
Sunday, August 29, 2021

Guaranteed incompatible


To be used with an adapter (not included)

This isn't the highlight of your day; Probably the tub with raw-sewage is much more captivating, hmm.

Never (ever) buy a shitload of drain cleaner when your drains are clogged, they're all tied together and the shit rolls downhill.

Never buy a cartridge (they're called "Cartridges," not valves(?) without the accompanying screw and the adapter. Ignore this at your peril; there might be nothing wrong with the valve/cartridge, but there's this ten-cent part that goes with the valve (it's $4.00 but it sure looks ten-centy.)

I can't change lightbulbs, so I'll need to wait for the travelling plumber to pay a visit, but the ten-cent part is easily replaced, if you can find it. 
My faucet is no more....that is to say, I could not buy one in a zillion years without hunting at a used plumbing shop; They're like cell phones of a few years ago, every plug, every adapter was unique to the phone.
Phones eventually got assimilated by iApple, but faucets gaily flaunt their uniqueness.

This year, it's single handle (or no-handle) faucets.
All faucets (apparently) run into the hundreds.

The cheap-ass $20 brand leaks after a few months; Abandon all hope whoever buys them (they attract tiny bugs and eventually rot the floor)

So what have we learned today?

The sewer is shit, whatever's left of it gets clogged by cooking oil (o yeah, never drain cooking oil)
and faucets are a luxury for rich and famous people, uhm...


My style. Probably Plastic, but WTH.
Also it's "affordable", unless you eat, then nevermind.

I wrote this a week ago, but it may as well have been a year, and I am so depressed.
Real honest-to-god plumbers are rare, like maybe good doctors and nurses, but I would not want to insult the nurses.
So anyway, if you buy some very overpriced model, rest assured (no wait, don't rest anything, make Damned sure) there are compatible parts.
Please note the style of the handles above; They're expendable, flotsam destined for a shithole country if they break. OK maybe that was harsh...I don't need a new faucet, I need new *handles* and at least mine are expendable too, in theory.
But my point was, faucets do not last, and they need washers and rubber grommets and screws...it pays to buy a well-known brand.
In my case, I just realized, all I need are new handles, but would they fit my little hoses?
Ah, fucket, what about a whole new faucet?
hey designers all got together at a seminar and said, why don't we tie the handles to the faucet?
Consumers will be our slaves, begging for parts (but they won't find any, ahahahahaha!!!)
The above sentence was an intro to this picture:


Friday, August 27, 2021

Buzzwords I've learned (in five minutes)

 So let's see...Windows has an update.

The update has a widget.

To actually use the widget you need to be part of a company's network and also

use Microsoft's way of networking computers ("AAD")

Azure-active Directory is more of a brand.

Basically it's a guard standing in front of a convention-center handing out badges,
 once you prove you are allowed to be there.

Blackhat has subsumed them, they give little talks and seminars saying how.
So why....?

I haven't gotten to the part where they allow the general public at large to hack away at their systems day and night forever, until they gain entrance (with fake badges, killing the guard, having a friend inside open the back door to the center, etc)

When I read about it, I'll be sure to ask why private internets (subnets?) do not exist, everything must be publicly accessible (or is that true?)

Suppose you broke the internet's well-defined rules so only you(r company) and a few friends (countries) could access?
False-security, the hackers would pay someone to leak them the rules and mimic them.

o..........k, so what's an AD good for?


I don't know if they're explaining it to old people or if this really is a very old idea with flashy new paint.

Richer-than-God people vacationing in Aruba might wonder why their IT dept requested 6-billion next year, and google stuff.

Not all poor people are ignorant, not all rich people know it all.


(OK nevermind)
(and you wonder why people don't trust the internet or AD or whatever)

So I'm reading the review of a show where the women look too old to be young, wear too much makeup.
"best show ever" say a tight-knit group of demographic people.
Lemme guess, country music fans aged 14 to 18 and female?
Which does not count the middle aged gay people from New york, but "Demographic" is like that word "Paradigm", it's a buzzword meaning, a targeted audience.
ABC abandoned the show, a country-music station picked it up.
NOW I watch it on the women's channel (for ten minutes, with the sound down) OMG only 1AM?
War...war never changes.
Speaking of wars, headlines about the state that soon-to be voted-on governor lives in, keep getting articles about nuclear waste, about DDT.
Maybe he's supposed to turn water into wine? ANyway the nuclear waste (today's story) is federally controlled, and it isn't like the governor could move it anywhere out-of-state, but the disparate stories continue.
One wonders.
One extremely quiet story (never reported on, ever) is the really-huge, humungous, largest-in-the-world desalinization plants (I've spelled it wrong doubtless but whatever.)
I shall now google it, for 30 seconds.
Can rich people water their lawns, their golf-courses, with desalted water?

