nevermind, it's a quick note:
Train of thought: Jake Wind runs the "wind farm", the game says.
Player changed his name to Bridges, presumably after the company.
"Eponymous" popped into my brain, like it was placed there from the beyond....
I don't have any twilight-zone fonts.
I learned a totally new word today, "Protean", which means that whatever "protean" is being applied to, changes a lot or is easily changed.
The context in which the word was used is an article,
This next (my current favorite) definition is paywalled but as a courtesy to googlers, it exists here:
This Beaten-horse died a while ago, but I happened to see a large ad on a news-type web-page, "Amyloidosis, you'll wish you knew the symptoms."
O...K, tell me.
No, it links to links, and the google summary says it's rare.
But it concerned me (The commercial, not amyloidosis) because a foot with an icepack was in the biggie picture. (I'll pore over my history for the footie-picture)
So I looked it up!
One more thing to piss off your doctor by asking about:
I never found the original ad.
And this next pic might have nothing to do with anything, or be wildly inaccurate (how the hell would I know.)
It's like seeing a very scary movie and knowing that there are no such things as ghosts:
This is old but new words are out there. And what should I do, add them to every new entry or keep updating
A drink so trendy, it made Google's front page.
It's inedible, poison, to people like myself, but I'm getting the feeling it's for the trendy-rich anyway.
Boba=Bubble, OK |
Now if only Lactaid made it, and I was SURE it had no soy, and it didn't cost $5 a glass, uhm....
High blood sugar which can lead to coma or death can occur.
Older people w/ dementia, higher risk of death
I don't know if the commercial wants to scare you off.
You'd have to be pretty damned bad-off to want to take it; so *why* is it in a commercial??
The last few words are from commercials...I don't have any excuse
except, if the show you're watching shows meds for the infirm the feeble and the terminal,
it might be nice to brighten your outlook with a different show (with commercials for watches, cars and pillows) (prepper sunglasses) (bears who use TP)
Just when I think I'm Done they drag me back in
US/UK vs PRC & USSR?? |
Hand-washing underwear, leaving it to dry, isn't trivial, and counting them made me think of "Sesame Street"
Seven Pairs of Underwear!!"
This next bit has too many words to define, and my "train of thought" is/was, if they're so conservative, they must be honoring a style popular in a certain year, worn by a certain person (Or what's the point?)
I haven't found anything clearer than this very muddy explanation: