
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

cyberpunk Minutiae

 Intro TBA

The first paragraph from Google is just wrong, although I'd have a tough time arguing the point;
The Last paragraph is exactly right.

Forget all that; A woman in a lower-range voice than usual was saying something over the City PA system, and her last word was "imnida" (which to my ears sounds almost exactly like "imida")

So...what was she saying?

How many languages are in The USA version of "Cyberpunk"???

Let's make an attempt to count...
Japanese, English, Spanish, "Creole" /Haitian, German (I think it's German), and Korean and others,
I suppose,
 that I cannot discern easily. 

I'm sure reddit/quora/google has a figure, if I google the question correctly (don't wait up)

So far the answer is confused with "support" for languages which I could not care less about,

And someone keeps chiming in about translators (the ones in little bubbles above people's heads.)

Yes, minutia-mongers, we know about the translators and the supported languages,

But I'm talking about the paid actors comprising the populace speaking lines in any language besides english, in the english (US) version of the game.

Getting that specific in google would just piss it off.


I'm supposed to know what this means, only I don't.
it's Cyberpunk Minutia

Lots of blowhards internet-wide will tell you what to think,
But I doubt them.
Mr. Cyberpunk (the author) or his team would have to explain it for me to put any stock into the balderdash.

Is it a poem he/they liked, like that poem from Christina Rosetti?
"When I am dead my dearest" and etc

Someone said that you can't tell anymore who's good, who's joking, and who's evil... These blog-entries might look a little insular for a while, not that I've ever been the guy with his fingers on the pulse of society.

I'm in a game where I'm afraid to cross the fucking *street*... doesn't say much for my innate talents.

I wonder what my horoscope says....

make friends, don't be grumpy, and don't spend money I don't have (were they watching me window-shop??)
Good advice that could apply to anyone anywhere at any time, but I wondered why all the search-results were from India, are they extra-tuned into the cosmos?

I had pictures but someone somewhere might take umbrage, be offended, start a holy fucking war...

Worshippers of Molag Bal might send a

after me.

@#$^ (and other words)

Rant-bar needed here.


Imagine people saying stuff, writing stuff, that comes out wrong or gets picked up by the wrong crowd.
(Kinda like what I'm writing now.)
I suppose a person has to have a talent for timing. 

The full-color dream in my head (which I will now attempt to transcribe)

had to do with the family I was living with buying lots of groceries, and a lot of those groceries being juice.
Sure looked like "Ocean spray" and had an amber color. 
But (the dream said) it tasted awful, wtf was that??
The lady of the house explained with a smile it was medicine for women with women-problems.
OK, was I laying there thirsty, or was it a left-over TV commercial about a drink for women with UTI's?

(Does it matter?)
It was disturbing enough to awaken me, mission accomplished.
If only real-life were like that, messages that are meaningless, disturbing warnings to keep a person aware but happy, mostly.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Title TBa

 Yes, it's out of focus, almost like 3D.
No one mentions it.
Is it me??

Anyone with a sub-$1000 card might be afraid to say anything, but I've never been afraid to blurt stuff.

Random scenery picture:

It's like someone with poor eyesight and dirty glasses.

Lemme guess, "Antialiasing"?

The in-game settings are totally inscrutable and mostly have to do with lighting and shadows. I'm um, gonna go tinker, see if I can make a difference.


I'm back from a nap and several TV channels, 
Wondering why forums think fictional minutiae is so cool.
Pick a subject, and someone will rant on about every fucking detail,
and warning you that we're doomed to repeat our mistakes if we don't 
listen to them and their canned propaganda.
The universe is infinite, numbers are infinite, but these guys wanna test the limits of infinity, for no particular reason (except maybe it makes them look knowledgeable)
But fictional trivia is the worst.
No, I never found out WHY the game is clear (crystal) but with odd aberrations,
it's minutia I never really cared to study up on.
The native-resolution-thing is confused (to me) by super-resolutions in games, it's something I want to try but don't notice any differences (or it's worse, per above.)
But yeah, let me (lessee) run the monitor at 3840x2160, run the *Game* at 1920x1080, and turn on the super-resolution-trendy-thing, uhm, hmm.
I'll get back to this, in a month or so.

Interlaced video went out with CRT's but this ultramodern billboard uses it.
Regardless, it looks pretty clear, IDK

watching a crowd of cockroaches skittering in the game, I thought of "Brownian" motion, something a pretentious guy invented to explain "random motion"

and not to be out-nerded, this guy points out, unasked, about diffusiophoresis.
(spellchecker sez wut?)

Gases, liquids, the point is, they move, bump and change direction (now, was that so hard to say?)
I wonder who got the zillion-dollar contract for Brownian motion....
I'm gonna associate "Brownian" with "WiFi" but that isn't random, it's collision avoidance.
"congestion control," whatever.
It was a train that went nowhere...

