
Friday, June 23, 2023

narcolepsy and stuff

 A well-researched blog-entry would have a list of the most sleep-inducing games.
This isn't well researched; I only know that games making you walk for miles, put me to sleep. (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) Kill the thing.
Walk (and walk) to the place, and kill the thing(s).

Which brings me to "Dark souls 3" which people on Reddit like, but they also liked "Red Dead Redemption" which I own but never got past the first chapter.

I played Marlboro-guy while the women were huddled up in a dark, drafty cabin, and my horse nearly froze to death.

Games (my games) cost money, subscription services scare me, I go through this more and more often lately (is there no durably interesting game?)

I had a list of potential games but I lost it; You already know which games are best.

I forgot.
Most games (not all) are like a script in some guy's head that gets added on to, stretched, bore-ified.
"Bioshock infinite" was an excellent game.
I have Way-no idea about "Dark souls 3", do monsters appear from every predictable corner? Do little health-boxes magically appear?
Do I get a newer (*yawn*) sword?
What's the neighborhood like? ("secret sidewalks," etc.)
Most importantly (to me): Is the game repeatable and just as fun? (Almost as fun, tolerably decent? Or does it make you sleep)
And does the trainer "Wemod" work?
I haven't played without "Wemod" for years, hmm
I already Own this game,
I already *played* this game (apparently)
I must have hated it and blocked it out of my memory
I'm playing it again, you walk to stuff and kill things.
You have to ask the guy who asks you to talk to the guy who wants a favor and then you'll get the info the first guy wanted so You can get....something, I forgot.
"Nested quests" aren't as bad as puzzles, but they're pretty bad. You end up cringing from total strangers because they might want something...
I'm imagining the musical group "America" and their song "Horse with no name."
You can't diss video games (or rock groups) without taking a lot of flak. 
(But zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
I forgot about my wishlist

Dishonored was OK, I could cheat tons and the protagonist was actually on a biggie mission, to save her dad and recover the throne, and the whole atmosphere was eastern-european (like maybe Transylvania.)
Comes now the sequel, a boat owner, who owns a boat and used to be deformed (seriously injured) but isn't anymore.
So I felt guilty for not really wanting it, unless it was real cheap.
Well now it's real cheap. What's my excuse now?
Lust academy looks like a Hogwarts-knockoff. 
I think I was in-between games 
and I didn't buy it because it smelled cheesy. IDK.

If you *Don't* work in an office, with people like 

You prolly wouldn't worry about getting your phone ridiculed by the confidently stewpid, and you don't need a newer model.
But I did wonder.
Well apparently a confident dumbass wrote an article entirely dedicated to google Pixel phones, as a reason not to buy the galaxy A54.
Yes it has a memory-card, the pixel does not, yes it's bigger, BUT (yada snot-picking reasons)
Pick your friends, pick your phone, not pick your friend's phone (beecause the one you pick will be defective or incompatible or not on sale like some other model.)
I should be *happy* with my phone, it just sits there eating up battery power like some overweight cat, but (read the above) I got bored, and you can't hold a controller while eating (*I* can't)
This shill left out google pixel 6/7/7a

The pixel 6a is not available, although it beats 7(a?) performance-wise.
But *fine*, my next phone will be a google pixel-something (which I could not afford last time, and I'm not happy about that)
Less Bloatware!! You sold me.
Fuck the damn camera, how does it SOUND??!!
What is the BATTERY-LIFE like?
Freakin buy a damn camera or stfu
The 6a was better.

No memory card for you!
*MY* POS duffer has a 128G card to go with the 128G storage.
Every new version comes with less stuff.

OK, I'm off to (dinner is over), uh, tba 
("best sounding phones"
 (cost $1400.00 or so)
Buy a cheap-shit trendy toy, or go Caligula (and drop it in the toilet and despair)
I'm still looking (not that you have to keep reading or anything)

Cuz "Pro" is for people like me (who aren't really sure what's out there, don't wanna read tomes)
(So fucking cool) But not according to the office hags, I'm sure.

Not sure this'll be adequate 
to counter shit tides of mis-info, hmm:
Of the samsung s2xPlus/pro/caligula,
The iPhone 14-Pro/tac/whatever,
and the Pixel 7-Pro(tac/etc)
The pixel has the least bloatware.
Right or wrong??

I'd be much more enthused if the website saying this wasn't "AndroidPolice.com"

On the other side of cult-propaganda,

If they have online little stores to download stuff from, uh....why do they feel the need to pre-stuff crap onto a phone?
Lemme guess, apps for motion-sensors, a GPS-thingy, the weather.

So I'm looking at the current phones T-Mobile offers, 
And The Motorola flip phone,
a RAZR+ 2023 model, 
one of the most expensive phones T-Mobile has.