The dry barren wastelands these plants serve or will serve, will presumably be lush and get sold for millions, no wonder it's never on the front page.
So that other stuff, about Sirhan, the DDT and the Waste, that's just unrelated topical stuff, right?
Mark 1:3
Ivermectin (buzzword for today) helps you poo "rope worms" which an article says are pieces of your intestine so foul the body turns up its nose and shoots them out.
Ivermectin is the new republican drug for um, whatcha...the covid.

These guys'll take over eventually, and what weird patent-medicines will they push?
Vote for them, find out

edited in months later, a googled-on-a-hunch link:

This next bit is related, I swear. Potato-farmers vs (um) (OK I'm not up on the politics of it all yet)

In point of fact, there ARE things my stomach doesn't like, it's pissed right now because I might have eaten cooked onions.
I don't know why talk-show doctors and other trendy people are hawking products on TV ($5.00 products selling for $50)
But I smell a book, a product.
I heard The word "Lectin" from a book-writer's talk on PBS.
If you can sell products that are "free", you can charge for what the products don't have.
In other words, Nothing costs way more than something. (It's all very complicated, a new paradigm)
Buy my book!
Just 19.95 a month to watch a guy hawk products.
Avocados and Sour Cream are probably lining the road to hell, but I don't Care!!
(was I ranting again??)

They pay Protection to the Associations
Poor sunflower seeds, so nutritious, but maybe they lapsed 

Soak your Nuts: https://www.bluezones.com/2020/03/the-truth-about-lectins-why-beans-have-gotten-a-bad-rap/

Listening to a dietician go on about how beans are so good for you, and how the freebie meals are full of them, and the advice from ancestors on soaking beans (or at least Washing them thoroughly)
makes me still hate beans, they're nearly as bad as rice! BAH! (lol)
Ice-cream. What have you got against Ice cream (you self righteous turds)
But OK none of my snack foods measure up, they find out what I eat through my extra-care-card, and ban it from polite society.
What about sand?? (^%$#@)
BTW Raw kidney beans (from a health-salad) are terribly bad for you, they're so seventies.
And I'll bet if I look, raw cauliflower is poisonous too.
So, yeah, schadenfreude in hell.

My body hates everything you condemn, it's a prissy thing that loves you (and your made-up dark eyes) but I will eventually find something it likes.
Ah, FU and your horse...
I cannot believe I'm the only person worldwide to have an ah-shit moment...
On the other hand, you eat sand and raw kidney beans, and ivermectin, so...
(Ah geez)

GUESS which kind *I* have? (grr)
And so I'll venture into HELL to meet the Nervous and the Pissed off.

Not that you care, but it's relevant: my insulin was NOT clumpy, and it defrosted faster than the time it took to write this (solid-to-iceberg-to-liquid.)
So unless there are tiny things dead in it, um, (fucket)

I'm searching my head for a bromide-rhyme..
Clump-free, let it be (carefully)

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Old TV

 (old, old) TV westerns, cop shows.

Mark Harmon is hoary and so is (I gotta look up his name) time-travelling cop spaceman (uh) It's not coming to me. "Scott Bakula."

They stuck all the westerns on one (or four) channels, the space show on another (or two) and sort of blended in the cop shows everywhere.

Self-righteous pissant tries to take over his part of the world, or steal money, or it's a mystery.

So cops in "House" and a megalomaniac CEO fit the formula.

But I'm biased, I could be watching singers sing, cookers cook, marrying-types propose, and game shows drag out time ("Final answer,") so it's my fault for not being more diverse.

A lesbian cop show (that isn't lesbian) is my new favorite, as reruns go, 

and sometimes at 3AM I can catch superpowered teens get pissed at each other.

This pic seriously needs a comment line....

A lone congressman (and his staff and another congressman) flew into Afghanistan with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.

A congressman.

And when he got back he made sure the press knew he'd been there.


How come (o nevermind)

They sort of pilloried Jane Fonda for travelling to Vietnam, books were written about it, movies made.
And they could have just travelled to mexico to check out the immigrants....not as topical.
Is he writing a book, will he run for president?

(didn't he already do that?)

In 2001 (or was it 2002) we were discussing "The war", an acquaintance and I.

And I proffered that every single war the US has been involved in. recent wars called "conflicts" (or whatever) ended up with tons of refugees travelling to the US to be citizens.
And he being an immigrant seemed to be on the defensive, but the conversation was very polite and I emphasized "we're just talking" because I didn't want the discussion to be an argument.
But the rich and powerful have left for greener pastures, the poor left behind.