Minutiae Magnified (be fun at Parties)

Friday, April 21, 2023

tedious and boring

Best ending so far, 
My mission (should I decide to accept it)
Prolong this game


So you're in a bad neighborhood trying horribly hard not to get killed, trying to drive a car with a teeny joystick, and waiting for that all-important phone call, before you get too sick to go on, and die.

Realistic, but is it a game?

I'm doing the most piddly things (eating too much, watching old TV from the dead)

(Reading boring forums)

*Anything* except playing this damned game.

Thrills and chills: nearly kill myself with a joystick-controlled chair fighting the death-claws of gravity and cliff-sized curbs.

There are no do-overs, "Game over" if I fall, and I don't pretend to be as good as you (on youtube, launching yourself)
Yay, you broke a leg but you have many viewers!!


This next bit is a rant not belonging to anything.
OK you know about "raw Sugar", right?
Raw is a cousin of "organic" which is related to "Virgin." Recently you can add "Free range".
You can find a whole crapload of paid writers blathering on about the prices of eggs.

So (OK) raw free range olives and their product, virgin oil.
Olives aren't edible raw (I've been told). I think they pickle them first.

No idea about the virgins,
but the oil is not heated nor purified (I think).
The pattern (the point of this rant) is, the less you do, the more you get paid.

The implication (if you pore over sales pitches) is, some olives are so perfect they need no refining, picked by hand lovingly by Juan Valdez Who only picks the sun-kissed ones at the top of the trees, then are gently squeezed at the height of freshness and the oil sold by the ounce.
The hoi-polloi olives need to be pasteurized, filtered, homogenized, or they'd betray their origin (really bad neighborhoods on the bottoms of trees.)
OK that's my impression, what do you think?
And if you can afford to travel to Sicily, 

sucking on your fingers at a cafe and saying "olio d'oliva," you deserve overpriced virgin oil...everyone else wastes their money.

If (I say if) you were hosting a party with real-estate and Amway salespeople,
Crystal Cruits with Decorative Oil and maybe Pink Sea salt (and a free-range egg carton)
Might be appropriate.
IDK, I don't hang around salespeople. Hide your leather.
*cooking* the free-range egg using the oil and the sea salt is wasteful.

A really quickie note:

"Des" after your name (last-name, first-name, "Des" but how would I google that?
Whoever wrote that knows how to be inscrutable
So MAYBE (maybe) 
"what des your name," 
or just "what des"
and the answer would be "name-des"

what "kuso" ē³ž,恏恝

"no" as we all know, is "of."
The rest is opaque to me.
"what is your handle?"
"what should I call you?"
We have variations too. But theirs way tops ours 
(look up "how to drink tea in Japan")
Green tea, leave the sugar-bottle please.

BTW "nan des ka" Or maybe "ko nan des ka"
(the only misheard phrase from a song I knew a century ago)
might mean "wtf?" but I seriously wouldn't know.
It might be a great time to go look?
don't wait up.
"Kore wa nan desu ka?"

Thursday, April 20, 2023

stuff is.

 Existence does not depend upon knowledge.
Stuff is (and was) whether you know it or not, and however you twist it.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, did it make a noise?
What a question.
Ahh! is from an answer,
Hmm is a question you almost have an answer to, but you need to ruminate.
"ble?" are variations on a theme.

"Ble" is my favorite. It implies that you've just heard something so dense, so opaque, you have no words to even form a formless question in your mind.

Years ago, people learned about quantum physics and had several statements to make, which were proven wrong later. (I, hubris-type that I is, think of "Black holes" that way)
But they went down in history being hard to disprove without knowing the language(s) they invented.
(why not sic your computer on understandable quantum-speech?)

"El baƱo esta en iscierda ("Izquierda") de la calle tres kilometros de aqui"

By the way BTW, it is not "Stuff is", like I forgot a word, it's "Stuff is," whether or not you acknowledge it.

Do you like angel hair Pasta? That transparent stuff with no taste?
Apparently people do.
I'm currently eating "Large shells", chewy and they hang on to sauces and meats well.
I had more ranty things to say but I got distracted....People cry on thanksgiving when you serve them angel-hair with shrimp, instead of turkey.
In other words, this biggie world is full of different tastes and traditions (and yours really suck)

Peanut-butter soup, bird-fetuses

Pickled pigs' feet, giblets, gizzards necks, 
Did I ever tell the one about the cleaning staff gathering the remains after one of those big-ass parties?
I was thinking more of cows and pigs on spits, but whatever

modern poseurs

Ya'd think someone would have King Ulbrecht (whoever) grasping a leg in one hand, a goblet of mead in the other hand.
Quora (and some video game) to the rescue

Before Silverware. (utensils).
But noooo.