'K I'm out-of-love with flip-phones, and I'd get all paranoid about the folding-screen.


And anyway, Seriously, no Memory card?
And which phone handles the "drop test" best?
Battery, drop test, a memory card, (Ya know, "A54" looks better and better)
Who da fuck cares if it has a glass bottom?
Reviewers, that's who.
YOU have the phone in a damn case and wouldn't notice, (I'm still editing)
(seriously rich guys and their toys)

And you never cared (before) how much storage-memory the phone had, because you could upgrade it, and swap cards with friends (fellow spies, whatever).
Well they killed that feature, killed it good.
Charging More for Less, and using some of the massive profits to bribe reviewers.
When you google "phone" and "Durability" you get tons of articles on "S23" and not much else....I need better keywords.
Surely they have a list somewhere, scratch and drop and toilet tests
The video is a little biased, "It's shit but we like it,"
But it has (ta ta da DA!!) A headphone jack, a memory card slot,
and (get this) Removable batteries.
Don't get this phone if you work in an office with long-fingernailed harpies, but it kind of rocks (in the videos/reviews, anyway)
Left-handed complements dot the reviews, it's old-fashioned to want a removable battery?
And this guy forgot or was paid not to say that memory cards are disappearing.
But does it *work*?
Will T-Mobile even sell it to you?
They have it, "for business" but that might mess with your rate-plan.
But that's "Verizon" but still.
(so you buy a phone, stick in a sim-card, and what...???)

The sustainable eco-wannabes should love this phone, but apparently not.

In fact, nearly all T-mobile's phones are lacking, somewhat. Sure the absolute Top's are there, but anything lower is lacking.
I wrote (then erased) a memory about choosing a carrier based upon the phones, but seriously pick "Amazon" or whatever, or be disappointed. (IDK)
64 ratings? 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Today's news: space-time continuum

Six Zillion dollars, please

 They start out simple, saying there are no gaps in space-time, so the floor of space and the walls of time have no holes, I'm down with that, but then they warp the floors, bend the walls, so it all looks twilight-zoney.
I can't find a grandfather clock running away real fast, will this do?
The little picture above seems to contradict popular theory...that a person in a spaceship holding a tick-tock clock running away at as fast a speed as possible, will age slower than the little guy on the planet.

Whatever is true, (washing my hands of the matter) we're talking microseconds, which (I suppose) is magnified by light travelling at a fantastic speed for billlllions of years.

I wish these pages I am writing had little ways to conceal my own bombastic rants, 
(they never are.)
But writers writing for the masses seem to imply that time itself is warped and influenced by things other than time (but then they get all history-of-worldish.)
Gravity affects time? 
So say some math students (the ones with the odd little picture)

At some point, on a whim, they will raise my rent, 
it's inevitable, and anything influencing that decision
 (at a point in space-time) 
is disastrous, the rent goddess happens by and jots little notes on some note-pad, influencing the time of the biggie rent.

Why is it warped?
Why do gravity waves cause it to "Undulate(?)"

Why are we here?
To give CEO's a fatter paycheck!

Space-time as a coordinate-system makes a lot of sense. Witness Picard running hither and thither across space and time, because "Q" was messing with his mind.
Gravity affects time, they say.
*speed* affects time, they say.
(and other rants I cannot really express, affect the time of events to come in this space
(rent increases)

Is this a contradiction I see before me?????
Light has no or very little mass,
Light goes very very fast.
Light either ages faster in time (because no gravity)
or Ages-SLOWER in time (Because, speed)
Do the two phenomenom (enoms) 
cancel each other out?

  • The earth rotates at a thousand miles per hour.
  • The earth orbits the sun at another 67,000MPH. (Linky)
  • The Universe is reported to be expanding at 163,000 miles per hour.
Add up all of these thousands and you have the general speed at which your grandfather clock in the dining room is actually moving.

Is Light's "age" as it travels from points-west, get affected by lard-ass planets and Biggie-stars??
Maybe it's a way-different subject, nvm

You might have heard preachers go on about time, because it is a phrase in the Bible,
"A thousand years is like a day." (2nd peter 3:8)
If all those thousands of miles of rotation, orbits and expansion are factual, then (allowing for the relative expression) "Heaven" must not be moving very fast (or whatever)

In Sept '22 they trumpeted that a laser was about to fire, and then, nothing.
It's related, I swear...
They got their $27M

They can set clocks using a special beam of light 
no longer are we bound to the second, they've split it up to femtoseconds (or whatever)
Somewhere in here I wanna edit in the word "Isomorphic" which means whatever trendy crap you're talking about, much like the word "Paradigm."
In fact, it's headline news, a computer scientist developed a new paradigm to detect isomorphism using a computer. His paradigm goes a little faster than the old one.
Bah, it's all click-bait to throw commercials at ya.
YEW don't really know what isomorphism is, but it's a pedant's wet dream.
Google it, if you dare.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Jiggling the handle