Ahhhh...history repeated itself, despite me saying so (I'm usually wrong.)
But they (The backers of the war) won't let this go easily.
Maybe we should send them all to *his* district.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

I didn't know, (sorry)


 It's one of those pills the doctor gives you, along with all those other pills you think you don't need: Baby-Aspirin. 
It sat there in its pretty little bottle, for a month, while I sweated like the rainforest and sugar was nearly too high to read.
I wrote yesterday about cool temps affecting *my* sugar (because I have no idea about yours), and today, after taking one single baby-aspirin yesterday, sugar is super normal, the patron saint of diabetes (she's prolly a nurse) would be proud of me.
(Beaming from above, all those glorious rays sort of spilling over, like on a holy-card)
Unfortunately tons of sites want to sell me a card, I can't get a decent illustration.

So anyway, ice+Aspirin. But they don't say it's for sugar, they say something about the heart.
And I've read (a long time ago) it doesn't do very much.
Well, it does *something*, my heart's fine (thanks for asking) but my sugar is way-different, something *they* prolly don't know (I doubt they have time to read all the articles.)
WHAT do I know now?
They push water, but *I* know temperature 
and Aspirin help too.
Risky yes, but *I* like it too

I have a way-unrelated theory that I've been trying for a week, with positive results so far:

The typical overweight-person has a gut hanging over their belt-line, and this expanse of flesh is what people tell you is the ideal area for an injection.
But it did nothing (really, *nothing*) for me, so I'm injecting closer to my chest, inches away from my "Solar Plexus" rather than my navel.
The flesh there is fat but leaner than my gut, and my body is more responsive to the injection.
But that could all be folderol and balderdash, coincidental with temp and aspirin.

Saturday, August 21, 2021


 Plastic bags deteriorate inside my refrigerator, I can't really explain it.
They're prolly still usable but they look sorry (foggy, wrinkled and faded labels)

So today bags came to enclose my insulin container.

Teaspoons for coffee.

Cups for medicine (because, have you tried pouring medicine into a teaspoon?)

A teeny bag for the bottle, which goes inside a box, with that large-sheet of disclaimers and warnings folded down into a little pillow.

A bag to put over the box (so it won't get wet and moldy)

1 bag

2 bag

3 spoons (actually, 6)

4 cups (100 or so)

I don't know what others do with their insulin, carry it around with 90F body heat or 130F glove-compartment heat.

And they get by, and their doctors are proud of them.

My doctors look pissed, mostly.
and my body says, "Insulin? Bah! (phht)" (in this heat; lowering the temperature works better than insulin!!) Armchair judgmentals in offices disparage me, because their room-temperature never rises above 70.
"Oh, bottled water"(bah)
Make it cold, Bottom line. (I can't find any trite rhyming sayings to go with "Make it cold" but yeah.
Chill yourself.)

Ice is nice

Only women get hot, saith the Internet

I'm tempted to run out and buy an ice-pack for the upcoming inferno in september.

O yes, we will burn in September, listen to the old-guy, he should know by now (year after endless freaking-year of impossibly hot labor-days)


(This HTML entry is *still* trashed, irreparably, I think)

Plastic Juice-bottles in the freezer to take up space and save money, could be nice gigantic back coolers. They're very uncomfortable but they're free.

But I'll window-shop anyway.

(Disembodied voices mutter something about backpacks with ice in them; I don't know, I've never tried, but it sounds like a great Idea. Thank you, voices)

I suppose if you wanna "look cool" you have to pay tons, but I don't really care

An ice cushion (for your butt) a back-thingy and maybe a chest thingy.

Retail value: $750.00 or so.
My ancient "Ocean spray" bottle could be tons better, if it only didn't leak, and I'll never look like an hourglass (but then neither will you)

Ice non cooling (whut?)
Non-ice or non-cooling (whut??)
"Ice-non soft"
So it's hard. (whut?)
Fucket, it has nice reviews ("eight hours" of something)

You can't fight city hall. (Most non-insulting get-told-on so's-I-get-in-trouble remark.)

And Supreme authority

Dissidence will be quashed

What did they say to incur such wrath?* (In hushed tones?)

Does it matter?

What's it say about eden (gotta look it up) you broke a rule, so you shall labor and sweat, forever, until you DIE eventually. 
* I'm getting writer's block describing a particular forum's post since it has nothing to do with a single post, a single forum. It's as if the moderators were appointed to JAG or the supreme court, or is it an example of OCD??(writer's block)

If I highlighted this next picture (every line) it would be meaningless.So I'll just present it, unmodified, for your perusal.
He's never heard of it, it Must be your fault (and shall be ignored) (Waitasec)
Someone who matters must've mentioned it


(I'm very unhappy with the way this ROTD looks extra-random, skipping pronouns, dangling sentences; Blame OCD)
Cherry Healey (The Bum-lady):kinda gross, but you all fall for british-sounding women in tight-white pants.

