
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Dentures and other stuff

 In the waiting room CBS news ran a story about prices in a hospital you might not know til the bill comes, although they say there's supposed to be a list. 
I'll link to the story (a little vague it was) later.

Before I forget:

"Immediates" are dentures you get quick, because you can't go around gumming stuff after the extractions they make to accommodate the dentures.

The "immediates" are adjustable, sort of, they mostly file the extra plastic down.

They do some freebie adjusting once.... after that it's extra. So load up on denture pads

But you'll really need a second set, in a few months, once your gums have had a chance to settle down (WHUT?!!)
Nobody covers second-sets (that I know of.)
If I'm still around,
five years from now,
 I can get a replacement set (I think,) adding all the extra money I will need to pay. 

Desperate, middle-class, upper-crust rates.
Only "upper-crust" need apply

Thoughts: Those imprecise-ones you'd order online using a mold they send you, doesn't sound too bad (it being the only cheap option available)

What would republicans do, seethe and steam, if medicare went ahead and covered teeth? Would they (cry havoc, let loose the dogs of war, whatever?)
This was supposed to wonder if they will eventually cover implants, but prolly not in my lifetime, so nvm...

Humana is always ready with a vague and pedantic commercial or website about insurance coverage.
But Investopedia is more specific. 
They pay half, after six-months to a year of premiums.
The prices vary wildly...
I'll look again in 5 years.

I've got an invention in my head, something I saw or dreamed-up,
implanted *hooks* that hook onto complete dentures.
4 hooks top and bottom, 8 total I think, and upper and lower plates.

A state official tries to look hoity-toity:
Irrelevant but ... it's related to the whole voting-thing error
 I mentioned in the last entry
They (I swear) must look through random photos of people trying to set the mood for stories.
Trump looking Pissed, This guy looking righteous.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Roasting II:Time

 Guys who write on reddit or whatever they cooked a roast and it was too dry,
Never thought much about time.
Too Short, it's like, a thick mattress.
Long, it's fall-aparty, there's plenty of juice in the pot, just it's..."dry" for lack of a better word.
Specifically, "mattress" in my slow-cooker is 5 hours, and that counts the time it takes to heat up.
A note: Should slow-cookers be pre-heated (with all appropriate broths and veggies)?

My instructions specifically prohibit preheating an empty cooker; 
Most sites say to preheat, and in my case that means having some things inside the cooker.
So a note for next time.

Well anyway, 5 hours was not enough, 

10 hours might have been too much, although it also could have been that I didn't fry it first this time, because of the smoke detectors.

Can't /won't 
"They're quiet, now"

Insanely pissed off spouses trying to burn down their unhappy home and using steak as an excuse come to mind, and the rest is not important, not really.
Well but if it weren't for tirading people forcing the government to pass laws, there'd be off-switches and timers like they put on home invasion alarms (which they don't install!)
Before you go on your mission from god remember that as soon as these POS alarms start acting up at 4AM people will murder them (and then sear pot roasts happily undisturbed)

Reality being what it is, a non-seared roast should be between 5 and 10 hours;

Future blogs will zero in on a time, and yes I have a thermometer-model but I don't trust it.


Yeah, Biden, pull that magic wand from your butt, speak the charm of making already, end the war (some war, any war)
I personally think "Jim Jordan" is the smoking man behind the screen, the guy pulling all the puppet strings.
Anyway, think "Green Party," think "Ralph Nader" and you'll get why cynical assholes want you to vote independent, vote green, vote non committed.

You prolly understood none of that, but spelling it out looks bombastic.
I detect Bias, but maybe that's just me

An accurate recount could do irreparable harm


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

roasting this month

 It's tradition at my supermarket to crowd a usually empty aisle with people browsing, and browsing... so I never got my "Chives", whatever they are.

I remembered the tiny potatoes (yay)

And I got some "Lemon Grass" because it looks like a chive (sort of) and it has the word "lemon" in it.
But they look fossilized, not at all like the green ones online.

BRB, TTYL and other stuff

passing time reading news, and the links, and the links to the links, and the other stuff on the link-page


Don't (uhh) calm the Primo, Don't buy the "third shop."

Monday, February 26, 2024

a note (ble?)

 I think I wrote some time ago that a person, to become noteworthy and famous, needs to spout outrageous lies at least once in a while, because if you do, people notice you.

I'm shy and prolly have bad dreams about doing anything that doesn't blend in as well as one lentil in Lentil soup, and people make shit up about me anyway, so imagine a person does it on purpose?

