
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

I wrote about the food...

 This isn't about food, it's about the market and the people in it.
Plus it's a very rough draft.
Nice guy and spouse continually get ignored by me, deepest apologies (They didn't die or anything but what else can I say? 
"Nice day, Excuse me"
"Nice day, Excuse me")
The lines magically appear/disappear. 
I *swear* they were miles deep but when I circled 'round after looking for eggbeaters (there aren't any, unless they freeze them) the lines had gone.
Well except one guy insisting I was in the way of his checking out, there being 7 other machines extant.
He eventually moved on.
Kids are like magnets...I get extra paranoid in stores, any kids behind/in front/Around the corrrrner??
They lock every door but one. They're paranoid as well (also, too)
nearly $9.00 eggs. 18 eggs, 8.95. Congress (bah) blame woke/Biden have done with it. Apparently free-range-eggs are woke (chickens' lives matter) and this is the backlash.
Nonono, don't look that up, I'm total-guessing.
Well it's that or russia, trucks, china and the death of bitcoin.

WSJ blame Christmas cooks.
Forbes implies that many eggs actually exist; They do not.

I couldn't doctor this photo and still be honorable; but last night most of these eggs were gone.
They've got a parchment-colored egg-carton, and a nearly white carton.
I've often wondered what it means. Maybe they're identical and they're running a psych study.
Lacto-ovo vegetarians (vegans don't eat eggs, right?) prefer the yellowish carton, it looks more organic (I'm guessing)
Eggbeaters don't exist (unless they're in the freezer-section)
But they DO sell "egg helper" (just add one egg)
for the perfect omelette

Notes for a future blog:

And James Hong.
Floaty-people is either a chinese thing or a movie-producer's idea of how asian movies should look "MORE floaty people!!"
I liked the movie better than Star wars.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Edema Part 34

Brought to you by the canned-tuna-factory people

 No one knows why canned tuna is bad for me, no one even cared to look.
I'm seriously wondering (I already wrote about this) why my feet swell up a day after Tuna.

The widely accepted answers: You're eating a food not approved by some EVOO council, that has too much salt and can lead to diabetes and gout.

The Unapproved answers:
You're allergic to something in the canned tuna, "Nitrites"?
And if you stick to basic foods that don't come in a can, your feet will be happier.

But that's heresy.

'K, NOW you're just showing off (and being very vague)

Totally Unrelated, I swear...I was cleaning under the rug and found this happy-sunshine article about a woman mri'd and CT-Scanned and antibiotic'd til she "Succumbed" which is their professional way of saying they fucked up so badly that she died. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6536203/
B-cell Lymphoma (or something similar) is one of those things you could die of, and they'd never think to look.
Treat symptoms, til you kick the bucket.

It's not Like I'm pushing canned tuna, nor garlic nor onions (the other forbidden foods I used to be able to eat)
It would be nice to know, though, why I could and now I cannot.
Why are people paid to write hopeless, pointless articles?
For (new York?) flavor, I suppose.
"Made ya read!"

but stomachs aren't usually changeable and no one talks about that.
HOW can someone who was fine with food suddenly become its public-enemy?
I'm sure there are ten different explanations, but since I don't want to end up like that poor woman, uhm, nevermind, I'll *guess*.
So far I've found only women New Yorkers to be concerned about digestive health, or maybe I'm only reading the chatty ones that talk plain-english.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Biggie Train of thought (we're talking "sleeper car")

 Jackie Mason played the voice of Krusty's dad.

His accent doubtless imitated countless Rabbis living in somewhere, New York.
And was it Bart Simpson who mentioned one of the greatest Rabbis, "Rabbi Hillel"?

Rabbi Hillel's lifespan appears to have crossed the BCE-CE dateline, or in other words, he lived before and during Jesus' lifetime.

An encyclopedia lends support:

RIP "snip and sketch" but "Snipaste" almost works as well.

I don't get this next part, I must have missed this 30+ year period of cartoons

30+ years is enough time to ask, has Bart Simpson (and his ilk Spongebob and Beavis)

Made the world better or worse?

I am seriously digressing.

If you're Jewish you already know Rabbi Hillel, the legal department of the Jewish Faith.

(So what's up with "Buddha", was he a wise person but of a different faith, or higher up??)

St. Augustine,
Rabbi Hillel 
(Is that right, or am I going to hell?)


OK I can't keep opening tabs so I've lost a LOT of info.
Who Hated Buddha? Buddha's brother-in-law.
"awakened"="woke"...??? (That one was not googled) well it was, sort of:
The condensed headline is confusing to me, the article isn't.