*My* crush is the comic (it's the way the commercial was written) doing a schtick for some teeth-aligners.

It's her eyes.
Wait, she was just on.
It's like "You are under my spell" which is sort of the point (made up to enhance her eyes.)She looks very ordinary otherwise. I wonder if they gave her some tight-white-pants, what she could do.
Pia Miranda? 
If so, they did a helluva job with her makeup.
"Carine Rice," say others.

OTOH, makeup is fleeting; Diamonds are forever.
(You could *buy* a diamond with the profits from movies they keep making about Diamonds)
This ROTD was brought to you by really boring TV

8/24, one day (two?) after this was written, "sims 4" had an update, for unknown reasons, but ostensibly to add one single painting and to correct skipping steps on stairs.
(How can people with OCD count the stairs if you skip them??)Was it *really* an anti-piracy thing, a security update, or just a way to insert advertising for new games, I have no idea.
All I know is what they said, which is the whole stairs-thing.
Plants still revert to dust, more's the pity.
Maybe their tone-deafness will get noticed; probably not.
Enthusiastic sycophants rejoice, you have no problems anyway.

I'd swear this damned editor has OCD, it remembers a tiny-print-selection and puts all new text into tiny mode.Tough to explain (o nevermind)
(Never) Never ever use a footnote font again, it's one of those things this editor *rew*ins.
Or I could write this whole thing in "Word" but what's the point, nothing matters anymore.
(Nihilistic fatalist with OCD) 

Friday, August 20, 2021

Down-under spray

 They used to make spray. Now they don't, but you could use it anyway (I'm guessing),

assuming you're not planning on suing anyone (which is why they banned sprays long before you were born)

Before The Lawyers got out of school
Better pic@https://www.pinterest.com/pin/784681935050847101/

Or was that woman being sociable when she said I smelled nice? 
I'm an amazon-forest, a swamp. But I would not want to smell like her "White shoulders".
Glaring hole in this entry, what actually happened to "Body-all", a victim of political correctness no doubt, a family of products (what's that word) Genocided because, Pollution, drug use (huffing) and Cancer. Deodorants (not natural gas and oil and DDT in the ocean),
prolly cigarettes, and not recycling, caused cancer and many dead dolphins.
So now that we've recycled and sent our effluence to the shittier shitholes of the world, and our DDT barrels sit quietly just off the shoreline, 

There goes the neighborhood!
(Naw, the Lawyers'll Clean up suing everybody, and the doctors'll make zillions, it's a fucking gold mine for litigants and medical professionals.)
Blame Deodorants! 
BTW Are you still  eating seafood?

This was a ten-second Teaser on CBS (I think it was CBS) around a week ago.
Nothing on Googles front page that I saw.

naw, "Fabulousssss"?

I imagine Deanna Troi to be a swamplike person, buttshots in my head tell me so.

(Deanna Troi TBA)

Google's answer to, "WTF is "Tom Ford" ?"

Said it first, better blog except it's for women.
Any blog about a body is targeted at women, so it's sort of a given.

I woke up for my insulin shot and saw Google's front page.
They've been promising to downsize Afghanistan since Obama, but when the well runs dry, the teat that feeds thousands of highly fed aficionados ("I was in Kabul and it stunned me")....is weaned.
well if you lived high on the hog for years and suddenly you're unemployed or need to transfer, you'd be pissed too.
Trump wanted to negotiate with the Taliban, leaked his intentions,
 and changed his mind (says my 5-second-analysis)
The Daily Indoctrinator

Myanmar Syria, Ethiopia, these must all take second place.

What this thought, sleepy and misspelled, is missing, is *another* blog saying it better, saying it first.
Ah shit, I finished too fast, I'm pulling out too soon.
Whatever a "concubine" is (It goes with the sentence, "Concubines, mistresses and third wives")
Camp followers, lunch-truck people, tons of kids (progeny) it's not like you can just tell them all "Go back to your precinct." War is hell. (side-market arms/drug dealing, your little "Habit" (whatever that means)
Sorry about that. Bye.
Have a nice Day.

BBC for some reason keeps plugging stories like this:
"Died in vain" because we didn't turn Afghanistan into another Puerto Rico? Didn't fight Russians and Chinese forever (amen)?
It's all a biggie game.
Hey BBc, how many british troops are still there?
Advisors and Trainers are super-pissed.

Religious converts, preachers on a mission from God (send your seed-money soon), Russians, Chinese, Oil companies, Chocolate bar makers, nylon-stocking manufacturers, arms dealers,