"wendy Richards" hmm

"rumors" what rumors? I wanna read them real bad (lol.)

I've never seen "the song" or whatever, I've never listened to anything Reba Mcentire ever did (And I can't spell her name) but I think I've seen her on a game show cracking a joke.

So this might be reverse clickbait....make up something and then deny it.

This is TBA totally, I can think of politicians you might otherwise have never heard of, making statements that get picked up by Google news...

I've moved on. My network died for a few seconds tonight, so of course I checked all my settings and of course nothing was ostensibly wrong...

Well there is *one* thing...If I choose "This is a home network, not some business" it immediately asks for a PIN/password when I restart, and when I go through the convoluted folderol to get rid of the password-login,

"Advanced User Accounts Control Panel"

then I'm back on some sort of business quasi-domain (I think.)

I don't want to get into all the mini-tortuous things in my head on paper, they would be bigger than a blog entry.
Hint: the UI in windows 11 kind of sucks.
"Home.Arpa" is a domain I could legally use but I don't know much about it, do hackers festering worldwide use it too? 

Plus I only wondered about my indelible "connection-specific DNS Suffix,"

Which can be changed in theory but no.

I'd rather be a workgroup than a domain, and I'd rather be a domain than a slave of my ISP's domain, and I know that was unreadable, so nevermind.

Passwordless? Thou shalt be Assimilated, resistance is futile

I don't think hypnosis would work on me, I've got too many "F*ck you" responses built-in.
It's a line in something I read about hypnosis, direct-commands can cause the mind to rebel. (it's a quote I will prolly never find again, ever)
But subtle hints to people already needy, mean, etc work.
I can't get a straight answer for the word "Consilient," too many frauds out there trying to sell something...but anyway (very vaguely speaking)
Ericksonian hypnosis uses indirect suggestions and "Consilience," I think.
MAGA-GOP, iPhone users, Toy-company salespeople. They're examples (maybe) of indirectly suggesting to groups.
"I fixed the Toilet!!" dancing commercial, where a mousy hausfrau fixes her toilet, and then does a music video, might be an example (maybe not)
Enticing, reassuring, vs commanding and irritating (hmm)

Definitely NOT the quote I was looking for, but will this do??

This might piss off the author, but I found it ironic.


 outline of an actual blog I've been meaning to write for an hour, or in other words, my game has reached a critical but tediously boring spot.
The self righteous, the self-named "saints," love their bread;
 but not just any bread, it must be from a day old place.
Bread used to taste good.
Now it's basically wrapper for things you aren't supposed to eat anyhow, and isn't "bread" bad for you"?
 full of carbs and soybeans.

They don't remember, before the county went to shit, how trucks delivered fresh bread from God-knows-where.
NOW you have to travel to god-knows-where to buy bread that is guaranteed slightly stale before you buy it.

Smart-enterprising people, rich and judgmental, don't know not to loosen the connectors on their dying car battery to get it out for charging easier, and if you broach the subject they'll assert that they *meant* to do that, it's more practical (and it kills the battery faster.)

These same people used to buy day-old-bread...
Speaking of bread, has anyone perfected the baking-machine they invented for such people?
I've been told it makes dense leathery bread, but maybe (it's been years) someone figured it out.
Maybe not.
The recipes I see for "pot roast" ignore the liquefied fat, and I'm the only person I know online who chills the roast and skims the fat, tons healthier than the self-righteous ignoramuses with clogged arteries. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Symmetry breaking......(whut?)



Front-page news isn't always clear, to me anyway.
the symmetry of the example objects in this youtube video (because wikipedia was hopelessly opaque) is symmetry breaking. Breaking-what?
Are they asymmetrical?

I still don't get it.
They made a crystal with time-symmetry-breaking, and it lasted 40 minutes (as opposed to a few tenths of a second.)
Are they looking for funds? 
I usually write these in the hope that a little more research will help me understand what they're on about, a movie star or an event or how a game is played, but this one has me totally lost.

This sounds about as dense as the "alveolar fricative" when talking about hissing.
A scientific breakthrough would be them talking transparently.
The asymmetrical illustrations in the last picture make sense to me, they made an assymmetrical thing. 
The "materials science" of pine-2x4's makes sense to me (sort of). 
What they're on about (tricking stuff for a few seconds into changing shape) makes no sense at all.
There's a kid-science show in a few hours that explains stuff you don't really care about, but it kills a half-hour. (These guys get paid zillions for yeeers to come up with this stuff

You want topical?
OK, I just got a huge bill for a vaccination from a medical group.
Apparently what they charge is more than my (old) insurance wanted to pay (they might have said "Ha!" or had a few choice alveolar-fricatives...)

Be careful what that zealous nurse piling on shots wants to do, without checking prices first.
I trust CVS; I *don't* trust my medical group.

Plus as revenge for the months-old vaccines, I just got over (I hope) a terrible cold, or was it a deadly disease in its vaccinated death throes? I'll never know.

I *do* know they charged $58.00 to *inject* the fucking vaccination.
That doesn't count the five other charges I don't wanna really detail here.
Any fevered rants I might have in the near future about potroast or Steam games should be ignored, a more "mature"-me will dutifully pay the bill and forgo any frivolity (like maybe, eating or passing time)

Tom's Hardware gets freebies you can window-shop

Saturday, February 24, 2024

random fandom

 A glitch in my game sort of kills any point in going on, so I wonder about stuff.
Kill this much-admired guy, a real blowhard, and THEN do critically important stuff 
(do not pass "go," do not collect $200)
or be doomed to fail the next three hours of crap.
At least I think so.

Sophia is a bit of an enigma, if you squint and wonder hard.
She must have been entranced by Simon's Masculinity and confidence and got suckered into his sales pitch about evolved humanity, 
but then, as a subject of his experiments, she was literally stuck in his machinations and couldn't ever escape.
She's the most moral and the biggest liar in the game.
She has no body, only an illusion of beauty (lotsa makeup)
and some weak magical powers 
(she can get into your head and entrance  Beguile you. 
What bright-bulb thought that one up?)
heteronym vs homonym....anyway the link entrances you with a possible reason they might be spelled that way, and then spams you relentlessly unless you click on their inescapable ads.
So I've prolly got a virus now.
The annoying cricket is beneath useless but he appears to be associated somehow with Sophia (you might say he has a crush on her, an admirer from a distance.)
The most useful person in the game is a Korean woman, but she has very few lines and a quest I can't ever fulfill (kill her brother and lie about it.)
Other women (Laxasia) adored Sir Simon but he only cared for Sophia.
I inserted a picture here of the toothy "Laxasia," sort of (there's an exact second I cannot capture?)
I'm not sure I captured my fear of overly-huge dentures, but...


I might still have a chance; Killing some random behemoth in a city dump might (just might) allow me to trigger some dialogue. I will edit this.
meantime, an honest hardworking site for you to enjoy:

Random Fandom IRL (in real life)

An attractive older woman is on Google's front page with some caption about the EU.
What does that have to do with the woman and her train (the subway??)
I clicked and was immediately paywalled, so I just copied her picture and did a google-search.
The President of the EU! 
Commenters on this youtube video seem to dislike her, 
But the part of the video I watched has young well-dressed people wanting selfies with her.

She attracts and repels, most interesting!!

Another (very) random fandom...when Sandra Oh was on the Larry Sanders show she looked all  right, but NOW thanks to whatever (makeup, more money) she's better looking.
I don't remember WHY I watched "Larry Sanders"; I think it was a brief time in my life when I thought I could afford HBO.
Is the pretty lady in the "Harrelson's own" commercial her, or has my face agnosia gotten much worse??

o. (facepalm) nevermind

Rant (don't read this)
"Who is my representative (generally speaking)??"
Generally speaking: You've been declared OBsoLETE or to use their word,
"Deferred" and you do not officially count! 
Not for a while.
Remember that, voter. You don't count, but vote anyway, we look better that way 
("Noblesse oblige", "No taxation without representation")
This rant being too vague for words, I won't go on much beyond saying that it's hard to feel good about voting for a person who really doesn't represent you legally, boundary-wise.
It's like (OK) donating for years to a firemen's association that won't save your burning down house because you're beyond some boundary on a map.
Several "911" calls later, noblesse oblige and all that, but your house by now is mostly gone.
Or was I unclear.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

don't mind me, I'm studying stuff "ðə kæt ɪn ðə hæt"

 Edit 2/2025:

  I added some lines and *changed the Title*
which (omg, *cringe*) might have been a BIGGIE mistake, once the search engines and Blogspot catch on, but (for now) it still lands on this entry with the old title. Yay. (I hope)

And Google does not even confirm or deny this website even exists; An obscure talking-dirty website I typed on five years ago still remembers this place, though.(About Lily Feng, who was a vampire in my game, or a high-powered business-woman, or both, IDK, it's been over five years, hmm)

In other words, my site doesn't rate google searches, but other sites do.