 Midnight or thereabouts, 
videocard driver was automatically replaced.
Thought I should stick the one from AMD  back in, and tweak some voltages.
WHAT are the voltages now? (today, right this second?)
CPU_SOC is on override to be right around 1.020
VDDG-IOD is 0.970
VDDG-CCD is 0.930
The chipset SOC is around "1.0"
Chipset CLDO (which no one really knows what it is) defaults to "1.2"
But I'm totally guessing that's too high, so I lower it a bit. 
Someone said it's sort of volt-dropout insurance, or a type of Pullup, but it's getting time for vampires to find their beds, and I don't really want to look (there's an additional voltage the DDR4 spec added, not sure if this is the one or not)
3dmark (so far) has been running slow, 
but now with these precise changes, we'll see.
Someone can't sleep, and when they pace, my TV goes all to shit.
I'm prolly being bombarded with radio waves I know nothing about...
No, still slow. ("slow" is relative)
20k is absolutely ideal, 19.5k is acceptable, *my* score is feeling poorly.
I'll jiggle "VDDP" but I'm not hopeful.
Feeling poorly (not sure why)
Experts disagree on how ddr4 actually works (see the dam picture)
2.5 v Auxiliary supply (whut?)

Whatever I add would be bombastic and wrong. If I had a rant it would be that 
no one can agree on names, 
so it's hard to get exact settings.
Settings that don't count sticking a fire up the DIMM's ass.

Total buttmunches "VDD" vs "VPP"
Wordline Boost=VPP (apparently)
Because it , uh, (What are the two P's?)

Fucket, BIOS does not even have a wordline-boost option.
No, the "Chipset CLDO" that defaults to 1.2, is, something else entirely.

Jiggle it long enough, something's bound to happen

Greedy notes
Or maybe it's avaricious notes:
5800x3d vs 5950x, using timespy as a reference.
OK, nothing to see here, move along (TBA)
Imagine maybe a guy with an enormous muscular left-arm, and an ordinary right arm. 5950x is way more balanced, but it's staid and for medicare-commercial watchers.
5800x3d is a stab at trendy, except "trendy" up and left long ago for more 79xx pastures.
IN other words, if you wanna stop watching the travel/game-show-channel, you'd really need
  • a new motherboard
  • New Memory
  • (And of course) a new CPU
And for that much of a changeover you'd have to be nuts not to just get INTEL, AMD shot themselves in the crotch on this one. But I'm not qualified to make such a statement....
I will have to psych myself up and seriously watch trends:
Will 5950x's be gone by november, will 5800x3d's be the only ones left??
Or will there be one more 
(or is this hopefulling-in-the-wind
version of the 5000 series, the 5950x3d??
BIOS's everywhere would totally freak.
No, I guess I'll eat my 5950X tapioca and watch "Match Game (1974)"


Saturday, June 17, 2023

fiction (or not)

 My game totally crashed, resetting my video card.
Or maybe it was "My video card crashed, resetting itself and corrupting my game"

Both are true.

And if I started talking conversationally about near-constant nosebleeds (during boring parts of games you need to replay because of the corruption)

uh, ...Oh! 


Not that nosebleeds cause cancer, it's the other way around (cancer can cause nosebleeds)

But how did I (fictionally) know that?

And reading (for thrills):
Loss of smell?
Stuffed up one side of nose?
Blood cancer!
Relative died (who couldn't smell well) uh oh, Cancer!!!

Well, shit, it's something to look forward to.

Rooting around your internal organs, they might notice a cancer they never would have noticed before (Because it's too expensive for them to look)

And they'll tell the story of your imminent death.
Meantime (before you die) they can treat the shit out of you with chemicals and gigantic ray-machines, beeecause it helps them become richer.

Today's ROTD: "Apollyon" as in "who &^%$ is 'Apollyon' "


Note: Abaddon and Apollyon aren't Bros, they're the same guy. 
Or are video games looking for fresh new ways to name really bad guys?

This train of thought was brought to you literally by a random stray thought, although it's prolly in my game (it's a subway station) somewhere.
I was awakened by a loud chihuahua....just waking up, browsing news.
And IN the news,
They go on about Juneteenth and a shooting.
I really doubt the shooting had jack to do with the holiday, but moving on,
a clay tablet was returned to Iraq. 
What's it say???!!!
We might (the references might) be talking about two way-different tablets, both "stolen" from Iraq, both returned eventually.
Ahh, you go read it.
I still think they should say what it says.
Some king's name is on one tablet, and another has a poem (I think)

cuneiform (I wasn't paying attention in school that day)

hieroglyphics vs cuneiform (They like to bring this up to fill a dry dusty hour in school) But they don't really show examples.
Although someone somewhere will point out the "Rosetta stone," yada blah whatever.
If you could *read* Cuneiform, or know enough about how to write phrases, you  
could make a small (tiny) fortune selling teeny  tablets with cute phrases in cuneiform that translate out to "Flush after Using," "For a good time call (iv v ix)VVV-VIIVIIIII"
"Gore in 04 (AD)"
Hecho en Pompeii (all rights reserved)

Friday, June 16, 2023

A bloggy note about windows

 "hosts" is a file you can use to block sites, but it is also a file hackers could use to mess up your system.