Apparently really incompetent ("The Office"-style) training programs exist that have leaked out as representative of attempts to quell racism. (I think)
And Rufo, getting these leaks, turned into the architect of anti-wokism (it's a political thing).
We're too liberal, we need to atone, Rufo will show us the way, That's what I think they're saying. (Please don't sue me)
But Rufo not desantis was the architect, Desantis is the instrument of Rufo's philosophy.

Referring to an older entry that might be gone now, This picture that I'm about to add in a couple minutes,
shows the original box that came with the church, all expensive and irreplaceable, and a couple from Ikea or maybe walmart, Some MDF boxes.
Hey, I can get into MDF, I can, if I can get that sheen, that finish that makes them look old.
Paint it, a streaky-brown color?
With a stiff brush to LOOK like grain.

Friday, January 27, 2023

(what) "Society types" (now fuck off)

Blond x-holes always seem to get put in charge, their parents are rich, and they usually don't like me.

I'm not saying it's a hair color thing...

You're raised the way you look, and sound.

"canonical" Puhleeze.
And what's with the Black Eyebrows?

Short snobby names to go with their stunted snobby personalities.
I'll never like you (never did)

 beyond how Fred gets special treatment for being rich and White. However, this change from the original Scooby-Doo prompted a racist backlash before the show's release.--https://screenrant.com/velma-show-scooby-doo-character-changes/

(never did) He's wearing a *scarf,* that should tip anyone off but the most obtuse rich white guys (that I don't like)

Richard III turned out horrible, according to shakespeare, raised to be a loser until he rebelled against his fate.


Whatsername, Velma? Is she a vegan environmentalist preachy person? I was going by her glasses.
Ya know, *Contacts* were invented before your show was even a thing.


I don't think I'd walk into a bar in Texas, I'd be dressed wrong.
Underweight, no beard.
It's "We shall overcome," Not "We shall get along," nvm
A link, it's related, sort of. Maybe. IDK

Fred's dead, doesn't exist, and I maybe watched 3 minutes of a cartoon in between commercials, don't feel bad for Fred.
OK feel bad, whatever.

The snobby upper crust push 4096*2160 @240 hz.
(Are they also named "Fred"? Bossy as hell.)

Should we let the less fortunate get their hands on Upper-Crust Monitors??
They're uneducated!! We need to train them First.
Plus they eat fuel.
4K DCI is unavailable,
You're too grubby/unwashed

You're way too young to remember PATA vs SCSI, but you might have glimpsed IBM vs Apple, and I actually forgot the exact feature I was going for. I might edit this, prolly will not.
24FPS, Anyone?? The ONLY way to watch snobby movies.
If Orson isn't saying "Rosebud" in French with subtitles, @24FPS *Someone*
won't sleep right (the pea in their mattress, don'tcha know)

3200 x 2400, ca. 2001

superimposed is my hoi-polloi humble command prompt, gargantuan compared to their crisp understated Martha-Stewartness/Lawrence-Livermore Caligula wastefulness.

A note or two that the *retail* Hifalutin market in 2001 felt that,
https://www.proquest.com/docview/208111151 "Impractical yes, but we like it too"
More pixels=more productivity, so if you're a slave-driving, "Damn the torpedoes" (cost) kinda guy....
Now, (ahem) these guys didn't dry up and blow away, nono.
They kept making unattainable technology for the very, very rich living on Mt. Olympus and working on taxpayer-funded projects.
I just wondered.

So, I was done (You can't rant forever)
and a headline front-page google article showed up, with "Zee Kilpack."
Newspapers countrywide are sure to mention his/her name but not who exactly they are.
Is it some possible popular blog, are they the winner of a biggie contest, were they on a women's talk show?
I'm guessing they've been on a few Talk shows.
     Utah (the mormons) eschews transgender-ism-things.
That makes it to google's  front page.
But the picture...get back to me when they're 45.

"Say Goodnight to the Stereotype"

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Randomness (I'm allowed)

 Reconstruction era

2023-150 (right?)

This train of thought is supported by the highway, "Bellum" in Elden Ring.

pedantic paragraph missing ("anteBellum," etc)

De Santis, Reconstructionist or more "Ante Bellum"?

New era is right.

But I have some of the terminology wrong, I think.

Reconstructionism morphs into reconstructivism, and the soured philosophy (says a book) that inequality problems could be solved by education (not psychology).

o...k. Big-assed subject I know little about.

Yeahbutt (wtf wrote this?)

"radical Republicans"
Poor guy had no chance against radical republicans


Being as how this little entry *started* because of Elden Ring, And now that I've played forever (10+ times) I feel worthy to blog my progress.
This last playthrough, Ranni-the-witch shows up in a cave I had to cheat to get to (on the side of a sheer cliff) and after some vague stuff (A wounded/dead girl sits on a chair, and I'm prompted to "put on the ring")
Fake dead girl? What "ring"?

And some words, I *think* I was given a fancy sword.
But Ranni never shows up at her house anymore; her chair is occupied by books covered by a blanket. 

I cannot get her special knife (that she never mentions) without her approval, because the chest holding the knife will never open. And Now that this girl is in a cave, should I pass her by and go see Ranni instead? Very confusing.
Cursed to fail this playthrough.
One more reason to espouse suicide.

Blaidd's briefly at a castle ("what a sick fight") but flies off after that.
I never could find the cliff cave again, and Nokron/Siofra (Ranni's/Blaidd's supposed quests) are pretty empty, as well as "Ranni's rise." 
See above picture: I'm in the basement of a cathedral I can't get to without cheating. If that helps (IDK.) I'm mixing in two separate (pointless) playthroughs...

I can't tell the *name* of the cathedral, but I'll edit it in later.
Iji (the giant blacksmith) also has vague things to say and he's around, to no purpose.
I'm ten seconds away from completing this game and starting another.
Melina is the only reliable 100% repeatable quest, and all other main questlines elude me.
Kill radahn, Godfrey and Ranni(?) climb the mountain, kill Godfrey again (or something), end.
It's like listening to a song you don't really care for, over and over.
Minor quests: The guys who live in holes with worms on top, The sick girl, The doomed blind girl, uh.....I feel stewpid for missing out on the other quests after all these playthroughs.

Sellen taught me a couple spells...and that's it.

before you defeat radahn you must reach altus plateau
before you reach altus plateau you must retrieve the medallions
Before you retrieve the medallions you need to find the forts.
Before you can find the forts you must retrieve the maps
(What did I miss?)
The so-called Fingerslayer blade, which no one told you to get, under a place no one told you to go.
It's like, someone sending you to "Costco" to buy the "Thing".
Well, I have the inverted statue now, dammit, but I can't remember why I wanted it!!
Something about a quest...

Less than halfway through this video (any video) the quests DIE instead of doing what they say:
Fia kills 'D', says goodbye, end.
Ranni Gives the inverted statue thing, also says "goodbye".
So what gives, Do I *offend*? 
PS (ranty-ranty) This game thinks giving armor or a fancy sword is the highest honor....
I've got shitloads of stuff I can't use, ashes, medallions, freakin weapons, useless armor...
Lotsa weird food.
Big whoop

How about a charm (so not my cheat) that accords respect among the monsters, who cower in fear at your almighty presence...

Some quests are so hard it's easy to think that the next playthrough, I'll ignore them.
I'm supposed to go "Multiplayer", but I'd have to start a lily-white, very naive, nearly naked character for that. Beeesides, I'm not interested in meeting midget megalomaniacs who'll call mom if I appear too powerful.

No store, no rich relative, ??

 My window-shopping Wishlist was to replace my 3950x with:

a 5950x (first choice)

a (mumble-mumble)X because it's more affordable.

Since I only use "Timespy", all others being boring,

I went to timespy to ask.

Now you might read (harrumph et folderol) that the CPU part of the test can be ignored, But the test certainly does not ignore it, because they stick it in with the overall score.

PLUS *I* disable SMT in order to up my score, so...8 vs 16 cores.

IDK, it's in a mood

OK fuck whatever teens write on Reddit, I still want a 5950x.

The 5955x3d will cause me to wail and gnash my virtual teeth (toofs)

The biggie bottom line is, what improvement the score would be, coming from a 3950x.
CPU-15,000 or so, sure...(better be) but the graphic score would be identical.
Faster (maybe,) IDK.
Topical BULLshit, stuff my uncle must be so proud of he's rolling and rocking in his grave ("Hitler wasn't so bad" was one of his quotes.)
OK so yada google top Front page news missing, (go google it,)
WHO does Mccarthy represent?

I'm not throwing any stones, but
"top ten"?
Cleveland (UK) listed highest Crime rate (in the UK) on several sites.
Bakersfield got nothin on you, baby

Train, boss, the Train!! :
Where is the highest crime-rate WorldWide? I'm totally guessing M'Buti, South (somewhere) Africa.

Obviously They can't agree, or the resident Jefe/dictador fudges the figures.
"Africa" is not one of the continents listed, Nor UK/US
AHA! told ya
(aha ek het jou gesĂȘ!!)

Much biggier question maybe is, "What has mccarthy done for bakersfield"
But I am not really enthused about looking...roads and bridges, a mall, what?
Really rich Bakersfieldians must be bursting with pride

In conclusion, .... ? 
See "Nihilism" gawdawful link that says Nothing and goes Nowhere zzzz
Throw names around and suddenly you're a treatise-writer.

(Washing hands) "What is Truth?"