A suggestion site I don't use, but I should:


I could have sworn one of those came out as "Sing", except I erased that entry
(?ing a ?ong) Xi sells ?eaxells by the ?eaxore
OK wait, I might have been concentrating on one particular guy

But that sort of implies Xi and Xing are pronounced differently. 
I'll go look. Nope, definitely Sh-sound.
I need the "s" sound or my life will be incomplete.
This vague and bombastic subject is milked to the max, but I'm getting closer.
https://www.omeidachinese.com/chinese-pronunciation-c-q-r-x-z/ is nice, but no "s"
Lessee, we've done q and x...
If you (and I'm speaking of another language) put this question to a native speaker, especially one with an average education, they have no frame of reference and won't know what you're on about.
Cantonese vs Mandarin vs Pinyin, they get bored after the first couple sentences and leave... I'm not bringing this up at parties any time soon, But my train of thought needs to know.
The original train has to do with Chinese Demons, and since most websites are bombastic, they skirt the subject.
Demons (Demon women anyway) wear heavier eye makeup.
Oh, and flowing robes...
F*ck you!!
OK *possibly* "C"
(ignore the boor just previous)
it sounds more like "ts" but it's as close as I've gotten so far (no thanks to the bombastic guy)

xi cells cixells by the cixore (This bad spelling is getting closer)
But it's still not right (tsay it, don't tspray it)

So "s" looks like pointy-nose?

OK this is a hotly disputed subject (apparently) and so-called experts do it wrong.
I have no idea wtf this guy just said, and I read it twice, at least:
West is sibian WHUT??

Wikipedia, making you look stewpid for decades
But this entry deserves an award, most opaque

I used to think I could play the piano if I tried, and I gave that up too.

in "Chinese" but spelled using english letters.

Apparently there are nine english fricatives, and a "Fricative" is your tongue or your lips playing with your teeth.

That fancy looking symbol is so rare only mathematicians and maybe greek students would know it, but stripping away the pretentious folderol, 
it's the "TH" in "Through" or in "Thought" which are already puffed-up versions of ordinary words.
WE commoners, plebeians and unwashed, (and maybe these guys) would prolly say "Thru" and "Thot," and be castigated by pedants everywhere. 
cussing in code (anything in IPA-code) never really caught on, I suppose (in my blissful ignorance)
maybe because you couldn't type whatever they're on about (tr-backwards-c:fancy O/"Theta")
It would take me ten years to type "The cat in the hat" in IPA, but I wanted to.
Does that count?

The lowest-common-denominator of all these terms is that they make stuff unnecessarily complicated to differentiate the initiated from the neophytes.

So, Mr. AI genius, how do you pronounce "ough" in a word?
I'm getting called from cranky listeners in my head about "bow":
it rhymes with "now" which rhymes with "Bough"
Except no one except the pretentious say "Bough", they use "Branch" or tree-top" instead.
"when the bough breaks" could just as well be "when the branch cracks", it has no effect on the meter or the rhyme of the song.
The republicans are missing out on a tempest in a teapot: spelling in schools.
Woke (simplified) vs archaic (conservative)
At some point I wished to blurt an uneducated rant That
Since Chinese does not use the european-etc alphabet 
And since no one anywhere understands IPA spelling,
What would it take for People to spell Chinese (in english characters)
The way it sounds?
Qing ching
Xing Shing
What (this is not part of the rant) does the teleprompter look like in Boise or in Houston when they mention "Xi Jinping"?
(continuing to rant) Who died and made Q from Ch, what planet does that even make any sense? (cleverly spell "sense" in pretend-chinese but I never found "S"
so nevermind)
It's like I'm talking greek.
(It's prolly just "s" but why don't they just say that??)

"si" is "think," 
"song" is "send" (mind-blowing, geez)
I si that I understand, kind of.
No "si" here.
"Suh" (kind of) is "Si", yeah ok but
Why didn't the translator just say that??
Leaky window, with bucket underneath
"oh, you mean THAT "think", OK"

An ad for an article about your brain doesn't say much of anything, except maybe "whatever you're doing, stop it, you'll ruin your brain"
But it's the misleading picture that irritates me.

Sandra Oh played a doctor on TV so I guess they figured it would attract flies better than the old-guy in the actual article.