
Friday, March 31, 2023

In Search of: Myths and superstitions

 If you're a really die-hard fan you know I deleted an entry about xbox-controllers.
If you're only here to gossip, I don't have a lot to say today.

I want a new controller because the usb-c connector seems bad. I'm gambling it's the controller connector and not the cable.
What's this myth/superstition?
That the factory making controllers has at least two kinds, the cheap ones they care little about, and the "Elite" ones.

The mythic hope is that the USB-C connectors are slightly better on the more expensive controllers, and the horrific mind-numbing reality prolly is, they're the same or worse.

But of course I won't know till I get one.

I just got it, and maybe I was right, the controller connector was going bad.
(Dropping it on the carpeted floor will do that, I guess.)

If the *new* one drops on the floor, the sticks might fall off, as they're only magnetically attached to the shaft, which is adjustable. 

The biggie difference is, this controller has a built-in (non removable?) rechargeable battery.

That's either good or not, but if the sticks fall off and the connector dies, I could still use the rechargeable battery for bluetooth.
Maybe you're thinking that I should forget the cable, just use the built-in battery, and that sounds good (IDK); you still need to baby the connector to be able to charge the batteries...

I'm so depressed, because the new controller just dropped on the ground, the first of many accidents to come.

folderol deleted

Anyway... My quest to find a mostly AAA game with a biggie story line has gone unfulfilled but there *are* candidates to consider (only two so far)

Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha

and another that isn't free but is "prerelease," so I'd expect lots of interruptus (crashing).

"Carnal instinct" is the game that costs money and is healthier, more fully developed, I think.

Now, um, will they work with a trainer, with mods??
You *could* mod out most of the story line, have sex all day, IDK, but (TBA)

Too expensive and mostly boring.

Not to get graphic or anything but I'm looking and not seeing much besides chester cheetah and friends.
I suppose I could steel my immersive self to expect amorous adventures with hairy tigers and felines, but honestly don't they have hairless stuff?

Yay, spots and a tail.
Well, ...

Thankfully I'm getting too tired for major purchases right this second.
I'll, uh, let you know.

I'm on a site right now with a much more popular genre, killing with extreme gory prejudice, hack-n-slash, 14-yr-old nirvana games. OK, 9-yr-old.

The "adult" tag in steam brings up cartoony girls and one large-bosomy teacher.

So sad.

Atomic-Heart is sort of a bait-switch, say reviewers, it has no sex to speak of.
I'm (I *was*) saving up for a 5800x3d and yet another month has to pass without that wish being fulfilled, but what game would be worthy?

"Slumming, are we?"
No sex, no alcohol, no drugs (hmm)

Some Player's swaying butt on her way to the next mission is enough sexual context for me, so I'm not picky, and "Mass effect andromeda" has been good to me. Time to move on, I keep saying, only I never do.

I need a typewritten word for Bleahh (rolf) but skipping romance, maybe the game isn't bad? IDK

well yeah, CBP2077 is 59.99 not on sale (the sale was yesterday or tomorrow) but...I'm all shopped-out, I wanna go home.

For Baldur's Gate because the trainer says I'd need it

My score is comparable to a lesser card, way-way down some list,
(circa rtx2070/3060) and my card gets HOT but, "Baldurs gate"-something (3?) might be nice.

Hell, any damned game I choose says "Positive", "Mostly Positive" never "Mixed" so I know I have good taste, (but do they taste good?? NVM) 

So I'm narrowing my choices (otg) to Cyberpunk and Baldurs gate.
(wut?? https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/jgdwn5/cyberpunk_2077_or_baldurs_gate_3/)

Baldur-whatever, guys hack at some huge monster (right?) IDK.

Cyberpunk, like some disembodied voice pointed out, might be too cartoony (I never picked up the whole comics-thing anyway)

My cyberpunk-settings are way off and the controller keeps dying, but so far it's OK except for the trainer (I couldn't kill the practice-target?) I'll have to play tons more before I know but so far I think it's OK.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Manifestos 'n such (whatnot)


You should prolly stop reading here and at least gloss over what is written there.

Opinions are useless, and the rest of this falls under the heading of opinion.

(But who the hell decided woke sjw's were the bane of modern society?
These guys have an ax to grind and they feel so strongly they'll manifesto-you.

But legitimizing them and their causes, just makes things worse, it empowers them, like some superman-suit.


https://www.psypost.org/2019/03/study-suggests-mass-shootings-can-inadvertently-promote-the-idea-of-using-guns-to-empower-oneself-53381, yeah, what they said (in the headline, anyway)

But I'm not selling something, and if my blog ever got out the push-back would be enormous. People would argue (with walls of text and manifestos of their own) that speaking out against shootings is a personal affront to their liberties.

THIS totally amazing page shows the depths, the efforts, to live in alternate realities, and nothing will shake their faith:


ROTD (random thought of the day) http://bcb-board.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=118506

"whatnot" is a company (apparently) and "et al" prolly is too. "& shit" is prolly a biggie song.

Summary of a study I don't have access to (but maybe you could)

ROTD quote (I will look for a link)

Monday, March 27, 2023

SP3: "Doctor Google"

 Have you been cussed out by whoever in the medical profession for having too much wasted fat in your system?


Pancreatic insufficiency can contribute to diabetes,
to malabsorption of fats,
To low Vitamin D (and other fat-soluble vitamins)

Fixing it involves cussing out the patient for eating wrong or smoking.

The *patient* meanwhile, might seek over-the-counter remedies, only some of which make sense, like maybe a probiotic, especially one with "Lipase."

I'm not sure about "Creon", the overpriced med with lipase in it (mainly because it's so overpriced and the copay is astronomical)

To solve this economical tight-spot, a doctor might tell you that Creon is no longer necessary (beeecause??? You went to Lourdes or whatever)

But it's necessary (*Lipase* is necessary, just not the corsair-Omron-cadillac version)

In a better world, instead of replacing the stuff your pancreas no longer supplies, a smart med-guy would treat and "Fix" the pancreas (ok maybe not fix, but give it Bardahl or STP oil-treatment)

DIY meds:
The problem is the very wide swing in price
as maybe you can see in this tiny pic.
How many units of Lipase? Are they reputable?
Schiff Probiotic has changed their formula somewhat, As far as I know.
Lipase used to come from animals (didn't it?) and now it comes from a fungus (a fungus??!!)

You're kidding, it works again? But why??

sp2: лось и белка

 los' i belka

Apparently the people running the internet are too young to remember "Moose and Squirrel."

It is too old, they cannot conceive of it.

IOW, a google of los' (etc) kept coming up with dogs on stamps, celebrities,
*anything* except (you know)

no, wait
Maybe Russian was kind of a reach;
(I've been looking, their cartoons look like very serious specials)
(ps-rant, "Peanuts" the cartoon (aka "Charlie Brown") was boring. Snoopy might have had a chance)
The people who *watched* serious cartoons are now banning books

whattabout spanish?? "alce y ardilla"

"Rule 34" (link tba) isn't remarkable unless you consider that some overweening pissant micromanager made at least 33 other rules.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

seriously procrastinating...

 If my game were a job I'd be calling in sick.

A class, Tardy or absent.

Anyway....This blog hasn't started yet so I am not sure how it will end , or if I should quickly erase it.

But I want to google what it means for psychologists to present pictures to kids and ask them to tell a story.

If the psychologist writes every word, or just sticks the kid on a camera, IDK, it's not important to this blog.
What IS important is what the pictures are supposed to mean. Nono, not "Rorschach" 

Guns/bullets ok. Sex? Not so much
1. Outer Limits episode about a nearsighted alien
2. Elephants dancing
3. Tribal ritual.
(compos mentis?)


more like action pictures with a vague meaning, like a publicity still for the twilight-zone.


I found it but is there an answer-key?
Not that anyone is asking, it's too late for me, but save yourselves.

On the other hand, anti-woke people prolly just use lie-detector tests, it's much more scary.
three of the reasons

Plus, it might be like teachers showing films, there is no interaction, it's a break while they do their job. 
Beeeecause, your Love and death tattoos kind of give away the ending.
See?!! WHY won't you BelIEVE Me??!!!

Sleepy vs depressed,
Full of remorse or full of pee

"Add Caption"
(isn't this tons like memes?)
Aren't most memes from the mentally disturbed?
You'd think *someone* would come up with clever TAT cards that have nothing to do with the actual test, Biased and supposedly humorous.
Well, I have not found them, these are official pictures.
The ones with Trump or Obama are hiding. 

Really random ones I've left out: A man in his Longjohns is pulling on a rope.

A woman appears to be looking through a jewelry-box while looking worried at the door behind her. (That one *might* be in my head only; it isn't to be found anywhere)

Non TAT-related graphic arts:
A better (better paid) and much more bitter "blog" about the tat test

The uhm, upshot of the wordy blog (history of world and personal experience with it) was that the parents got a very vague letter requesting the kid be sent to a strict school.
Not the actual story he told which he will not retell to this day.
He's prolly afraid of the judgmentalism, hmm 

They sell the answers, not just blurt them out

"Snake Pit" material?

Man (with gun) thinks about Surgery
Out of Body experience while anesthetized
"If he Dies I'm gonna USE this here gun"
the "Rocky Raccoon song"
(Doc it's only a scratch)

Maybe no one wore surgical masks in the 30's, anyway, my vote is on the guy *thinking* about surgery. (Beeecause, he wouldn't care about masks)
That rifle-looking thing was pointed out to me, but if it IS a rifle, uhm, it's part of his fantasy (suicide, surgery)

I forgot how to hide pics, I've got a Duzy, but it's pornographic (which is fine but if you ban "A wrinkle in Time" it makes me reticent, paranoid.)Fucket

They need a new TAT, a politically correct one, so if a person doesn't know to hide their true feelings, they'll prolly be unemployed or worse.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Saving the universe

 I'm about to traverse hell and high water to plant geraniums, that's my game.
I want to procrastinate for a minute to show off my "report card", the only reward I get, as anyone who plays this game well knows, because it never ends.

The Emperor (some generic "star-wars" type guy) is pissed, and that is as much of an ending as I get.

I'm not enthused. It's like school going from one insignificant grade to the next.

Imagine maybe Player gets married to Reyes, or becomes a girlfriend to Sloane, or marries Peebee...I officially die a lot.

The pictures here would be tons more meaningful if my screenshot camera wasn't busted.
Hopefully I can fix it

An ooold shot, maybe my cache is full??
I think I thought that and busted up the game good, before.
*maybe* messing with my cache caused this.
Resize Bar or maybe "above 4g/crypto" *could be wrong, IDK.

OK I don't really know what a "cutscene" is in a game, but if it is those mini-movies My game plays, then I can *almost* definitely say, that live-action shots work ok, it's those juicy cut-scene shots I'm having problems with, so I'm disabling 4g/crypto as an experiment, and this'll be continued way later.
Both cutscenes (kind of) but only one works.
The one on the left is a conversation, the right ones are supposed to be the spaceship landing.
I ended the game to change another BIOS setting but now I'm not so sure.

I don't suppose trailers of movies are copy-protected, but I'm including a random screenshot of a youtube trailer,
But ya gotta understand, screenshots worked perfectly in February, but they suck in March, after (let's see) a BIOS, OS and video-driver update.
It's like trying to find one single tree in the largest forest you can think of (and I've never been to a forest anyway)

ROTD note

If you went there and looked, the most striking thing to me is her face just before she puts a bullet in your brain.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

show-off words



OK this isn't easy to start without alerting the "Gloss!! Gloss!!" in your brain....

Theocracy, the belief that a very few or one religion should be the norm in society, all others are not welcome.

Fine (o, sit down, stop crapping your pants)

Antidisestablishmentarian, the(let's break it down) mentality that a church/religion (specifically, the church of England) should (here's where it gets a little vague) not be dissolved, but supported by the (British) government.

But pretentious people everywhere see their wet dream, their mount-everest, cry "Carpe-Verbum!" and use it in ways the church of England never intended.



"who" vs "whom"
As in, "can't really say whom" where the words are tantalizingly left out, left for you to fill in. 
*I* think it's "Can't say who", I'm wrong, fuck you.
exhumation (worse than necro):
Most of this next sentence is pointless but fun to write down.
It behooves me to be adept enough to put "behest" in a sentence.

I need to look up "literary" in their context (it would behoove me) but I am of the opinion that it would dress up a book, not an actual conversation (unless we're talking about legal folderol)
Another useless but more topical word is "aegis."
Words get co-opted over the years and aegis prolly has more meaning in some circles. In other words, it's a subtextual word that has little to do with the raw definition.

bombastic treatises on voltages for my computer and specifically for my CPU,
might or might not be right.
A few disgruntled mumblings:
The requested voltages and the actual voltages seem to be off from each other, by hopefully insignificant amounts.
You could always second-guess BIOS and set a desired voltage too low (too high?)
to compensate.

My latest foray into the bizarre and arcane:
My BIOS lists chipset CLDO SOC and NB SOC CLDO, um, and it's an offset (for the NB)
and (I swear) the PC is slower now, by just a bit, after lowering the NB SOC by a few millivolts. 1.094 to 1.056 (they say it's supposed to be 1.050)
I'll be back

The ideal thing to do would be to change it back to "Auto"
and edit this again.
We'll see
The horrifying truth is, it went *even slower* so nevermind.

I've been forgetting to benchmark at 1440p (instead of 2160p)
because, the single benchmark I use likes it that way, for years.
So fucket, this mediocre result (below) beats all the others I've run tonight (It sucks lots less, hahah)

I never answered all my questions about northbridge SOC, and now it's technically too low (1.044 vs 1.050) but no one cares.
The ccd's housing the CCX's housing the cores, *Could* request their own ideal voltages (ya'd think) but no, *I* have to read this arcane bombastic bullshit.

This next slightly meaningless screen-snip shows that the system is taking my settings as "suggestions" only.