run your own life, parking your car next to a bowling alley would be so cool.
Your body only needs to fit into a squished twin bed but your car needs space.