Now think, what could have been left?
Toes, necks, eyes...
And when the rich people saw how much people enjoyed it, they taxed it and called it a delicacy. (Or something)

Some guy wrote on the history of forks! You're lucky.
Mine was neither history nor factual, it's a lot like the pictures I included: fanciful.
The fork-guy starts out saying Greeks and Romans had them, then kind of drifts into the byzantine empire, says the US didn't use forks til the late 1700's.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

crackpot waking dream

Google verified what I knew but didn't realize until I awoke, that you can install pumps to water plants.
The dream seemed to infer that they converted energy somehow, 1.0 to 2.0 something-biggies. So the reporter I was with was listening to me and the very mean principal I once had, who didn't know what the pumps were really for besides auto-watering.
"Back in the day they'd punish kids by forcing them to water plants for a few hours,"
I mumbled in my sleep,
which made the principal smile.

They must not be very practical, now that I am awake beeecause:
Someone somewhere owns everything everywhere, including underground water, and environmentalists would blanch, like they blanch over desalination plants.
No, unless it's an oil company, you ain't got a chance in hell of pumping anything anywhere.
If you needed a paper for school, uhm, http://rdnwaterbudget.ca/water-101/aquifers-groundwater/ but the site itself seems impractical.
Spend Zillions to get a hopefully honest contractor to drill the right kind of well, and not piss off the local Government who might eminent-domain your ass if you actually find anything useful.
No, you're pretty much fucked.

"leaky-though" is perfect spanish for something (liquid?) that they'd sell at a decent market that isn't Kroger, the greedy SOB's (I just ate a biggie bowl of beans)
Nice people shop at my supermarket, would they all move away if the supermarket changed to "El marketeria"?
The names I'm coming up with are more expensive than trader-joe's and twice as snobby.
I should be careful what I wish for.
"99 Ranch"??

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Notes II

 I erased "notes"(1)
so don't go looking for it.
Mythic (stereotypical) places to live (which sounds better?)

I learned today that Wales and specifically, Cardiff, was a lousy place to live.
If some well-heeled slumlord reading this protests, I've got a few others in my head...
The Bronx,
Oakland (anywhere rappers sing about ghettos)
southeast Los Angeles
And parts of Portland Oregon.

I'm potentially insulting zillions of happy people, churchgoing folks who wouldn't hurt flies....Maybe I'll erase this soon as well.

There's this movie about Wales, street-toughs.
(link needed; ah, shit)
Will this do??
(check out their lawn)

A movie about a kid who wanted to be a professional dancer in some stereotypical neighborhood ("where's the link"?)
"My Left Foot" (the movie)
The list is prolly endless.
Basic premise, guy grows up in really shithole place, becomes rich-famous through talent and determination.
The neighborhoods they came from still suck.

Things I couldn't ever post in a forum (no one would listen or maybe they'd be all pissed)

Fallen souls die behind my steps, 
by following the Freezing Moon.
- Mayhem, "Freezing Moon"

Beware my stinky farts...I need better underwear

The play my life is in, took a bad turn yesterday, as a self-righteous lady turning straight into me nearly killed me. She wouldn't stop until I stopped, and then she remembered her driver's ed manual and let me pass. Or something, maybe she's cursing ME on a forum ("People are so stupid")

There's an intersection not too far from me, most dangerous, and (I suppose) people drive trucks.
THIS was a tiny-fucking town street, relatively speaking, and the car was small (yet deadly)

Yes, bicyclists and pedestrians are a PITA, aren't they just begging to be killed when they obey the walk sign and DARE to cross while you turn.

This list goes on forever, and it's pointless googling it
(I had a reason but I forgot)
O yeah, forums.

Notes I can't (shouldn't) type
I learned a word today, "bellend" which a guy used to fornicate with Lasagna and made the front page of a paper in the UK, because he blamed "Tesco" for his burned Bellend.

A gag post, right?
I wouldn't know, I got stuck on "bellend"
eg, a dickhead fucked a lasagna and burned his bellend (dick-head.)

I then googled cats sitting upon bells, but could not find any. (I found an eagle but that doesn't make any sense)
"Pussy sits on Bellend"

And I don't want to be bombastic but another word just came up,
"genuphilia" "Philia" = fetish of some sort, and I don't know what "genu" is, although it would explain "Genuflect."
Women crossing their perfect legs, um, in a meeting or on a bus or in a Limousine, but focusing specifically on the *knees*, according to the internet (tik-tok?) is more of a grade-school thing.

This next bit is a note having very little to do with this entry, but I might need to refer to it one day.
But if you *must* know, OK, an Alabama Senator claims that they cannot (i.e. "should not" but that would be misquoting) legislate Morality.
Uhhhh, ?

Books don't kill people, People kill people. (or something, nvm)