My carefully written hosts file was erased on all drives everywhere on the system, maybe defender was (whatever) messing with my files.

I won't know if one I downloaded again from some helpful(?) site will be erased again, for a few days.
*Anyway* this train of thought was started by T-Mobile's website waiting for Facebook, according to the status bar in Edge.
WHY was T-mobile trying to reach Facebook?
Whatever the reason, it's really creepy.

I never realized that blocking a website could be so complicated. 
Didn't they used to let you add sites to a restricted or trusted section?
And a firewall (*any* firewall) should allow you to block sites, not just useless lists they thought up (like apps, programs, etc)

This seems wrong, I'm wrong, this stuff used to exist and work.

I'm a little bitter that Unlike Microsoft's useless info, 
is very informative.

I *guess* it's working, unless I mistyped.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

more thots


Surgeries cost way too much, eats away their profits, and stockholders are pissed.

"market capitalization", 'K, I *think* that means money they've amassed, aka profits, but I prolly have to shift my paradigm to know the real meaning.

But six point four percent... I wanna know what that works out to.

The math is too strong, I cannot do it. Let's just say that according to the article, 
29 Billllllllion is only 6.4 percent of the real number, prolly a trillion

The things they profit off of (patients) must be extremely profitable.

But how to actually get a number? 
I'm really bad at math.

I think I'm looking at it wrong:

459.86 +6% is one single share, yesterday (before the drop),
times a zillion shares (right?)

29 billion divided by 489.29 is, close to 59-million shares.

Your gall bladder operation is a money-loser.
(My) solution: (that they're prolly gonna do soon)
Raise all copays
Hire more consultants to add to the patient's bill

(dump some surgeries as unnecessary
(wait for patients to nearly die of something)
(Use cheaper surgeons)

It's confusing just which company they're really talking about...
So the CEO's have different names.


They are compensated well into the Millions,
and could spend the equivalent of a share or two on lunch.

They're not poor, that's for sure

Although, uhm, even *I* know that 1.5 million is lots less than 20.9 million.
Maybe they're speaking of taxable income.

So yeah, the next time you're hospitalized remember that these guys gotta eat (or something, wtf??!!)

I've been *told* by people who know,
that the medical facility that stabs your arm randomly for an IV,
lost their vein-finder long ago (did someone steal it?)
and they are not hopeful about a new one anytime soon.
Wanna know what they cost?
Try nearly $2000 (slightly less) or much much cheaper models that barely work at all (they kind of shine a light through your skin, like some damn flashlight, and overcharge tons.)

I'm not particularly generous, I'd rather suffer the jabs from getting randomly stabbed than show up with a meter people would borrow and lose (or steal.) But those cheapo gimmick ones, I'm not sure.
Beeecause, could you get people to actually use it? Or would they ignore it and choose to stab randomly instead?
People who draw blood all day everyday are damn-near painless, but we're talking about IV people with various duties only one of which is setting up an IV.
These guys (insert snarky here) and could really use a decent meter, but the decent meters cost too much. I know I said that, but I'm avoiding your slings and arrows.
This fleshlight company has their finger on the pulse of what patients might choose to pay, because CEO's are too fucking greedy to buy one (their stock might fall)

How do they normally work?
In the $1900 models, a really fancy digital display shows an actual diagram based upon sensors.|
The cheap ones (like the above) skip all that and use special colored lights to shine brightly on your skin...I don't know much more than that.
800nm or so, gotcha

The active Displayport cable technology I use, and very expensive 1200baud modems that used to exist, even $100 four-function calculators, attest to the fact that some will charge whatever they can get, relying on marketing to (get you to pay thousands more than you should)
Nihilistic viewpoint

In other words, I've learned not to question WHY a cheaper item works, it just does, be happy.
IOW if the professional stabbing your arm is happy, if they don't fail fifty times on their own before FINALLY giving up and using your little store-bought meter (It has to look impressive enough for them to want to try it,)
THEN it'll be less painful, unless the nurse is in a foul mood.

I'm all like, "Impressive, yet cheap," I need to research this someday.

It makes ya wonder, hmm

what does a generic stereotypical hacker look like?
Google's top-front page seems to know.