
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Blogs I like (no, that's not it)

 I hate titles.


Apparently Some reviewers are depressed, and in general people look pretty sad.

OK blaming Qanon for the reason you'd kill kids is going a little too far (It's a headline I never read the gist of)

Explain this stock photo to me.

She doesn't look very friendly

1. The woman lives in an empty house mostly, except for her richer-than-Caligula computer, which she paid so much for she hides it modestly, so you won't see it in scanty clothes.

(I don't know, You try.)


see that "10" on the bottom-right? 10 nobodies read that blog.
It was a proud moment for P&D
(or a glitch)

They did not explain if the photo, the subject of many articles, is time-lapsed or a fast-exposure,
or if much closer spatial-dust is distorting the picture...no...they said up front it proves stuff (Einstein, relativity, heavy stuff can do anything it wants)
Are they asking for more money to build an even more expensive telescope
That would explain tons.
No one I know would dispute their findings, especially me. 
Plus the math they'd throw at you to prove it would be staggering.

Another blog explaining why the webb (JWST) telescope is so damned expensive goes into more detail than I could read right now (lunch is over) and then praises it for being frugal, cost effective

Only a billion yearly, for Life

Add 3 billion (but that's for All of NASA) (Blame Covid) says a link.
The dates are all over the place, but near as I can figure, "Oct 2021"


AMD seems hell-bent on releasing new products (rare as moonrocks)

No reason for posting this edit, except I'm mad at AMD for having a page full of new out-of-stock products.
If Lisa Su were a cruel aunt banishing me to a boarding school (a GTX 1060) it would be logical, except she's supposed to be a nice person.

"Newegg Shuffle" is the trendiest thing I've heard about recently (in regards to Video cards) and it's also fairly useless, they want you begging for overpriced ($400.00 over) hardware. 
 I can't be confidently stupid so I went there and found that the closed-shuffle had the card I want (when it was available) for 400.00 more than I wanted to pay.
I'm registered at a certain GPU distributor (not "shuffle") But I'm feeling a little like Mrs. Havisham and her Dusty wedding-reception dining room.
OK maybe that analogy is so obscure even I won't understand it tomorrow...
"All dressed up and nowhere to go"? 
Version 21364 Add "Gifs" (yay)


Work and SLAVE, for what??!!
"oooh, a map"
I thought maybe it was a wifi amplifier, but nooooo,
it's a fucking map.

Ah, mods.
The 19-year-old won't be stronger than god (there's a mod for that but you'd need to be a programmer or know one) but she'll look like one.

My best shot right now is a Monsoonal rainstorm with some fog thrown in, just to piss me off.
I don't wanna run a fashion show but just in case I did, they made sure the weather was the worst possible.
So keep your taunts about blurry and gray, &^%$ off and have a nice day.

Home delivery isn't perfect...For some reason the supermarket hoards their instant coffee, unlike the drug stores who are happy to sell it.
And when I ordered instant coffee from the market, they sent regular coffee, thinking it's a valid substitution because it's the same brand.
I *could* rant (for real) or just experiment using it for "instant."
I pay
Grocery price, then add 9.95+ 3.00 tip, I don't think even amazon charges that much.
I'm rambling...I meant to say, instant isn't regular, but nobody knows that because (maybe) they never ever make coffee, they pay starbucks for that.

It isn't a biggie unless you try to notify them, which I did (in case you were asking); the form I needed to fill out didn't really mention delivery (the form assumes I was there and made the mistake myself)

Thursday, April 8, 2021


 nevermind, it's a quick note:

Train of thought: Jake Wind runs the "wind farm", the game says.

Player changed his name to Bridges, presumably after the company.

"Eponymous" popped into my brain, like it was placed there from the beyond....

I don't have any twilight-zone fonts.

I learned a totally new word today, "Protean", which means that whatever "protean" is being applied to, changes a lot or is easily changed.

The context in which the word was used is an article, https://alumni.berkeley.edu/california-magazine/just-in/2017-08-28/so-about-well-regulated-militia-part-constitution

The comments kind of prove a point, how protean a single concept can be (I *think* I used it in a sentence correctly but I promise not to use it ever again)...
This next (my current favorite) definition is paywalled but as a courtesy to googlers, it exists here:


This Beaten-horse died a while ago, but I happened to see a large ad on a news-type web-page, "Amyloidosis, you'll wish you knew the symptoms."
O...K, tell me.
No, it links to links, and the google summary says it's rare.
But it concerned me (The commercial, not amyloidosis) because a foot with an icepack was in the biggie picture. (I'll pore over my history for the footie-picture)
So I looked it up!
One more thing to piss off your doctor by asking about:

I never found the original ad.
And this next pic might have nothing to do with anything, or be wildly inaccurate (how the hell would I know.)
It's like seeing a very scary movie and knowing that there are no such things as ghosts:

Plus, the picture does not match this site (I'll recheck)

This is old but new words are out there. And what should I do, add them to every new entry or keep updating this?
A drink so trendy, it made Google's front page.
It's inedible, poison, to people like myself, but I'm getting the feeling it's for the trendy-rich anyway.

Boba=Bubble, OK

Now if only Lactaid made it, and I was SURE it had no soy, and it didn't cost $5 a glass, uhm....

High blood sugar which can lead to coma or death can occur.
Older people w/ dementia, higher risk of death

 I don't know if the commercial wants to scare you off.
You'd have to be pretty damned bad-off to want to take it; so *why* is it in a commercial??
The last few words are from commercials...I don't have any excuse
except, if the show you're watching shows meds for the infirm the feeble and the terminal,
it might be nice to brighten your outlook with a different show (with commercials for watches, cars and pillows) (prepper sunglasses) (bears who use TP)
Just when I think I'm Done they drag me back in



Hand-washing underwear, leaving it to dry, isn't trivial, and counting them made me think of "Sesame Street"
Seven Pairs of Underwear!!"

This next bit has too many words to define, and my "train of thought" is/was, if they're so conservative, they must be honoring a style popular in a certain year, worn by a certain person (Or what's the point?)
I haven't found anything clearer than this very muddy explanation:

Sunday, April 4, 2021

conflicting information (the picture)


(Don't eat almonds, cashews, you're ruining the world...)

Whoever wrote this propaganda must've been from New York City (New York City!!!)
Or Texas ("We don't like your kind here")

If you can't see this picture, this entry is pointless

Your kidneys will hate you, your (uh...slow-down, train-of-thought)

Your stomach will be in a bad mood, but your heart will love you and doctors will smile at your tests.


"3-4 cashews daily", um, what about 30-40 a day (300/400??)

I buy a probiotic (can't think of the name) because it's cheaper than "Creon," to deal with the fat.

I should eat more of that probiotic, hmm.

I eat several (3-4) Imodiums daily to put my stomach to rest.

Uhh (despairing look) I was just wondering....


Oxalate, isn't that the stuff that removes lime/rust from bathtubs??

It's three days and 16-ounces of cashews later.............
Right this second I can't type to save my life,
but I wanted to rant slightly about the crunchiest nuts, highly praised by critics and hated by me, for practical reasons...They're very hard on my mouth, and they don't taste as good as cheapo nuts.
Cheapass nuts FTW!!!
Bits and pieces, Yes!!
"Nuts-dot-com" is probably fine for young, strong nut-critics...not for me.

BIOS gets changed monthly here, and they keep saying it's Beta, 
and it never (ever) flashes by-the-book, 
it stops midway and sort of drifts off...
(*what?* Oh!)
But after rebooting it appears to work, except I need to keep a record of the BIOS settings.

So, yeah, this flaky intro explains my next picture, which needs to be larger.
Please don't judge my slow settings, they *appear* to work, for the last couple of BIOS revisions.
This should be larger to be readable (*sigh*) well, hopefully it helps in the future
(although I can't see how, not having a printer)

Picture, followed by indeterminate caption
We got yer video-card...Right Here!!
B'bye, card
No Sale for you!!
(The stock market rose fell yesterday (actually it didn't g.a.s.)

Apparently My USB-stuff is shiny-new and knowledgeable now, with the new(er) BIOS. My board COULD have a 5950, Could have a 6800xt, but I'm too poor, my old bones won't enter into the promised land, my motherboard will wither and die before I'm able to buy either one.
"The best ones", said the pontificator yesterday. No, the MID-RANGE one, yew turkey.
"They're ALL $1500" said another, quoting me.
Well, I was wrong, $1500 isn't enough to satisfy your salivating greed, your avarice, May your cargo rot until the prices drop, Worm

Have a nice day! 😂

Saturday, April 3, 2021

A Passing train in the night (big and scary but very far away)


Links do not work in this thing unless you publish, and I haven't written anything yet.

But the train started with what AMD has to sell (*nothing*) 

, I must have googled a term or two.. I'll go look: 


Disingenuous, that's a word, right? Tom's Hardware gets paid if you buy a product, gets the product free, calls the 3070 a "High-End" card.

More like High-priced card. Sell your soul at your peril, Tom.

If you insist upon believing the words on that site as though they were from a burning-bush in the Bible, I'd need to reinterpret the way I read it.

The best cards available, if they actually were available, and (something akin to Nvidia loving you so much, they sent their only Card to save your computer)

what is raytracing, anyway??
 I swear I had it, and if it's shafts-of light, I could do without.

Raytracing, from Wiki

I've got a fouled-up card in my storage-closet that did raytracing, according to 3dmark, but it was too cheap, too insignificant, and of such a poor quality, that it had no "Backplate", which led to its sudden demise in February.

I don't do math
The other day, a car passed me, and on the stereo, some guy mumbled monotonal (Monotonally isn't a word. Fuck that)
He had a loud Bass blasting, so whatever he said was lost.
But I'll bet he's got Tons of $5000 shoes, prolly a raytracing card too.
yeahbutt... I cannot appreciate his style of music, his taste in tennis-shoes or the raytracing-capabilities of his card, I hope that's ok.
"Philistine" (I heard that.)
Yeah but I can just turn that particular feature off, right?
Run my game in 2K instead of four, ignore "Motion Blur".
So I don't ask for much, 13-14K-1080p -3Dmarks (14K is tons better, thank you)
(Rant) "Ray Tracing" and HDR are bogus features marketers use to get you to buy new stuff.
Consider for a second that the average Monitor is 27-32 inches and you sit possibly 24" away from it;
so why have it blasting eye-searing brightness?
Most of the last couple of monitors I've owned have had the brightness turned down to make them more eye-friendly.
"Ray Tracing" is a better example of a marketing-thing, average consumers don't really know what it is, but they'll rail in forums anyway about DLSS (another phantom feature).
If you're in one of those faith-based forums, uh, 240hz, DLSS, Raytracing, is the Only true monitor to buy.


This picture (the price) should be in a museum you'll enjoy looking at next year
Was 2579, is only 2299 (so it's on sale) but it's out-of-stock, so...

Friday, April 2, 2021

Post apocalyptic fictional musings

 Topical edit:


I would take issue with "nihilism" as defined in their single-sentence....

And since we're all being so glib:

Nihilists believe life is meaningless, while *fatalists* believe we're all fucked no matter what.

It occurs to me that *Some* people, well-armed preppers, come to this conclusion after a few world events, and go postal, (but that's too glib even for me).

We exist, but existence is meaningless, and we're all circling the drain of inevitability. 

Glib-facile Fatalistic-nihilists who stared at the book-cover while their girlfriend was browsing the self-help book section, might easily become (insert several biggie words here) and, antisocial.

But it's more complicated than that;

We're doomed, but best to make our time left mean something.

Get religious...Write a book...If Steve Jobs really *is* on the other side checking ID's and who is worthy, it might be nice to know the secret nod of the all-knowing All Seeing eye, and the magic catchphrase.

Plus people 'll glom onto you like bad smells to get answers from the guy who has no belief but (by faith, hopeless inevitable and self-fulfilling) you carry on , and you'll get rich and have 5000.00 tennis-shoes. Thereby fulfilling the stewardship motto that you invested wisely and well, and are welcome into the Golden Kingdom.

O, you don't see where I'm going? It was inevitable that you'd say that, I think your religious rites are mostly useless, Luke 11:37–54 and Matthew 23:1–39. Mark 12:35–40 and Luke 20:45–47 (Saith Wikipedia)

You always have links with you....

Fatalist="Predestination"= "God has a plan for your life"

Nihilism "Be in the world but not of the world" (which means whatever you want it to mean, like maybe never watching TV or only watching "Tucker Carlson" and his ilk.)

Be not involved 

Who Died?? What were you smoking? (I'll come up with better snarky phrases)


Hew? Whut? 

What's that quote from Peter O'Toole playing a teacher, that nothing is accomplished  without passion?
A movie, "Creator", from the eighties. It made the 3AM tv-circuit for a while, but you'd much rather watch 40's killers and 30's dancers. (Yeah I'm mystified at the really bad movies you covet over the good ones.)
A fatalistic movie (the plot never changes) that is definitely anti-nihilist.

Edited in just now cuz itz topical:


I forget this, I need to write it down.
Ka is soul,
I get them switched.
"I really love your Ka"
"phht you only love me for my Ha"

At this point I am tempted to reproduce sexy words translated into "Coptic", the oldest named language of Egypt I can find on Google (IE, where "ha/Ka" are prolly from)
But I stifle myself, knowing that it's a sin somewhere.